Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2012 Artillery Traveler

Malashenko does not intend to leave the Germans any time to breathe. Every minute and every second that passes will be used to speed up the death and burial of the Germans.

So when those few surviving German soldiers who had managed to evacuate from the first position to the second position had not had time to sit down, take a breath, drink water, and quickly take a rest to prepare for the next battle.

The ground beneath the feet of these unlucky men has begun to tremble again.

"The Russians are coming! Everyone, prepare for battle!"

The Germans left what they thought was a sufficient buffer distance between the first and second positions to ensure that the Soviet army would not penetrate the two positions in one go. This also allowed Manteuffe to There is enough room for another of Er's plans to be implemented.

"Fire immediately! Use the maximum firepower to block the Russian assault group in the buffer zone! Quick!"

When the Soviet army assembled its offensive troops to launch a group assault, it happened to be the time when the artillery fire coverage could cause maximum casualties. After all, at this time, the Russians who only wanted to rush over and kill themselves had no chance to dodge, Manteofei. I am convinced of this.

But Manteuffel made one mistake. He underestimated the determination of the Soviet commander on the opposite side to kill him and send the Grossdeutschland Division on the road again.

Malashenko knew that the enemy in front of him still had the artillery card in his hand, which was of no use. He had not seen any movement since the engagement with the enemy.

It was impossible for the Germans to keep the artillery in their hands forever, especially at a time of life and death. Malashenko knew that the German commander on the opposite side was just waiting for what seemed to be the best time before committing this powerful force.

After all, the two sides have been fighting each other for several years. They know each other thoroughly and are familiar with the routines. At the same time, they also have an idea of ​​the capabilities of their own troops.

A German commander with a little bit of common sense would know that his own artillery was basically a disposable item like wiping paper in the face of Soviet counterattacks.

As long as you dare to fire a salvo and expose your position, the ensuing Soviet counterattacks will wipe out all your artillery positions, including people and equipment, and blow them up into the sky in a very short period of time.

Don't try to escape the nightmare of Russian counterattacks. This is impossible for all German artillery units.

All the main artillery in the hands of the Soviet army outnumbered German artillery of the same level in terms of range.

This means that unless the equipment of the Soviet army on the opposite side is extremely inferior, you can use heavy artillery with a caliber of hundreds of millimeters to bully other people's mortars and small water pipe artillery. Otherwise, as long as everyone's equipment is about the same, then as long as your German army can put the Soviet army into the effective range, then the artillery fire of the Soviet army on the opposite side can definitely put you in. There is no range advantage.

Manteuffel, who has been dealing with the Soviet army for many years, is certainly aware of this situation. It is precisely because of this that he chose to save the precious artillery until the end, which is also the most appropriate moment to maximize its effectiveness and ensure that this force Troops that are most likely to be "disposable items" can make the best use of them.

Use artillery barrage to intercept the moving Soviet assault group. The artillery bombardment coordinates are also the preset buffer zone between the first position and the second position. There is no guarantee of accuracy. At least the artillery bombardment can be relatively accurate. The ground hit the Russian on the top of his head.

This is the best solution that Manteuffel can think of. In other words, if artillery is not used at this time, 80% of the chance of using it will be lost in the end.

Unless you want to push the cannon into position and flatten the barrel to use it as an anti-tank gun, this is the only way.

The German artillery positions that had been prepared for a long time opened fire immediately after receiving the order. However, the equipment after reconstruction was indeed not as strong as the Grossdeutschland II II, and the strength of the artillery unit was also much worse than before and quite shabby.

Let's talk about the two artillery battalions. The artillery positions with more than 40 guns are doing their best to pour artillery fire at the preset coordinates. The 150mm is already the largest howitzer projectile among them. It roars through the air and flies towards the target, dragging an old ox pulling a broken cart.

Malashenko, who had expected a high probability of this bombardment, was not surprised by this. Contrary to the scene expected by the Germans, Malashenko, who had no idea of ​​retreat, just pressed the radio transmitter at hand. Continue to shout orders.

"Accelerate! All vehicle crews charge at full speed! Don't worry about the enemy's artillery fire, just rush forward through the artillery blockade!"

Malashenko had enough confidence to dare to order to break through the artillery blockade area.

Although it was necessary to smash the German position in one go and use all the offensive energy without reservation, this did not mean that all the troops would be pressed forward in a fierce attack.

Especially under the premise that Malashenko has already guessed that the Germans will most likely use artillery fire to make a fuss in the buffer zone between the first position and the second position, then he will not be so stupid.

If you really do this, it won't be called fighting fiercely and being brave and fearless. It will be called stupid X-style to improve the Germans' records and kill them.

Therefore, Malashenko made special arrangements and adjustments for this first assault group.

There is no external infantry, only new infantry fighting vehicles with belly full of infantry, shuttling between the enemy's artillery bombardments and accompanying their own heavy tanks as they advance wildly.

There are no medium tanks to accompany the attack. There are only IS6 heavy tank clusters that are heavily armored and have high mobility and are as fast as medium tanks. If they are not directly hit by large-caliber artillery shells, there will be no problem. And Malashenko is the only one. The IS7 is only faster than the IS6 but not slower.

The infantry fighting vehicle body modified based on the chassis of the T43 medium tank is definitely too defensive for a serious infantry fighting vehicle, but it is not a good thing now.

The medium tank-level armor is strong enough to ensure that these modified infantry fighting vehicles can withstand the near-missile bombardment of German large-caliber grenade that is not a direct hit at a closer distance.

It was not only the infantry fighting vehicle itself that could survive, but also the accompanying infantrymen filled with bellies after bellies.

As long as the infantry fighting vehicle is not directly hit and the armor is not penetrated, the German artillery fire will not be able to harm the infantry carried in it at all.

This is the most essential difference from the traditional human-powered plug-in charge, and it is also the main reason why Malashenko dared to bravely break through the artillery blockade area.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to simply rush forward with tanks and have all the external infantry killed by artillery fire. Without the protection of infantry, a tank would be nothing but a piece of fat in front of a well-equipped enemy defense position, unable to protect itself.

Of course, Malashenko's full preparations in advance were not limited to these, and there were also those artillery barrages that instantly overpowered the Germans, and a large sea of ​​​​fire that broke through the air from behind.

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