Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2017 There’s a big one here!

"Is it over now? That's it? This is the result of our busy work to the end?"

Looking at the corpses lying on the floor in front of him and sitting on chairs and slumped at the foot of the table, the platoon leader who followed Alsim was the first to rush into what was suspected to be a German command post. , that was the first person to open his mouth in surprise and feel unbelievable. perform

The platoon leader is actually quite young. To be honest, when the Germans first came over in 1941, he was still a farmer farming at home, and he was a Ukrainian.

It was only after the fields were occupied by the bullies supported by the Germans that he was not allowed to farm, that the eldest brother, who really couldn't survive, found a way to escape from the German-occupied area. By coincidence, I caught up with the Red Army recruitment in early 1942. After telling me the whole story of my family and the situation I encountered, after a review and no problems were found, I naturally picked up the gun and became a Red Army soldier who vowed to drive away the Germans from my hometown. .

Later, he was promoted several times due to his outstanding performance and bravery in combat. He was promoted from soldier to platoon leader, from ordinary infantry division to Guards Infantry Division and finally to leadership division. Moreover, he served in the most powerful and worthy army. A combat engineer unit called "armored infantry".

Although my resume is very exciting, I relied on my own ability to climb up step by step.

But in terms of experience and experience, the platoon leader is indeed quite different from Alsim, who has carried a gun and fought since the Soviet-Finnish War. Alsim's behavior was a little surprising, but overall it was expected. You can see it in the expression on his face.

"Otherwise? Will the Germans just kneel in a row and wait for us to come in and capture them?"

"I thought that when we rushed in, we would inevitably have a fierce battle, and we would definitely shoot and kill several or even more people. But it is not surprising that the Germans killed themselves. There is nothing surprising about it. It is nothing more than these two results. That’s all.”

While chatting, Alsim squatted down and began to search through the corpses on the ground one by one. After casually touching the two corpses closest to him, the expression on his face was really strange.

"It's strange. This body is still warm, but the one over there is completely cold. The difference between the deaths is more than half an hour."

While Alsim was acting, the platoon leader and other soldiers around him were not idle either. They began to search for valuable things among the corpses of Germans lying scattered on the ground.

"This one is also cool, and there is this one, but this one is a little warmer."

"Comrade Company Commander, these Germans did not die at the same time, and they died in different ways. This one committed suicide by swallowing a gun, and the other one was obviously killed by a cannon, with shrapnel still inserted in his waist."

Alsim initially thought that the Germans saw no hope of victory and committed suicide collectively, but it seems that the result is probably not the case, and the situation is probably more complicated than he expected.

"Yeah, it's interesting."

That is to say, when Alsim was twirling a little blood that had just been deliberately stained in his hand, trying to further judge the time of death through the consistency of the blood on the wound on the corpse, the entrance to the tunnel he had just entered behind him rang again. There was a rush of steps.

"Don't shoot! We're on our own, watch out for friendly forces!"

When the soldiers who were extremely vigilant and pointed their guns at the entrance of the tunnel for a moment heard this, they slowly put down their weapons, returned to their alert state and continued to busy themselves with the things at hand.

The one who led the team into the command post following Alsim's commando team was an assault team led by another combat engineer company commander. Moreover, this company commander also had a good personal relationship with Alsim, and they could be considered to have close contact with each other on weekdays. Buddies.

Seeing the corpses of Germans lying on the ground and everywhere in front of him, the newly arrived comrade company commander also had a look of surprise and disbelief on his face. He glanced at Alsim not far away and hurriedly spoke. Ask questions.

"Alsim, what's going on? You killed all the Germans in this room???"

"Shall we beat him to death? Ha, are you kidding me?"

Alsim, who laughed out loud, stood up on the spot, showed the blood stain on the tip of his index finger that had just been smeared in front of his good brother, and then spoke immediately.

"The blood is so sticky and is almost drying. We have only been in for less than two minutes. How could it be possible that we were the one who killed him?"

"The longest time among these Germans to die, I estimate it must have been at least more than half an hour. In terms of time, it was the same time we launched the attack, which was about the time when the Katyusha rocket barrage fell. Son."

"Here, look at that again. There is such a big hole in the roof. It's possible that these unlucky Fascist lackeys were hit by rockets. They probably had to take away at least half the people in the house at once."

"If you think about it this way, many things will be explained. After the breakthrough of the position, although the Germans resisted tenaciously, they were not very organized. Many small positions were fighting independently. The command post was bombed. How can there be unity? Organization is a weird thing. If it hadn’t been like this, it would have taken longer. We were pretty lucky this time.”

Alsim is really quite capable. After casually taking a look and observing the environment, he guessed the ins and outs of the whole matter.

The newly arrived company commander was listening to Alsim's analysis while checking the surrounding environment. After thinking about it carefully, he found that this seemed to be the case. Alsim's analysis was quite reasonable, at least he couldn't find anything obvious. The problem comes.

"As for those Germans who are still alive, they probably waited until it was clear that the situation was over before they committed suicide by gunshot. Many of the corpses are still warm. You can touch them. Well, the bastard lying on the table over there still has a gun in his hand. Look. He still looks like a high official."

"Comrade company commander, there's a big one here! He's a lieutenant general!"

Before Alsim could finish his words, the young soldier rummaging through the pile of corpses suddenly let out an excited shout, which immediately attracted the attention of Alsim and the other company commander at the same time.

"Oh my God, Lieutenant General?! Alsim, you have done a great job this time!"

The corpse called "Lieutenant General" had his head lowered at this moment, sitting motionless on the chair, and had lost all vitality.

The Ruger pistol that was still in his hand and had not been dropped clearly told how the owner of the gun died.

The hole opened in the back of the head caused a large piece of bone and flesh to fly off, and it is still dripping with blood. Suicide by swallowing a gun, a method of death by eating bullets at close range, is not as simple as opening an eye.

Alsim, who had just rummaged around the sitting corpse, was now looking at the military ID card he had just found from the corpse's jacket pocket to identify himself.

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