Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2019 More than half of the casualties

"What did you say? Three hundred sacrifices? More than a thousand injuries???"

Obviously, Malashenko's tone sounded very unbelievable.

In fact, it’s no wonder that since the troops under his thugs began to form combat engineer units, Malashenko, who had witnessed the fierce combat effectiveness of this group of macho men in Stalingrad, has been taking control of this rare but extremely elite unit. Heavy infantry is used as a decisive force that can tilt the balance of battle victory or defeat.

I want to know whether the leader or Malashenko is serious about it?

The method is very simple, see if the combat engineer troops have entered the battle.

If the combat engineers have not yet appeared on the battlefield, this may mean that Malashenko does not intend to take the lives of the Germans who are entangled in person. He may just beat them casually and drive them away like flies. The Germans There is still a chance to retreat and run away.

It may also be that it is not yet time to send out combat engineer troops to determine the outcome with one blow, and Malashenko is still waiting for the final critical moment to arrive, waiting for the best moment to send combat engineer troops to send the Germans on their way.

No matter how you say it, at least without seeing the combat engineer troops, this can be considered lucky for the German army, because even if you die, you will not die immediately, at least there is still some life and a chance to look forward to.

But if you see the combat engineer troops under the leadership division coming over and riding on your face, then congratulations, it means that you are really not far away from the road. Unless, as a German soldier, you and your unit, which is fighting against the leader's division, are really capable of knocking out Malashenko and his fierce men head-on, then the result is another matter.

The methods used on the battlefield may be slightly different in different situations, but it remains unchanged that Malashenko relies heavily on combat engineer troops.

Even for a severely overstaffed corps like the Leader's Division after its synthetic reorganization, as an elite combat engineer unit of heavy infantry among the Guards infantry, the entire division only has two battalions in total, which adds up to less than 2,000 troops. Less than three thousand people.

Moreover, these nearly 3,000 people are not purely combat troops. After excluding non-frontline combatants such as medical and health care, logistics support, communications, command and security, etc., the real combat strength is less than 2,000 people.

But now, Lavrinenko came to tell Malashenko.

Our combat engineers have now suffered more than a thousand casualties, both dead and wounded. Although the vast majority of them were injured and only a small part were sacrificed, Malashenko could still clearly understand after hearing these words. Understand what this really means.

"What happened!? How could the casualties be so high!? There was no problem with the coordination of the various arms of the two waves of attacks. Tanks and self-propelled artillery followed up very quickly, and infantry fighting vehicles came close to cover. This How could the casualties be so high?”

The battle to annihilate the Grossdeutschland II was indeed fought fiercely and quickly. If it were replaced by another Guards unit, it would definitely not be able to achieve the effect of the Leader Division.

But there is one thing to say: Malashenko, who has been on the front line conducting combat command, has seen every link of the entire process from the beginning of the attack to the destruction of the Grossdeutschland Division, and he has kept it in mind.

There is no problem with tactical command, and the coordination and dispatch of technical equipment is also perfect. In particular, the connection and cooperation between the various arms are not to be said to be seamless, but at least from Malashenko's perspective, there are no major problems.

Everything seems to be fine, so why the hell can it be like this! ?

Malashenko couldn't understand, and there seemed to be a suppressed evil fire in his heart that couldn't be released. Seeing this, Lavrinenko had to tell his good brother everything he had learned about the situation he had just gone down to. The superior confided.

"There are many reasons, but the main reason is that the combat engineers served as the main infantry accompanying the two waves of attacks, and the main offensive tasks were all on their shoulders."

"Our follow-up of the infantry units is very fast. As you said, there is no problem with coordination. However, there is still a gap between the time when the combat engineers enter the enemy's position and when the large infantry units follow up and join the battle. Although the period is short, it is still there.”

"And during this gap period, combat engineer units need to shoulder the task of protecting tanks and infantry fighting vehicles alone, as well as advancing and clearing out enemy infantry. They must not only defend but also advance. They happen to be The first wave of infantry troops rushing into the enemy's position is when the enemy in the position is strongest, has the most intense firepower, and has the most intense resistance."

"Together these circumstances, the casualties will be like this."

"When I went down just now, I also learned a lot about the actual situation. Many combat engineer soldiers even ran out of ammunition. The automatic fire rate of fire is too fast and the ammunition consumption is too high. The combat engineer itself is an individual soldier. A heavy infantry unit with a high survivability rate and good at suppressing fire and assault.”

"Many soldiers have no choice but to pick up the weapons dropped by the dead enemies from the ground and use them. The Germans' broken guns are much worse than ours. In this way, the advantage of light weapons is gone, and it is equivalent to fighting with the Germans. Equivalently, the casualties were further magnified. In addition, the combat engineers were the first infantry units to enter the battlefield. Even if the follow-up units followed, the combat engineers were still advancing forward with their superior firepower, making the fastest progress. Of course, it is also the one facing the enemy’s firepower most directly.”

"In short, it is the combination of many reasons that led to this result. I think the responsibility does not lie with you, nor does it lie with the command of our division. After all, this is the first battle after our synthetic adaptation, and many things still remain. I’m not very familiar with it, but with the experience and lessons learned this time, I think I will be able to avoid similar situations from happening again next time.”

Lavrinenko was afraid that Malashenko would take the responsibility on himself. After all, as the top commander of the division, Malashenko had never left the frontline battlefield. If the casualties of the command troops were too large, he, the division commander, would definitely be responsible. Those who are directly responsible are the same even if there is a cause.

Malashenko also frowned and fell into silence for a while, but his head kept thinking about where the shortcomings were and how to summarize and correct them. Next, he was ready to attack the skeleton. What to do when the division fights?

There is not much time left for Malashenko to think. Rather than analyzing and summarizing the reasons, it is obviously more important to do what to do in the next battle. This is also something that Malashenko must solve.

"More than half of the combat engineers' combat troops have suffered casualties. They cannot be used in the next battle until the critical moment."

"As the notice continues, the combat engineers will all enter a state of rest and rest, and let Kulbalov and Varosha keep an eye on the treatment of the wounded, so as not to cause a lot of disabilities due to untimely treatment. Without my order, the combat engineers will No transfer is allowed. In addition, let the political commissar know about this matter and he will know what to do next."

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