Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2020 Brothers, take the first step (the chapter number of the previous chapter was wrong, bu

Just when Malashenko was talking about Comrade Political Commissar, something unexpected happened.

Before Lavrinenko could carry out the order as Malashenko said, the political commissar who learned that the battle on the front line was progressing rapidly had already led the forward division to catch up.

It won't take long for the field division headquarters, supported by a high degree of mechanization, to move forward. Malashenko turned around and looked in the direction of the sound of the car. He only saw Comrade Political Commissar getting off the Gas jeep and hurriedly heading towards him. A figure running over.

"Is the battle over? How are you two doing? No one was injured, right?"

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar obviously didn't know the specific situation of the battle losses yet. Seeing this, Lavrinenko glanced at Malashenko. Malashenko, who noticed Lavrinenko's look, roughly understood what it meant, so he simply I told my comrade the political commissar directly about this troublesome matter and made my own decision.

"Both of us are fine. The troop losses were a bit higher than expected."

"The combat engineers suffered a lot of casualties, and more than half of the combat troops have been killed or injured. The more casualties than the casualties are a blessing in misfortune, but there will definitely be no way to continue to engage in high-intensity battles. I am thinking about fighting the Skeleton Division next. What should I do to help the bastard?"

Not only the leading convoy of the Forward Field Division led by Comrade Political Commissar has arrived, but the "General Manager" Karamov, who Malashenko picked up the radio transmitter and yelled loudly just now, also brought his army of logistics supplies. Urged by Malashenko's orders, he rushed to catch up.

The first to arrive was naturally the ammunition supply convoy with the highest priority. One truck after another was filled with neatly stacked 122 shell ammunition boxes.

Before the car came to a complete stop, a large group of tank soldiers who had been standing by the tank waiting for supplies to be delivered immediately rushed forward and began to help the comrades of the car soldiers and the vehicle's logistics troops to unload and load the vehicle. bomb.

"This box, move this box first! These boxes are grenades, these are important! Unload them first and load them into the car!"

"Ivanov, what are you doing, you idiot!? Get in the car quickly, pick up the shells and load them into the car, quick, quick, quick!"

"Be careful! Slow down! Don't hit your feet, it's very heavy!"

Large-caliber main guns are not all advantages and have no disadvantages at all.

In addition to the relatively slow loading speed, this disadvantage also has a lot of room for improvement depending on the skill level of the loader. A more fatal shortcoming that is inevitable and must be faced is that the ammunition capacity of the Soviet heavy tanks using the 122 Heirloom series main gun is too low.

The high-angle armor layout plan that prioritizes protection efficiency also greatly compresses and occupies the space inside the vehicle.

Firstly, the human-machine function is naturally not very good, and the team members are not very comfortable. Secondly, the already huge 122 projectiles and propellant cartridges cannot hold many rounds now.

Fortunately, the 122 cannon is powerful enough. One shot can deal with the German's stupid 75 cannon, which may be a troublesome task that even a long time of table tennis and table tennis bombing can't handle.

But even if it is ridiculous, a bicycle with too low ammunition capacity can only cope with a high-intensity fierce battle, especially a bloody battle like the encirclement and annihilation of the Grossdeutschland Division.

Normally, there would be no problem and everything would be easy to say, but the problem is that it is not a normal situation now.

Malashenko had just destroyed the Grossdeutschland Division, and before he could even take a breather, he immediately had to rush north without stopping to kill the Skeleton Division, an opponent of the same level as the Grossdeutschland Division.

After the battle to encircle and annihilate the Grossdeutschland Division, each vehicle had only a few rounds of artillery shells left, and some even used up all the grenades. If we go straight north to beat the Skeleton Division without any supplements, the thick-skinned IS6 will definitely become a mobile heavy machine gun truck. Using the Deshka on the roof to attack the Germans is already the strongest firepower.

More and more logistics support troops arrived later, and these logistics supply convoys continued to drive into the smoke-filled positions. Of course, they were not limited to ammunition supply vehicles.

Some tanks that were seriously damaged in the battle also quickly received maintenance nannies.

The previous batch of field maintenance vehicles that took off the IS2 chassis and removed the head turret and put a rotating boom on it also rushed up.

You said that you want to use this thing to directly lift the turret, but that is really a bit unrealistic and unrealistic.

But use this kind of IS2 repair tank to repair the damaged tracks, or lift the dead engine directly from the open power compartment, and then tie the new spare engine directly from the truck compartment and lift it in It's not a big problem if you go into the power cabin and finally complete the installation manually.

Such a temporary magically modified IS2 repair tank can indeed solve many thorny problems. A lot of work that originally required dragging the tank to the rear for repairs can now be repaired on the spot with the support of the IS2 repair tank. Way to complete quickly.

It is no exaggeration to say that this has great benefits for ensuring the combat effectiveness of the entire army and reducing and saving maintenance time.

Malashenko, who finally saw something good about the situation, rolled up his sleeves and looked at his watch. He estimated that in about ten minutes he would be able to lead his team and send the bastards of the Skeleton Division on their way.

When he thought of the Skeleton Division, Malashenko immediately became energetic, and immediately turned his head to ask the political commissar comrade who was still beside him.

"How is the situation in the north now? Have those bastards from the Skeleton Division come here?"

When Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who didn't seem to be in a hurry, heard this, he immediately understood that Malashenko was so anxious to refuel and reload the troops for battlefield supplies. It turned out that he was going north to defeat the Skeleton Division. It seemed that the news about Comrade Division Commander had been learned. The situation is a little lagging.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, Malashenko has been fighting the Germans on the front line and is not sitting in the division headquarters to command. The only source of information he had was himself. If he hadn't told Malashenko the news, he probably wouldn't have known about it. But he was too busy just now and didn't realize it for a while.

Thinking of this, the unhurried political commissar immediately spoke seriously to Malashenko and told the latest news that could shock Comrade Ma's jaw.

"You can let your comrades take a break and stop rushing to do it. The Skeleton Division's gang of bastards left the battle half an hour ago and ran away without looking back. You will be on time in ten minutes. We can't catch up even if we set off, and their level of mechanization is not low either. If we catch up, we'll just eat some of the rear troops, but we can't stop their main force."

Hearing this, not only Malashenko, but even Lavrinenko, who was also listening on the side, opened his mouth in shock.

"What!? Ran away!???"

??Chapter benefits, recite a poem, please check

?The will of the people in Warsaw was broken, and they rushed thousands of miles to help and killed them.

?If I don't save you at the sight of death, then Maozi has an old horse.



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