The Skeleton Division bastards escaped, which was something Malashenko never expected.

On his side, he did not hesitate to endure casualties. What was the purpose of killing the bastard of the Grossdeutschland Division in the shortest possible time?

Isn't it just that before the bastards like the Skeleton Division cause a bigger mess, they can send their troops north to rescue the scene and support the two Guards brigades that are blocking the rescue, so that the bastards of the Skeleton Division know "What does Lord Ma have?" "How many eyes", eat these offal in one go and have a spoonful of "German Germany and Skull"?

But now, seeing that the leading division of the Grossdeutschland Division that had just finished taking care of them was about to be ready, they could immediately send their troops north as planned. Comrade Political Commissar happened to arrive at this moment and told Malashenko: Don't think about it, the Skeleton Division's bastards have already run far away, and you can eat their farts even if you catch up right now.

One thing to say, this not only made Malashenko feel panicked, but also made him feel like "I've even taken off my pants and you're just showing me this?"

"What's going on? Do you have a detailed explanation of the situation? What's going on inside that I don't know about? Tell me everything you know."

Since he is no longer in a hurry to pursue the enemy, Malashenko can no longer continue to work in such a hurry. It can be considered that he has time to calm down and figure out the ins and outs of the whole incident. At this time, he will tell the political commissar the whole thing. It would obviously be appropriate to ask clearly.

Of course, the political commissar comrade who has worked with Malashenko for a long time and is quite familiar with his character also expected that Malashenko would definitely ask this question, so the corresponding answer was already on his lips and ready.

"The matter is a bit complicated, and the situation I have here is not that comprehensive. There are still some things that I don't know yet, so I will tell you roughly what I already know."

As the elite of the Guards, the intelligence support that the Leader Division can enjoy is very powerful.

Its intelligence source is different from other ordinary troops. It is directly the first-level intelligence system of the front army headquarters managed by Vatutin.

In other words, as long as Vatutin feels that Malashenko and the division command organization of the leading division should know, or Malashenko wants to know, and the actual situation does allow the leading division to know the details, then with The corresponding information can be obtained from the leader.

Therefore, if you insist that the leader division has powerful intelligence support capabilities at the level of a front army, it is indeed correct to say so.

It is precisely because of this that Comrade Political Commissar was able to summarize all the known and confirmed situations shortly after this incident happened, so that he could face Malashenko's inquiry. There is something to say.

"The intelligence we had previously obtained is correct, so there is no problem. The Skeleton Division is indeed running all the way south. It is acceptable to accept the mission of rescuing the Grossdeutschland Division. It wants to save these bastards from the fire. comfirmed."

"However, there were some changes in the future."

"The Skeleton Division did use all their strength to attack crazily. The two Guards brigades were almost exhausted trying to stop these madmen. The battle damage was very serious. It was so serious that if you put it on the German side, you can judge that these two brigades were destroyed. Eliminated. So when it comes to rescuing people, the Skeleton Master is not just pretending, he really comes for this purpose and desperately wants to complete the mission."

"As for why these bastards gave up halfway, and suddenly turned back after seeing that they had broken through the blockade. At present, the specific reason is not clear, but the analysis from the front army headquarters is that the Skeleton Division may have received orders from superiors and changed Task."

"Our side has almost wiped out the Grossdeutschland Division. The higher-level command organization of the Germans must have received the news. Combined with the progress of the Skeleton Division's attack, it is easy to conclude that "even if the attack They came to the conclusion that they were just a friendly body collection team."

"Such a result is not what the Germans want. Their purpose is to rescue the Grossdeutschland Division, not to come and collect the corpses everywhere, and then fight us fiercely to snatch these corpses, or even create more 's body came out."

"From a macro perspective, if the Skeleton Division really does this and continues to advance south, I don't know if the bodies of the Grossdeutschland Division can be recovered, but I can guarantee that these bastards will not be able to protect themselves."

"The mobile support troops of the First Army are deployed very quickly. If the Skeleton Division leaves 20 minutes later, they will be entangled by the leading troops of the First Army's backup force, and it will not be so easy to leave by then."

"In addition, there is a terrible "steel butcher" like you in the south, ready to go north to kill him. If you put yourself in his shoes, if I were the commander of the Skeleton Division, I would definitely order a retreat. In order to grab a pile of corpses, a division's It’s crazy to risk human life. If you don’t leave, you will be surrounded and annihilated. This is what I analyzed based on the known situation.”


Comrade Political Commissar said this. Malashenko, who had been directing the battle and fighting furiously, also calmed down a lot at the same time. The soaring adrenaline had basically subsided. Many things that he had no time to think about or did not expect just now, now also It's clearly shown before my eyes, basically I understand everything.

Does Comrade Political Commissar’s analysis make sense?

One thing to say is indeed very reasonable. Malashenko also agreed with it after thinking about it carefully.

But some situations are still unclear. For example, were the Skeleton Division bastards afraid of themselves or the Red Army, so they ran away?

If these bastards knew that the leader's division was to the south and decided to run away, one thing is for sure: Malashenko was not happy about it.

"Just hearing the name can scare the enemy away" may sound pretty impressive and infinitely awesome at first glance.

But what Malashenko thinks about is that in the future battles, if the Skeleton Division gets wind of the Leader Division again, and then quickly greases the soles of their feet and does the same thing again, then they will be arrested again. Don't you care about this bunch of bastards anymore?

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and fighting a war does not mean you can fight however you want.

In particular, the Skeleton Division is one of the Four Elites of the SS. With the priority equipment supply rights, although the level of mechanization is not higher than that of the Leader Division, it can at least completely defeat a large number of other Wehrmacht divisions and the Party. From the Guards Division.

This resulted in the Skeleton Division not only attacking hard enough, but also running away quickly enough.

If these bastards had known about the news in advance and wanted to run away, if you wanted to overcome the blockade and interception of other German troops, catch up and kill these bastards, it would be really difficult. Even Malashenko They all felt that it was a big deal.

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