Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2016 For victory!

Normally, for an enemy position that is about to be destroyed, it is enough to maintain a main attack direction and spread the attack inward from the breach.

Seeing that there is no hope of victory and no way to escape, the Germans are not stupid. In most cases, they will lay down their weapons and surrender after a short fight.

Now in 44 years, battle scenes like this have become commonplace, especially for the elite front-line Soviet troops on the front lines. It is commonplace and not surprising.

However, today's battle, right here, at the feet of the leader's division, is a little different from the familiar battles in the past.

These last surviving Germans are still fighting like crazy with all kinds of weapons that can be launched.

When the infantry comes forward, they fight hand-to-hand. When the tanks come forward, they use iron fists, tank killers, or even cluster grenades to explode.

People can die, but the fight cannot stop.

How many people died seemed to be a matter of no concern at this time. No one knew where these remnants of the National Defense Force came from with such tenacious fighting spirit. Even the soldiers of the leader division who fought to the death with these madmen were confused. Don't quite understand.

But it was this kind of fight to the end, which in Malashenko's opinion was comparable to a stone in a pit, smelly and hard and refused to surrender, and became the final catalyst that accelerated the death of the Grossdeutschland Division.

You don't play by the rules?

Okay, I even overturned the card table for you!

Let's see who can do it better!

The leader division, which used its maximum attack energy, almost swallowed up the last remaining position of the Grossdeutschland Division in one bite.

Except for the blank area directly behind the Grossdeutschland Division that has not yet had time to penetrate, the remaining three directions of the front, left, and right are almost everywhere filled with figures of the Red Army in the midst of a frenzied attack.

IS6 heavy tanks and the latest batch of second-batch T43 medium tanks rushed forward and charged simultaneously. BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles based on the T43 body were modified to accompany them in the coordinated attack. All heavy tanks, medium tanks, and infantry fighting vehicles could fire. The weapons fired, the main cannon, high-speed aircraft, and coaxial machine guns were all spitting out flames like crazy.

At this time, it is no longer a certain machine gun fire point of the German army, or a certain anti-tank emplacement that will be bombed. It has become a place where German infantry appears and will not hurt friendly forces. There must be at least one 85mm high-explosive grenade flying towards your face.

The ISU152s who also drove to the front line were even more unreasonable. They would attack wherever the German resistance was fierce. It didn't matter if they couldn't see anyone coming up. One bombardment could send the Germans away even if they were more than ten meters away. God.

Some of the very few remaining German tanks are the targets of special attention. Being penetrated by armor-piercing bullets is considered a normal and optimal way to die. The most unlucky crew will enjoy the intense pleasure of being sent into the sky by the concentrated fire of ISU152. , sending off with high-explosive shells instead of armor-piercing shells. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

This is nothing more than a hellish nightmare for the German army's only remaining armored units, which have long since used up all their heavy tanks, leaving only a small number of No. 4 and No. 3 Balds.

With their own side's exaggerated direct fire cover, the infantrymen who rushed to the front and were responsible for opening up the attack path also made rapid progress.

Everywhere the infantry soldiers go, whether they will encounter resistance from the remaining German soldiers is actually a very suspenseful question.

Everyone was killed by direct-aimed grenades, and a quick look at the trenches revealed that there were only a few foxholes and trenches covered with scraps of flesh and corpses.

Even if the remnants of the German army resisted, those "German mud monsters" who were shaken by the shells into soft-legged shrimps and even staggered when walking, could not have any effective resistance to the murderous Red Army soldiers.

Indiscriminately shooting into a hornet's nest is the only outcome for these people. Apart from the corpses of German soldiers lying on the ground in a mess, which may trip people up if they are not careful, the largest number of them are everywhere under their feet. Those German guns and various weapons that may not have been damaged by the shells.

But these German guns, which were so bad that in the past they didn't even bother to look at them, have now become rare items that many people need.

Continuous high-intensity battles have caused many soldiers to run out of ammunition, especially those who have been tasked with the main attack mission of sharp knives and have AK combat engineers in their hands.

Many of the chest-mounted ammunition carriers draped over the steel plate body armor were already empty. Counting the six spare magazines and the one inserted in the gun, there were many people who had used up a total of 210 rounds of ammunition.

This group of humanoid self-propelled armored men who always rely on firepower rarely have the concept of "saving ammunition" in their minds.

This was the first time I had encountered a situation like today where I had exhausted all the guns and ammunition in my hand and had no choice but to pick up broken German guns on the spot and make do.

After all, this does not mean that one or two people have run out of ammunition, but that several comrades around them, or even a whole class of people who are still alive, have run out of bullets or have very few bullets left, and there is no way to even out a magazine.

At a time like this, you can't retreat and go look for bullets from your comrades behind you, right?

Since we still have to charge, what can we do? I picked up a German guy's broken gun on the ground and used it for two magazines.

Anyway, the remaining ammunition stock on the German corpses is basically enough. Too many Germans were hit by direct-aimed heavy artillery before they had time to fire. For those STG44s with poor performance, at least there is no need to worry about the amount of ammunition. Yes, some of them are at least better than charging forward with a pistol, so why don’t you need a bicycle?

"Stop! Stop! What is that in front? The German command post!?"

Comrade Alsim, commander of the combat engineer company, who was leading his men to fight and charge all the way, had almost forgotten how far he had rushed forward. He only knew that he was holding this picked-up weapon in his hand. The German STG44 is so damn hard to use! Compared to the AK, it's just a stupid gun.

Looking at the half-buried command post-style bunker in front of him that looked like it had collapsed in half, the disheveled and gray-faced Alsim quickly signaled to the soldiers following him to stop advancing.

"Comrade company commander, throw the signal bomb! Just ask the heavy artillery to blast this thing to pieces, and we will rush in to collect the body of Fasis!"

The platoon leader did not want to suffer any more casualties, so he suggested to Alsim that he use 152 to blow up the shell of this stupid German guy, but Alsim, who had other plans in mind, did not intend to do so. .

"I guess the distance is about the same. We even captured the German regiment level command post just now. It should be at the division level now, right?"

"Tell comrades, check your weapons, load them with bullets, and prepare to fight! Our new brigade commander had an order to capture the German division commander alive. He personally wrote an application for a commendation to the division commander. They all went to this, get a corpse It’s so boring to come back, just do it if you want to!”

"Yes! Everyone, check and load weapons! Prepare to fight!"

Crack, crackle, crackle——

After the sound of magazine replacement and bullet loading sounded, Alsim, who was already prepared, was the first to stand up, raised his hand and raised his arms.

"For victory! Comrades, Hurrah!!!"

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