If the fight continues at this momentum, it will only be a matter of time before the Second Division of the Grossdeutschland is destroyed. There is actually no suspense about the outcome of the battle. This is a simple truth that anyone with a discerning eye can understand.

Malashenko thought that his attack speed was fast enough. You must know that from the time he took the fight with the bastards like the Grossdeutschland Division to the present, the battle had only been fought for less than half a day. Within half a day, the Grossdeutschland Division, which was originally almost fully manned, at least on the surface it seemed to be fully manned, had been beaten into this state.

There is a saying that Malashenko feels that such a fierce and rapid attack speed should not leave the Germans too much time to react and dispatch reinforcements. This is where Malashenko's confidence lies in his determination to "defeat the Great German Division" .

My attack speed is so fast that I can kill you with just one stick, and I will kill you completely in one go, without even giving you a chance to linger and wait for reinforcements. How do you expect to win this battle with your horse?

But Malashenko never expected that despite such a fierce and fierce attack speed, the bastards of the Grossdeutschland Division would actually call a group of idiots to accompany them.

interesting! It’s so damn interesting!

I originally wanted to go all out from the beginning and hit as fast as I can.

Firstly, it is to test the true level and degree of integration of the troops after the synthetic reorganization. Secondly, Malashenko is worried that something will happen if the decision is not made for a long time. If the reinforcements of the Germans ruin his good deeds, he will not What a deal.

But now, the political commissar comrade suddenly said that the bastards of the Skeleton Division thought the German Division was lonely on the road alone, and wanted to be a companion, so that good brothers would not be lonely together on the road to hell.

Okay, let me help you.

One of them is also tidying up, and the two are also tidying up, so they put together a pair that are just perfect for him and send them away together.

However, if you really want to do this, you have to plan and plan a specific action plan. You can't just do it right away. The specific method of death for the Germans is still very particular.

"Where are the other friendly forces? Are there any adjustments? We can't just let the Germans run rampant towards us, right?"

Malashenko did not believe that the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Belarusian Fronts were all focused on launching operations in the direction of Poland. As a result, one division had to do everything on the main frontal battlefield. The battle was not fought in this way, and the Soviet army was not so short of troops. It was impossible to let one of the Germans' main divisions run rampant.

As Malashenko expected, the Soviet army did have a corresponding response plan, and the reply from the political commissar came quickly.

"This group of SS scum came from the north all the way south. However, they were not a temporary reserve force. They were originally in the north, fighting against the Second Belarusian Front. So at best they can only be regarded as getting rid of it. They came to support after being entangled, so naturally there will be friendly troops to deal with this group of enemies who are already on the battlefield. "

"The First Belarusian Front Army has already allocated part of its forces to block and intercept. However, because the enemy is an armored division, it moves very quickly. It is conservatively estimated that the troops of the First Front Army can only successfully intercept within a distance of ten kilometers. This distance The battlefield of our division is very close, and we don’t rule out the possibility that the scumbags of the Skeleton Division will launch artillery fire to support us, so you still have to be careful.”

The straight-line distance of ten kilometers is indeed very short. It is so short that for an armored division, it can be easily crossed by just stepping on the accelerator.

So it would be fine if the blocking force of the front army could stop the bastards like the Skeleton Division, but if they couldn't, then Malashenko would have to be prepared to fight on two fronts and be attacked from both sides.

If this time comes, no matter how powerful the leader is, he will definitely face a very severe test, and the situation is not bad.

These two bastards, the Grossdeutschland and the Skeleton Division, are difficult to deal with no matter which one they take alone.

Malashenko's current offensive is going smoothly. That is because the leader has just completed the synthetic adaptation. In addition, Malashenko has no reservations about his strength and will attack you from the beginning. He will beat you completely with one stick. The momentum of "Death" is going all out, that's why the battle seems so smooth.

But if these two flies and bugs get together, and even sandwich the leader from two directions, then the effect will not be as simple as "1+1=2". Malashenko cannot help but be careful. response. Not to mention not being able to eat meat, the Germans might even have to smash the pot, which is really not worth it.

Thinking of this, Malashenko decided to further clarify the situation, and then continued to question the political commissar on the other end of the radio.

"How many blocking troops are sent by the army on the one hand, and how long can they stop the bastards like the Skeleton Division?"

It is very important to understand the blocking time of the front army. At least Malashenko has a clear idea of ​​what to do when and a rough schedule. It’s not like the Skeleton Division and the other bastards broke through the defense line and rushed over, ready to stab themselves in the waist without even realizing it. Not fighting a battle that you are not prepared for is one of Comrade Lao Ma’s most basic principles.

"Time is too short. On the one hand, the mobile forces that the army can mobilize are relatively limited. The troops that can be obtained and can rush over within the specified time are only one Guards Tank Brigade and one Guards Infantry Brigade, and these two troops have previously We have been involved in battles and there is no time to replenish them. The actual current strength is only about 70-80% of the full strength. "

"On the one hand, the army is still trying to mobilize some more troops to support, but this will take time. Before new reinforcements arrive, these two Guards brigades need to resist the Skeleton Division for at least three hours, provided that they can really resist Stop. If you can't stop it, you know what the consequences will be. Comrade Commander, I suggest you be prepared for the worst."


Comrade Political Commissar's answer cannot be said to be bad. At any rate, two Guards Brigades came to help. This is actually slightly better than the worst case scenario Malashenko expected.

But one thing to say is that although it is not as bad as the worst-case scenario as expected, it is actually not much different. It is about half a catty between the two.

Two dissatisfied Guards brigades had to withstand for three hours the Skeleton Division that was rushing forward and rushing toward first aiders.

To put it bluntly, Malashenko doesn't think this job is easy, and the risk of overturning is quite high.

The Skeleton Division is not only one of the four ace divisions of the SS, it is also a large-scale elite unit with limited equipment rationing rights. To be serious, it enjoys the same rights as the Wehrmacht in the SS. Troops with the same treatment as the German Division.

You want two ordinary Guards brigades who are dissatisfied and not affiliated with the leadership division to stop such a group of madmen who are eager to save people on their own?

Comrade Lao Ma can only say one word: danger.

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