Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2011 The Ultimate Ace

What to do under the current known circumstances is the primary question that Malashenko must give an answer to right now, especially since Comrade Political Commissar is still waiting for a reply.

"So? What are you going to do, do you have any plans?"


Malashenko, who held the microphone in his hand, hesitated for a while, and it seemed that he had hesitated for a moment, but his tone when he finally spoke was still as firm as ever.

"The original plan remains unchanged. Defeat the bastards of the Grossdeutschland Division, and then drink the Vistula River. I will stand on the edge of the bridgehead and urinate on the corpses of the Germans!"


Although Comrade Commander's tone does sound very heroic, of course no one will doubt that Malashenko is telling lies and cannot do this. People who had similar doubts were invariably betrayed by Malashenko in the end. Slap in the face.

But Comrade Political Commissar clearly knew the meaning behind these words, which meant how much risk Malashenko had to take in order to achieve the goal of victory, and that he had to redouble his efforts on the existing basis to achieve it.

Whether it is worth it or not is not suitable for Malashenko to say right now.

After thinking for a while, Comrade Political Commissar just gave a short but firm sentence and chose to believe it unconditionally as usual.

"I understand, you do what you have to do, and the same goes for me."

"Well, let's do this first."

There is no need between men to talk nonsense about mother-in-law and mother-in-law. The fact that the political commissar can say such things at such a time is enough for Malashenko to understand the truth.

As for what to do next, there is naturally only one thing.

Kill the remaining bastards of the Grossdeutschland Division as quickly as possible, then quickly regroup and move north to support, join up with the friendly forces responsible for interception and blocking, and then send the scumbags of the Skeleton Division to accompany the Grossdeutschland Division on the road.

Yes, the plan is that simple. Malashenko is convinced that he can do it without any doubt.

Malashenko, who has already pressed all the combat troops of the entire division, still has some remaining strength. With slight adjustments and changes in tactics, he can deal a heavier blow to the last remaining strength of the Grossdeutschland Division.

Now, it is time to use this remaining power.

"Lavery, please answer me, can you hear me?"

Malashenko, who once again led the guard company on the road, sent a call to his brothers. At the other end of the battlefield, at the forefront, Lavrinian, who was directing the troops with Kulbalov to carry out the final elimination of the Germans. Ko, after hearing Malashenko's call, a reply came quickly.

"I can hear you, keep talking."


"The situation is a bit complicated, so I'll keep it short."

"The bastards of the Grossdeutschland Division called for reinforcements. The scum of the SS Totenkopf Division have already approached a straight line distance of less than 20 kilometers to the north of us. Friendly forces will intercept and block, but our time is very limited, and we must do it in the shortest possible time. We must deal with the remnants of the Grossdeutschland Division within a certain period of time, and then we can send the scum of the Skeleton Division northward, not sparing any of them."

Lavrinenko on the other end of the radio did not immediately reply to Malashenko, as if he was thinking for a moment. It was about a few seconds before a familiar voice came.

"So you plan to use your last strength?"

Those who know me are brothers.

Malashenko, who was struck by Lavrinenko's words, did not hesitate and nodded.

"That's right, bring all the self-propelled artillery up. No one from the brigade and division artillery except Katyusha will be left on the front line. I don't want direct artillery support. All artillery is aimed directly at the German positions and blasted by me! I If you don’t believe that these fascists are made of iron and copper, I want to see how long they can last under direct-aiming heavy artillery fire!”

As the equipment of the brigade and division artillery units, the ISU152\\ISU152A not only has the ability to support direct artillery fire, this kind of steel behemoth wearing heavy armor, carrying a huge cannon on its shoulders, and using a heavy tank chassis is also very good at it. Attacking the city with direct aim and fierce bombardment.

Malashenko's divisional artillery regiment has two battalions of self-propelled artillery, one battalion of the old ISU152 and one battalion of the new ISU152A. The two battalions add up to a total of 72 vehicles, with half of the new and old vehicles.

Further down, there is a brigade artillery battalion in the hands of Kurbalov and Varosha, but the quality of the equipment is slightly inferior. They are all old ISU152 and no ISU152A. But when it comes to the firepower that Malashenko needs most right now, there is no difference between everyone using the same 152 main gun. They all have the same combat power when it comes to sending Germans into the sky.

The division's four self-propelled artillery battalions add up to a total of 144 firepower units. This is also a heavy firepower unit that Malashenko keeps as his last trump card. It will not be directly sent to the battlefield and bear battle losses until the critical moment.

After all, it is very good to keep these self-propelled artillery to provide direct artillery support safely. Once these self-propelled artillery are lost, it means that the artillery firepower of the leader division is constantly decreasing. This is not a simple loss of armored units. So simple.

However, this does not mean that it must be treated as a treasure and reluctant to use it. When it is time to send this heavy firepower unit to the front line and aim for bombardment, Malashenko will not hesitate at all and just do it.

While greatly strengthening the firepower of the assault force, it can also play the role of a heavy armored unit. Under the cover of infantry fighting vehicles and infantry, it launches a frontal breakthrough and rushes towards the German position. This is undoubtedly a force that can play a key role in the battle situation. A powerful new force that plays a decisive role in victory.

As for how the Germans would feel under such fierce firepower and powerful offensive, Malashenko was not interested and did not want to know. Comrade Lao Ma wished that these surviving bastards would die quickly.

The leader division, which has a very high execution efficiency, moves very quickly and takes action immediately after receiving the order from the division commander.

The self-propelled artillery of the division and brigade moved up to the front from the artillery positions in the rear. They had already completed the ammunition replenishment without any delay. They also used the time when the main force of our own forces had cleared away the remaining enemies to complete the rendezvous and complete the rendezvous. Prepare as quickly as possible to launch an assault on the next and last enemy line of defense.

"General! The first position has been lost! They sent a message before they finally lost contact, and a large wave of Russian reinforcements rushed up. They were all large-caliber self-propelled artillery. If nothing else, they should be those ISU152. We Do we still implement the original defense plan? "

At least Manteuffel, who didn't show any emotion on his face, didn't know what he was thinking at the moment. At least the chief of staff who was reporting to him didn't know. Only his next words might allow people to pry into it. One or two.

"The plan remains unchanged. No matter what kind of troops the enemy invests, we must hold on! The position under our feet is our tomb!"

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