Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2018 The collective of comrades

"Lieutenant General of the Manteuffel Wehrmacht and commander of the Grossdeutschland Division.

"Well, that's probably what you mean, Comrade Company Commander."

He didn't study much since he was a child, and he was born into a Siberian Orion family.

Alsim cannot even read his own Russian alphabet and is semi-literate. If you want him to understand the German on the Kraut officer's ID card, you are really forcing Zhang Fei to embroider it. When I got my military officer's ID card, I casually flipped through it twice, just to see if the photo on it and the face of the corpse in front of me matched. That was all.

As for understanding the text recorded above and understanding the message, Alsim did not have the ability, so he naturally had to leave it to the soldiers in the team who were highly educated and could understand German to translate it.

The translated result is obviously not surprising, and the fact is just as Alsim thought. The body of the person who committed suicide by gunshot slumped on the chair in front of him is the real name of the Grossdeutschland Division, the soul of the Wehrmacht. Lieutenant General.

At this moment, Alsim did not know that the corpse in front of him was the commander of the Grossdeutschland Division in the true sense. In other words, the first commander of the Grossdeutschland Division who had been eliminated once before should actually be him.

Alsim only knew the Germans' ace elite troops, which had been destroyed twice by the leader's division this time, and the final result of both times was without exception the entire army was annihilated and the division commander was killed.

"What should we do next? Report to our superiors? Just say that the commander of the Grossdeutschland Division has been forced to death by us? He committed suicide by swallowing a gun?"

Walking to the entrance of the tunnel with a cigarette in his mouth, he looked at the embarrassed German soldiers who were walking out of the trench with their hands raised as they surrendered one after another outside. Listening to the sporadic gunshots still ringing from far or near, Alsim took out a lighter from his pocket and glanced at his buddy, the company commander, and smiled.

"We? Are you sure it's us?"


The principle of "brothers settling accounts clearly" applies everywhere. No matter how good the relationship between you two is, when it comes to military exploits, you have to see if they are willing to divide it between you. It is naturally best if you can divide it, but you cannot forcefully occupy it, otherwise That would break the rules.

Realizing that he had used the wrong word in a hurry, his brother, the company commander, didn't mean it. It was unjustifiable to steal someone else's military glory, let alone his own brother, so he quickly added it and rushed to speak.

"Yours, your company's, I made a mistake, okay? I didn't want to take away your credit. Let me make this clear first, so don't misunderstand me."

One thing to say is that you really can’t take the credit, and it’s not your turn to be better.

After all, everything is done on a first-come, first-served basis. Alsim was the first to lead a team to attack and occupy this command post. This is definitely true.

Even if the German guy committed suicide by swallowing a gun, the credit should go to the Alsim Company who was the first to occupy this land. It was a fact that his company came in two minutes late. No matter how you looked at it or said it, there was no reason to take credit.

But what the company commander didn't expect was that Alsim's next words would take a 180-degree turn and immediately change his tone.

"Then you are wrong. The credit belongs to us collectively, to the entire combat engineer battalion."

"Spread the word so that those Fascist lackeys know that the combat engineers of the Leadership Division are dedicated to killing the Fascist officers. Next time we meet, we will scare the piss out of these bastards."

The leadership division is a collective, and all comrades should have a strong sense of collective honor and collective honor and disgrace. Whether you are a soldier, a commander, a political worker, or even a cook, this should be the case. Individuals and small groups in squads and companies form cliques.

Malashenko often emphasizes this to everyone. Of course, the division commander himself also takes the lead in doing so, which indeed plays a very good example and leadership role.

Alsim, who doesn't understand the truth and can't speak nice words, can only use this truth to express his true inner thoughts. Although he may be a wise comrade, he is indeed right, isn't he?

After hearing this, his buddy, the company commander, also smiled and patted Alsim on the shoulder. Thinking about it this way, it was indeed because he was in a small position, and he was afraid that his good brother would mistakenly think that he was taking the credit from him. On the other hand, Alsim was right when he said that the credit should belong to the entire combat engineer battalion and the leadership division.

In the future, those high-ranking officials who are the lackeys of the Fascists will be frightened when they hear the reputation of the combat engineers of the Leader Division. The appearance of this unit on the battlefield means that you are not far away from accepting sanctions and peeing in your pants. Wait! As for whether to do it yourself or go to Siberia to participate in labor reform and contribute to the construction of the Soviet Union, you can decide for yourself.

After settling the matter, he walked out of the tunnel arm-in-arm with his good brother, chatting and laughing, and reported the matter to his superiors. Alsim, who had made another great achievement, was done with it for the time being.

On the other hand, after the battle, Malashenko, who was still busy commanding the troops and making a round of deployment arrangements, was still very busy and quite heady.

"Yes! I want him to appear in front of me within five minutes! Don't talk to me about what is there and what is not. Hurry up and bring people up to refuel and reload the troops! Many tanks here have run out of ammunition. If they don't replenish it, they will just The bastard who can use the machine gun truck to fight against the Skeleton Division, let Karamov move faster! If you continue to delay, I will remove him immediately!"

Malashenko, who threw away the microphone, seemed to be in a very unhappy mood. He was wearing a tattered tank soldier combat uniform without rank markings. Those who didn't know better thought he was just an ordinary tank soldier.

But if you want to talk about the aura of this major general and commander, it is not bad at all. Anyone with a bit of discernment who doesn't just judge people by their appearance can tell that this is definitely a high-ranking official.

"The specific battle losses of each regiment are still being tallied, but the preliminary casualties of the two combat engineer battalions have been tallied."

As soon as Malashenko threw away the microphone, he immediately welcomed his deputy and good brother: Lavrinenko, who was holding the handwritten preliminary casualty statistics report that had just been delivered.

"How many casualties are there? Just tell us."

Malashenko did not take the report and read it, presumably because he was thinking about other things and did not have the intention.

Seeing this scene, Lavrinenko didn't do much ink, so he directly reported the numbers to Malashenko as he said.

It's just that this number is indeed a bit beyond our Comrade Ma's expectations. It is "a little" more than imagined.

"More than three hundred people have been sacrificed, and even more have been injured. The current count is close to a thousand. It is estimated that it will be half more when the full report comes out."

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