Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2022 Glorious Mission

"What the fuck! This is going to be difficult. Why did these bastards run away? Are they afraid of me? Or are they afraid of the encirclement and suppression by the large forces of the front army? Damn!"

Malashenko also knew that it was useless to just sit here and think about it. As for what to do, he should continue to wait for any follow-up information from the front army headquarters.

Anyway, for now, the Skeleton Division's bastards have been running away for more than half an hour, and there is no longer any possibility of pursuit and annihilation.

Therefore, the "one-spoon stew" hard dish that Malashenko originally prepared could only be considered "half-cooked" in the end. It was missing a key ingredient and was only half-cooked.

The Grossdeutschland Division was completely wiped out, and the Skeleton Division pretended to be a force and ran away.

Although this result cannot be said to be bad, it is definitely not good, at least for Malashenko, it is really not happy.

In particular, in order to quickly support the battle in the north, Malashenko also used the maximum attack energy for the first time, pressing all the leading divisions that had completed the synthesis and adaptation at one go, and attacked the already shaky Grossdeutschland Division from three sides. Poor last line of defense.

The results have all been seen. Malashenko achieved the result he wanted, compressed the completion time of the annihilation mission to the extreme, and sent the Grossdeutschland Division on the road in the shortest time.

But there is a price, and it is heavy.

More than half of the casualties in the combat engineer force were very painful for Malashenko. It was not easy to form or replenish this elite heavy infantry force. Normally, reports and documents related to this unit must be sorted out by the political commissar in person for preliminary review, and then presented to Malashenko for review and signature before they can be issued to the troops for execution.

Malashenko can foresee now that it will not be easy to restore the combat effectiveness of the combat engineer troops in the future.

The leader division itself cannot draw out so many experienced veterans and qualified grassroots commanders. If it is forced to draw out, it can make up all the combat engineer units, but this will greatly affect the conventional infantry units. Wall, mend the Western Wall.

It's obviously inappropriate to be so reckless, so what should we do?

There is no other way but to ask our comrade, the commander, to help wipe the butt and find a way to supplement manpower from other places.

Thinking of this, Malashenko felt his face burning up, which was a bit too embarrassing.

You said that your leadership division has just completed its synthetic reorganization and added so many high-quality soldiers and cutting-edge equipment in one go.

After just one battle on the battlefield, he immediately reached out to his superiors for supplements.

Let’s not talk about whether this supplement can be approved, but I’m just asking you, are you ashamed?

Even though Comrade Ma has a thicker skin than the city wall, he still feels ashamed when he thinks about it.

The more elite the troops are, the more self-esteem they have, the stronger the sense of collective honor, and the better their face. This is not unique to the Soviet army, it is a "common problem" shared by elite troops all over the world.

As the leader of a division, Malashenko's face is infinitely equal to the collective face of the leader division.

Even if there is a reason for the incident, when he thinks about Vatugin asking, "How could the casualties be so high? How was this battle fought!?" Comrade Lao Ma feels speechless and "I have no shame to see Jiangdong Laowa." .

But no matter what you think or say, things are just like this. They are not based on people's subjective will and must be faced.

Therefore, Malashenko, who had thought about everything but had no good solution, could only give up with a long sigh.

"Hey, what are you talking about? I'm convinced."

However, this also led to another subsequent situation that actually happened. This is the "skeleton master" who must take the blame for this in Malashenko's view. Now he is completely hated. This is worse than before. The grudge is even stronger.

"Damn it! It's all because of these bastards who forced me to jump over the wall! Otherwise, why would this battle be fought like this!? By delaying it until dusk and dark, we can force all the remaining bastards of the Grossdeutschland Division to surrender. We're in a hurry. These bastards didn’t even think about surrendering. I’ll mark it down for you!”

No matter what the reason was, after all, the skeleton master ran away with oil on his feet and played the German version of "Thousands of miles away, there is a bright sky". The leader has successfully completed the expected task and is able to report to his superiors. Of course, this also means that he has nothing to do for a while. He can take a breath and rest, rest in place and wait for further instructions from his superiors.

"How's it going? Has the telegram been sent? Has your superiors responded?"

Malashenko, who went down to the troops and walked around to understand the situation, came back not long after and continued to get into the tent of the field division headquarters where he did not often stay to find out the situation from his political commissar comrades.

The political commissar, who understood that Malashenko was only thinking about the follow-up orders from his superiors, simply took out a document from the pile at hand and handed it to Malashenko in front of him.

"I just arrived. I originally planned to deliver this thing to you after signing. Now that you are back, let's see it for yourself."

The content of the telegram was very brief, and the main idea was to learn about the latest battle situation of the leading division and to express affirmation and encouragement.

It was of great significance to once again annihilate the Grossdeutschland Division. This was an extraordinary victory. In the name of the Front Army Headquarters, Vatutin congratulated and praised Malashenko in the telegram, and jointly stated that he would Report the relevant situation and apply for honors and awards for the leader.

At the end of the telegram, Malashenko found what he wanted, which was the next specific action order.

The huge victory in annihilating the Grossdeutschland Division had a very positive impact on the entire front. The elite field group of hundreds of thousands of German troops entrenched in the eastern suburbs of Warsaw was falling into a complete rout.

Now, multiple assault troops of the 1st Belarusian Front are advancing in an all-round way to the east bank of the Vistula River. They are expected to arrive at the expected location as soon as this evening to prepare for the battle to seize the cross-river bridge.

The cross-river bridges on the south and north banks are in charge of friendly forces belonging to the First Army. As a temporarily seconded "brotherly force", Malashenko's leader division is currently the most forward, closest and most important. A Red Army unit on the central bridge across the river.

Moreover, the huge obstacle between the Red Army and the Central Cross-River Bridge, that is, the Grossdeutschland Division, has been personally sent to the west by Malashenko's leading division.

Now, except for the pitifully small German garrison entrenched at the bridgehead, there is no longer any organized group force that can stop the advancement of the leading division.

By taking down the central bridge across the river, the heavy equipment of the leading division and the big guys will have a way to cross the river.

Warsaw, where the whole city is crackling with fighting and an uprising has broken out, will then completely open its doors to the Red Army.

Without any suspense, taking the central cross-river bridge opened the first complete passage to Warsaw for the Red Army, and liberated the Polish capital as the first force to enter the city.

This task, which is relatively simple to say and very glorious at the same time, naturally has a bit of political overtones and falls on the leadership division named after Comrade Stalin and Comrade Lao Ma, who is the leader of the division.

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