Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2002 Mobile Brigade Headquarters

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A full-caliber high-explosive grenade with a bullet diameter of up to 130 mm has been loaded into the chamber. The one that Iushkin is keeping a close eye on is probably the last remaining Panther II on the entire front-facing battlefield.

Iushkin could probably guess that the 130mm caliber grenade hit King Tiger with one shot. If it didn't hit the target, it would probably not have any satisfactory effect.

That's right, Iushkin doesn't like failure, especially when he fails when he does something for the first time.

As long as it is possible, you should choose a more reliable plan the first time you do something to ensure safety and one-time success. For example, choose a black man whose defense is not as thick and thick as the Tiger King. Leopard 2 is a good choice to start with.

The Panther 2, which had just fired a shot and started maneuvering, kept reloading while avoiding the enemy's aim, waiting for an opportunity to fire another shot. It was still unclear what kind of terrifying thing was in the Soviet heavy tank cluster opposite. Things have already set their sights on him.

"For constant speed movement, continue"

Iushkin, who has entered a state of integration of man and artillery, is accustomed to whispering and talking to himself while maintaining concentration. This is one of the reasons why Malashenko commented that he "talks nonsense as soon as he goes to the battlefield." one.

The Panther 2 was maneuvering forward at a constant speed, and Iushkin easily caught the rhythm. Before the Black Panther 2, which was indeed a bit awkward and kept changing its trajectory, adjusted its direction of maneuver again, I was sure that I had pulled it right. Iushkin's finger, which corresponded to the amount of advance, had already touched the trigger.

"This is it, die!"


A roar far more violent than the firing of the 122 gun exploded instantly, and huge and heavy projectiles rushed and roared towards the target from the flames of the muzzle. From the perspective of a bystander, it was already an impressive and powerful attack, and it left no one doubting the tragic fate of the target who received this blow.

The speeding shells made a shrill whistle and hit the upper part of the Panther's side armor, hitting the bullseye in the middle.

The Black Panther II, which was still maneuvering, was like a rat that fell into a pit of fire. The whole body was instantly swallowed up by the violent explosion flames and firelight impact.

The warhead of the projectile has a larger charge than the 130 grenade of the 122 grenade, and the explosion sound and shocking shock wave produced are far superior to the former. This is enough to make Iushkin, who has been staring closely at the gun scope, unable to see clearly the target after the gun hits the target. What is the state now? Everything as far as he can see is a piece of flying sand, rocks and dust. Flying.

"Suka! Is this German dead? I can't see anything!"

Iushkin, who was spitting out sweet things and cursing his mother, quickly got the answer. After the fire and smoke caused by the explosion gradually dissipated, all that was left was the final result of the dust settling.

The astonishingly powerful 130mm full-caliber grenade not only instantly blew away all the skirt armor on one side of the poor Panther II, but also opened a fire on the already thin and low-defense side armor of the vehicle. It is estimated that at least a pig's head can be completely inserted into the big hole.

The cracked armor gaps and fragments were intertwined and distorted, as shocking as open wounds on a human body. The turret tilted to one side with the gun barrel hanging down, silently told that the turret steering mechanism of this Black Panther II had been completely destroyed by the explosion. As for whether it could continue to be used in battle, that was even more nonsense.

No surviving German armored soldiers escaped from the bombed-out wreckage, and there was no sign that anyone was still alive in the cracked armor wound on the side of the vehicle.

There is no doubt that this unlucky Panther II did not survive this test and was taken away by a powerful 130 mm full-caliber grenade and drove westward.

Iushkin achieved the result he wanted. For the first time, he used a grenade to hit the German's broken car and achieved an instant kill. The result of one shot and two Black Panthers was a quite satisfactory ending to the first battle.

"Done! Ha! The poor and weak Fasis is vulnerable!"

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"

That is to say, by taking advantage of the time to confirm the target situation after firing, the busy Artyom and his new partner have worked together to complete the loading of the next armor-piercing projectile requested by the commander comrade and close the breech.

Malashenko does not intend to stay here and play shooting games with the Germans. The outcome of the battle has actually been decided at this point. It was time to prepare for the next move and send away these Germans who still seemed to have no intention of surrender.

"Attention all vehicle crews, the first attack formation charges forward! Keep a distance and press forward from the front, eliminate the last remaining enemies, and then go to support our comrades!"

The two wings of the Grossdeutschland Division's defensive position are entirely protected by their own armored forces. Once this temporary protection is shattered, it also means that in front of Malashenko, there will no longer be any offensive path leading to the flanks of the German position. block.

And this kind of "no more obstruction" is not unique. It is also the same for Varosha's troops at the other end of the front, who are also at an advantage against another flanking German armored force.

"Report the situation, Varosha, have you done it over there?"

Malashenko believes that Varosha will not have any big problems, or if he can lose this kind of abuse game that is purely for improving his record, then Varosha will not be stuck in the position of brigade commander. , hand over your position as soon as possible and go back to be his leader, even if he can afford to lose this person Malashenko can't afford to lose.

Unlike Malashenko and Kulbalov, who are majoring in tanks, Varosha, who is a major in infantry, even when he reached the position of commander of the heavy combined brigade, he still did not follow the front-line troops in the tank to maneuver and command the battle. After all, this is not what he is good at, but this does not mean that Varosha will huddle in the fixed headquarters behind and give orders.

A mobile brigade headquarters converted from a Stypunk truck chassis supported by the Yankees is the new field command post in Varosha. At the same time, there are six other command vehicles with the same chassis modification, but with different functions and equipment. They serve as assisting and coordinating command vehicles and as backup vehicles. They carry other staff and communications personnel of the Second Heavy Combined Brigade Headquarters. .

To be precise, this entire fleet of mobile command vehicles is the complete mobile brigade headquarters of the second heavy synthetic brigade.

The extremely high level of mechanization of the leader's division and the uniqueness of its tactics have determined that the traditional camp-based brigade headquarters can no longer keep up with the ever-changing speed of the battle process, at least for front-line combat troops.

However, this does not mean that the fixed headquarters where the camp is set up is not suitable for leading the division at all. It's just that such a traditional command organization is more suitable for divisions that don't require much maneuvering. Because Malashenko is personally commanding on the front line, there is no need to update and understand the combat situation of the front-line troops. The division headquarters only needs to be responsible for coordinating mobilization matters in the rear. It's that simple.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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