Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2010 I guarantee this

"What about aviation? Can't we give them some aviation support? It's fine if I don't have aviation support here. I won't need it when the war gets to this point, but can't we give some to these two brigades? Even if it's just a wave Air strikes are also fine [6][9][s][h][u][x][.][c][o][m]"

Malashenko is eager to know if his superiors have any plans to send some planes to help out. Even if you don't send more planes, I will thank you for sending half of the aviation regiment here! It's a pity that Comrade Political Commissar's answer was indeed a bit regretful.

"I have already contacted them. There is no aviation support, at least not for the time being."

"Several aviation divisions deployed at frontline airports all have missions. The German air force is active on the northern front, covering the ground forces trying to counterattack. The aviation forces basically go in that direction, competing with the enemy for regional air supremacy and counterattack. suppress."

"I will continue to try to contact air support, but you can't completely count on this. Even if the front army headquarters intervenes to change the deployment, it will be at least an hour before the aviation troops arrive in your airspace, and there is really no guarantee that they will. Yes, you have to think of other ways.”


I'll take your damn life!

I asked the people from the Third Front Army to help you from the First Army, but they took the most difficult bone in their mouths and didn’t say anything. They didn’t even provide any aviation support. Is this what they did? How unreasonable! ?

Who is the commander of the front army at this moment? Why are you so fucking deceptive! ? If you piss me off, I will fucking report it to Comrade Lao Zhu, damn!

Even though he was just saying angry words, it didn't mean that he really held a grudge.

But what Comrade Ma didn't know was that the current commander of the First Belarusian Front was an old acquaintance of his. To be precise, he was the first person who promoted him before Zhukov: Rokossovsky.

Is the Luo driver really just holding on to the rope and not willing to send plane support to Comrade Lao Ma?

Obviously not. Comrade Driver Luo actually has a big head at the moment.

The reason for the big headache is not only that the Leader Division applied for aviation support, but he did not have any aircraft on hand to send, but what is even more terrible is that the official leader of the Leader Division: Vatutin, the commander of the Belarusian Third Front, even made a phone call directly. His command came to the line.

"Comrade Marshal, we all know that the leading division is facing a strong enemy alone in the theater you are responsible for, but why can't it even get some basic aviation support? Can't the enemy armored group that is moving south from the north send some aviation troops? To slow down their speed? It doesn’t need to cause much damage, even if it only temporarily delays their march.”

It's actually quite difficult to face off against Driver Luo.

Vatutin still hasn't been promoted to marshal at this moment. The specific reason is not important right now. What is important is that Driver Luo is a genuine marshal. Although both of them were commanders of the front army and had the same position, after all, they were inferior in military rank. Vatutin couldn't just get angry and start cursing on the spot as soon as he got a phone call. He had to be more careful with his words.

As for Driver Luo, he is not that unreasonable person.

It was his suggestion to bring in the leader to help temporarily. Vatugin didn't do much to push and block, and directly sent the strongest ace unit among the reserve teams of the three fronts to help.

Driver Luo, who had not met Malashenko for a long time, initially wondered whether the leader division, which had undergone such a major change in organization, would be able to exert sufficient combat effectiveness after undergoing such a short period of training in Malashenko's hands. , to achieve the desired effect.

Driver Luo had even thought about what he would do next if the leader failed to achieve the expected results and even suffered a defeat.

What happened immediately afterwards was more interesting, proving that Driver Luo's worries and concerns were completely unnecessary.

Not only did Malashenko lead his leadership division to beat up those bastards like the Grossdeutschland Division, but he was also about to beat them to death on the spot with a stick, without even leaving a chance to survive.

The speed and power of its attack obviously exceeded the expectations of everyone in the army headquarters. Even Driver Luo himself did not expect that Malashenko, whom he had not seen for a long time, could be so powerful!

It would be great if the Grossdeutschland Division could be killed so smoothly. Driver Luo even planned to take credit for Malashenko and personally told Comrade Stalin to take credit for Malashenko.

Who knew there would be unforeseen circumstances, and who could have imagined that these sudden changes would come so quickly and unprepared.

When Driver Luo received the news that the Skeleton Division, which was not in the war zone he was responsible for, was running madly from the north all the way south, it was actually already a step too late. There was something wrong with the timeliness of intelligence communication between the two fronts. When Driver Luo received the news, it was already too late to deploy powerful troops to stop the Skeleton Division at a safe distance.

This unexpected variable also led to another bad situation: the aviation force, which was fully loaded with all combat missions and was in full force, could not spare any excess troops to deal with it.

It is possible to temporarily adjust aviation task schedules and change priorities, but this also takes time.

Right now is the time when the fighting on all fronts is at its most intense, and it takes at least an hour from the task scheduling and mobilization of the aviation forces to the actual implementation and execution of air strikes. It should be noted that the planes that were planned to support Malashenko are still flying in the sky and are on their way back. They have not yet landed to refuel and reload. No matter how fast it is, there must be a process, right?

In the final analysis, there was a problem with the timeliness of intelligence communication between the first and second front armies, which was the biggest reason.

The reaction time left for Driver Luo was too short, which was why we were in this embarrassing and difficult situation, but now was not the time to shirk responsibility and find excuses.

Facing the phone inquiry from Vatugin, Driver Luo, who was already in a hurry, spoke immediately without hesitation.

"I have ordered the adjustment of the priority of aviation missions, giving priority to supporting the battle in the direction of the leader division."

"Please believe me, Comrade Vatutin. I will do my best to support Comrade Malashenko and the Leader Division in their battle. At present, all the forces I can mobilize have been mobilized and are acting as quickly as possible."

"There will definitely be aircraft appearing in the battlefield airspace of the Leader Division within an hour. I will think of a way. More reinforcements are already on the way, but you have to know that it will take time for them to keep up with the attack rhythm of the Leader Division. , not every army has the configuration of a leader division.”

"I will do everything I have just said to the best of my ability, Comrade Vatutin, I promise you with my military honor."

??Chapter 2000 is achieved, brothers, why don’t you celebrate? (dog head)



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