Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2001 The Selfless and Loving Father VII

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"Damn! The Russians bombarded us with high-explosive bombs. How could they do this? This is against the rules."

The so-called rule is probably "tank-to-tank armor-piercing shells", at least for the Germans who are accustomed to using small-caliber and high-magnification main guns. What about the Soviet heavy tanks?

Human beings are sometimes very self-centered, just like "what I think is so", then "should be so", this is the so-called subconscious rule.

It's just that this set of so-called rules obviously only applies to the German army itself, and not to the Red Army on the opposite side. The miserable moment when everyone was stunned by the wave of 122 grenades is the best proof.

"Alfred is dead, his face is covered in blood! I can't move, someone help me!"

"I can't hear, my ears can't hear! Damn it, can you hear me? I can't hear anything!!!"

"It's over, this car is useless! The sight and periscope are all broken, we have to get out of here! The Russians are still targeting us!"

Those who were killed on the spot by the overpressure impact of the 122 grenade were undoubtedly lucky. Those German armored soldiers who survived had to continue to live in the terror surrounding them. Under the aim of the huge cannons of the Soviet heavy tanks opposite, I quickly thought about what was really meaningful to do next.

The radio channel was full of confusion. The German heavy tank crews were almost in a mess. No one would have thought that the Russians on the opposite side, who did not follow the routine, would suddenly use high-explosive bombs to attack like this.

A Tiger King that was killed by one or two people and the car could barely move and didn't break down on the spot was considered good.

Some King Tigers who were unfortunate enough to be hit by several 122 grenade rounds at different locations at almost the same time would be really unlucky.

Both tracks were completely blown off and the waist was split into two pieces.

The wide and sloping front of the car body was blasted with black stains one after another. The angular anti-magnetic coating that was pre-installed on the front armor was completely shattered by the huge chemical blast impact and disappeared. , was physically eradicated.

As for the gun barrels that were blown off, the muzzle brakes that were blown away, the periscope of the gun scope that was shattered to pieces, and other bad situations that could lead to the loss of combat effectiveness and forced withdrawal from the battle, every vehicle was hit in the middle by 122 grenades. The face of Tiger King is basically stained to a certain extent.

The King Tiger who can still maintain complete combat effectiveness after being hit by 122 grenades is really one of the very few.

Fundamentally, the heavy tank cluster led by Malashenko not only had an overwhelming advantage in terms of quality, but also was able to free up its hands after killing almost all of the German tanks rushing in front. It was also quantitatively superior to the German army. Heavy tanks form an absolute advantage based on multiples.

Coupled with the "fire at will without distinction" order issued by Malashenko, the final result was that almost all of the Tiger Kings rushing at the front were hit by four or five rounds of 122 grenade. Many of them even took seven or eight rounds at once, and there were even "ultimate unlucky guys" who took ten rounds of grenades if they couldn't survive.

Either they were paralyzed on the spot, unable to move and turned into a pile of scrap metal, or the power cabin that was beaten caught fire and smoke, and the surviving members quickly abandoned the car, or the car was blown up and burned into a fireball on the spot, and the car was even abandoned. There was no chance of escape.

All in all, Malashenko did succeed. The result was exactly what he expected and was undoubtedly what he wanted.

According to a rough calculation, at least seven or eight King Tigers were beaten by this round of grenade salvoes and were reduced to scrap metal.

Although only a few people were beaten to death or had their cars blown up on the spot, Malashenko could see that most of the paralyzed King Tigers still had people abandoning their cars to escape.

However, as long as these tiger kings can be erased from the combat system and unable to continue fighting, then the goal can be regarded as achieved. The Germans who abandoned the car and ran away could not be considered a real escape at all. It was okay to let these bastards run for a while. When they were crushed by the roaring tracks of the Red Army tanks later, they would still have to face a crucial issue from now on. The choice of life and destiny.

To survive or not to perish, that is the question, it is just a matter of time.

"Go on, it's still high-explosive bombs! Then give me a blast and blast these steel garbage until no one moves! Fire at will!"

The good Tiger King is the Tiger King who was bombarded until there was no movement at all. Malashenko really thought so, and of course he asked his soldiers to do so.

That is to say, when Malashenko's order had not yet been uttered, the few remaining German medium tanks on the opposite side, including the last few King Tigers that could still fire, were not known to have been negotiated over the radio. However, they still unanimously planned to make a last-ditch effort before death.

All in all, after approaching a distance of 400 meters, they basically stopped running and started firing at the Soviet heavy tanks in vain.




"Do these stupid fascists have a brain problem? They can beat them all! It's a waste of shells!"

Not only must he kill the German stick, but he must also ridicule and humiliate him. This is indeed the consistent style of Iushkin who made Fasis grind his teeth.

The German army's inability to penetrate armor not only happened on the IS6, but even more so on Malashenko's unique IS7 prototype body.

The constant stream of German artillery shells hitting the thick armor of the IS7 was really scratching the itch.

The bulletproof design is infinitely close to the perfection of the IS7, and the main armor belt projected from the entire front has no weaknesses at all.

According to the design parameter diagram Shashmulin handed over to Malashenko, the IS7's frontal main armor belt has the weakest defense against horizontal incoming ballistic trajectories. Block on the curved armor area.

So in this area with the weakest defense, after calculating the equivalent defense bonus of the curved armor, what is the specific equivalent armor under the horizontal incoming ballistic trajectory?

Sorry, it just broke through 300 mm. To be precise, it is 302 mm under the theoretical calculation formula.

In other words, even if you pull over the Jaeger, which has the strongest penetration in the German army, and shoot the scalp area of ​​IS7 with a 128-meter cannon, you will not be able to do anything other than listen to the sound and cut off some paint. What other effects are there?

There is no doubt that this is the invincible, selfless and loving father in the true sense.

Therefore, Iushkin, who obtained this design parameter diagram from Malashenko and used it to quickly understand and get started with the IS7 prototype, was not worried at all that the German cannons could penetrate the front of the IS7. Armor.

In other words, listening to the sound of the cannonballs fired by the Germans clanging and clanging incessantly, but not even a single shot could penetrate it, became a kind of enjoyment now.

Just when Iushkin was about to turn his head to see why the shells had not been loaded yet and when he would be able to fire, the familiar and powerful voice of Artem, who sounded obviously out of breath, finally reached his ears again.

"Good high-explosive bomb, loading completed!"

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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