Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2003 Three sides merge

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

When Malashenko received the radio call, Varosha was standing in his not-so-spacious command vehicle, holding an earphone in his hand, listening to the battlefield report from the commander of the tank unit ahead, and preparing to do something. Further command transmission.

"Yes, I repeat it again. Your mission is to eliminate the remaining enemies and then quickly move closer to the central front! Yes, the troops led by Comrade Division Commander will move closer from the other direction. We must crush the enemy's positions from three directions at the same time. Defense, what else to ask?”

"Comrade Brigade Commander, Comrade Division Commander are waiting for you."


Holding the earphone in his hand, he stopped abruptly before he could finish his sentence. Looking at the other earphone handed to him by the communications staff, Varosha immediately threw the earphone in his hand to the chief of staff beside him without thinking.

"Go on, let them not get caught by the surrendering Germans. The infantry will come up to take over. They must move to the central front as planned. We must not leave any chance for the enemy to escape. Hurry up!"

Without waiting for an answer from the chief of staff who took the earphone in one hand, Varosha, who was anxious to hear what orders Malashenko had, had already taken the earphone handed over by the communications staff officer and put it on his head.

"Report the situation, Varosha, have you done it over there?"

Before Varosha could say anything, Malashenko over there had already asked questions first. Varosha, who had fought well in the battle, naturally wanted to report truthfully.

"It went very well. Most of the German armored forces have been wiped out by us, and a small number have surrendered. The losses are as expected and minimal. Now the troops are preparing to move closer to the central front as planned. Are there any new instructions?"

Kill the German armored units that come out from both wings, then attack from the left, center and right directions at the same time, and send the Germans on the road under attack from three sides. This is a combat plan arranged by Malashenko in advance, and it has gone very smoothly so far, with basically no obstacles encountered. Only the last step of the plan is left, which is to completely send the Germans on their way. Finish.

Hearing that the actual progress on Varosha's side was faster than his own, Malashenko, who analyzed the battle situation in front of him, roughly guessed that the Germans should have left the main force of the armored forces on his side. , judging from the quantity and quality of the German tanks just wiped out, this is indeed the case.

However, these battle situation analyzes are not important at the moment. What is important is that everything goes smoothly and can continue to advance, and the final stage of executing the plan is the main situation that Malashenko is eager to confirm.

"The plan remains unchanged, continue to execute it! See you at the German position, over."

After hanging up the call and putting down the receiver, Malashenko quickly returned his gaze to the periscope to confirm the battlefield situation.

The reality is that the German armored soldiers who had been beaten to pieces and were in disarray could not survive until the moment when the entire army was annihilated. After all, they chose to abandon their vehicles and surrender when the number of tanks that could still fight was less than double digits. .

In the face of those IS6 heavy tanks with high mobility and an overwhelming numerical advantage, which rushed up like a hornet's nest, the only remaining heavy armored troops of the German army had no chance of successfully escaping.

As for continuing to fight, it is even more meaningless and seeking death. As long as you are not blind, you can definitely see that if the battle can be won at this point, it will be unless the Russians commit collective suicide or suddenly commit mass violence. Damn it, don't even think about saying that you can win if you keep fighting.

You can't escape, you can't win.

No one wants to die if they can live, especially if the death is unclear and meaningless. Surrender is really a matter of being forced and helpless.

One by one, the German armored soldiers raised their hands high and gathered next to their vehicles, waiting to be captured and not daring to act rashly.

Of course, this does not mean that the Germans are honest and honest, but under the aim of those black main gun muzzles and Deshka anti-aircraft machine guns, who the hell dares to risk death and make a move that can easily lead to misjudgment by the enemy?

Surrender is to survive, this is the only truth at the moment.

Being bombarded by 122 shells and beaten into two pieces by Deshka. No matter which way of death, these German armored soldiers who had been captured were not the results they wanted. These unlucky guys who had fought until they were in a daze and looked exhausted, their only desire right now was to stay alive.

As for the rest, I have no time to think about it, let alone care about it.

Similar to the situation in Varosha, Malashenko, who was anxious to rush towards the German defense positions, had no time to deal with these helpless German armored prisoners.

The follow-up infantrymen riding on the half-track vehicles provided by the Americans for free are arriving quickly. It is a pre-planned plan for the infantry to take over these German armored prisoners of war.

Malashenko only left two IS6s with high-explosive main guns ready to fire and Deshka machine gun belts loaded. They were responsible for "shocking the prisoners of war" and at least playing a marking role to prevent them from giving up the battle. But the bastard with a strong desire to survive ran away.

Then he led all the remaining heavy tanks, as well as the medium tank group carrying external infantry that followed from the rear after the tank battle, and more half-track vehicles carrying infantry and following the medium tank group. them. During the forward movement, they quickly merged into a huge mechanized assault group and rushed straight towards the left wing of the German defense line, which was already close at hand.

And everything that happened in this brief moment was seen by Lieutenant General Manteuffel who was located in the forward command post. The slightly trembling right hand that slowly lowered the telescope was the truest reflection of his inner state at this moment.

"Understood, I understand. Organize the troops and wait for follow-up orders. That's it for now."

The chief of staff who had just hung up the phone immediately came to Manteuffel's side, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he brought another very bad latest news.

"General, the follow-up infantry units accompanying the armored forces have withdrawn. They have no other choice but to do this. Only a handful of surviving tanks have withdrawn with them. Our armored units have been almost completely wiped out. The enemy's heavy armored forces are an overwhelming advantage, and the situation is too unfavorable for us!"

"You'd better retreat first. We still have a backup line of defense available. I'll stay and take command. The Russians will attack here soon, and it's no longer safe here."

The chief of staff, who insisted on letting Manteuffel go first and stay to continue commanding the battle, felt that there was still a chance. However, Manteuffel, who had an indescribable look on his face, obviously did not think so. Compared with the tone of his words after that, The taste has changed just now.

"Victory is already behind us, Claire, but I will never use any excuse to escape a second time."

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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