Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2023 Disguised surprise attack

At least under normal circumstances, today's battle between the Leader Division and Malashenko is over.

The fierce battle that lasted all day completely wiped out the Grossdeutschland Division II, an elite Wehrmacht force that was resurrected from the "undead army" that had been destroyed once before.

The original plan to go north to beat up the Skeleton Division was temporarily cancelled. The last bit of daylight left before dark did not support the leader's division, which had already been fighting fiercely for a day and was exhausted, to organize any large-scale attack. Beat up the approaching German troops.

In fact, the main reason is that there is really nothing left in the scattered German troops nearby that is worthy of Comrade Ma's hands. Either cats and dogs, or scattered deserters who were beaten to the point of abandoning their armor. These scattered German troops can be left to the front army's own troops to deal with them.

As a temporarily seconded guest army, I'd better not take the initiative to find trouble and get involved. Malashenko just wanted to let the troops who had been fighting for a day take a good rest, and by the way, make a good summary of how to fight the next battle to seize the bridge.

"Here, take a look at this map. It doesn't look easy to fight. The terrain near the bridgehead on the east bank is very empty. If we rush over like this, we will definitely be seen by the Germans from a distance, so we have to think of other ways.

Today's dinner for the leading division is mashed potatoes and Georgia chicken with tomato sauce. To be precise, it is a special dinner served by the division command organization.

As for the combat troops below, the food is not bad, but things like "Georgia Tomato Sauce Chicken" are very complicated to make, so don't think that everyone can eat it in a big pot style. You just let The cooking team is too busy to prepare for so many people in one day.

A big pot of stewed pork, beans and potatoes is really suitable for gay people to quickly fill their stomachs.

A layer of lard, half fat and half lean chunks of pork, accompanied by potatoes, overflowing with fragrance. In the 21st century, this kind of food would most likely be "junk food with excessive calories" and would definitely suffer from weight loss and The scorn of those who care about their body.

But looking at it, this is the best "tonal medicine" for the soldiers after a day of fierce fighting. Don't worry about too many calories, just not enough calories. Even if you eat 3,000 calories in one meal, you won't be afraid of gaining weight. During the day The consumption of fighting like crazy for a day is enough to digest these calories.

If you don't eat, you will become thinner and thinner, your physical strength will decrease, and your body will not be able to keep up.

So at this time when people are almost starving to the point of glaring with eyes, no soldier will refuse such a lunch box full of super delicious food, plus two pieces of fresh bread as the staple food.

In the field camp at the division headquarters, Malashenko was holding a freshly unloaded chicken drumstick in his mouth. His mouth was full of oil. While stuffing it into his mouth, he pointed at him with his greasy hands. On the map, the location of the bridgehead on the east bank of the Central Bridge over the Vistula River was pointed at Comrade Political Commissar, holding a chicken drumstick in his mouth and mumbling with slurred words.

Compared with Malashenko's shameful eating posture, the one-armed political commissar's eating posture is much more elegant. He has the qualities that a mature and stable senior political comrade with high-quality education should have.

"Well, I saw it. The village closest to the bridgehead on the east bank is more than eight kilometers away in a straight line. We can't expect to use this village as a cover to attack the Germans. But if we directly use high-mobility armored units to rush over, like As you said, the terrain of the bridgehead is very open, and the Germans are not blind. They can see us from a long distance, and I'm afraid they will jump over the wall in a hurry. "

Yes, Comrade Comrade Political Commissar used the Chinese adjective "a dog jumps over the wall", but when said in Russian, it sounded a little less smooth.

"Okay, you are so proficient in Chinese, I have never heard you say this before."

Hearing this, the political commissar smiled and spoke in response. Malashenko, who was full of oil, was still holding his tomato sauce chicken and devouring it.

"On the other hand, I was surprised that you were able to understand it right away."

"Tell me what you think. I guess you have some tricks up your sleeve. If you really wanted to break your head and scratch your head, you wouldn't be eating so heartlessly now."


Comrade Lao Ma, who was still holding chicken in his mouth, was stunned when he heard this, but then he felt relieved. After all, the person who knew him best was indeed Comrade Political Commissar.

"The idea is very simple. I'm just a little bold. I'm afraid I'll scare you if I say it."

He casually pulled out a piece of scrap newspaper to wipe his oily hands, and temporarily put down the half-eaten tomato sauce chicken in his hand.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar knew that this was Malashenko's gesture of preparing to speak seriously, so he just looked at Malashenko with a smile without saying much, quietly waiting for what kind of speech Comrade Commander would make next.

"What we are worried about is nothing more than the Germans blowing up the bridge. As you said, if these bastards see us rushing towards us, they will definitely run to the bridgehead on the west bank and raise the bridge by the way. I don't think the Germans will blow up the bridge." You would be stupid enough not to install explosives on the bridge in advance. This is the central bridge with the most important strategic value. "

"After confirming the key target, the rest is easier to handle. Just take down the bridge safely."

"Isn't it just dark now? I plan to send a commando team up during the night later. The batch of German Panthers our division handed over last time still have some unregistered and repainted ones. I've been waiting for a long time Thinking that they might be used in the future when there is a disguised surprise attack, Karamov specially left a batch of original ones, waiting for now. "

"This solves the problem of tanks. The commandos don't have to worry about the Germans setting up a few machine guns at the bridgehead to block the entire bridge and make it impossible to rush through. As for the clothes, that's even simpler."

"Today we killed a division of Germans, and the German prisoners of war are still digging holes to bury their bodies. We can still use it by stripping ourselves among the piles of corpses, but if that doesn't work, we'll strip off the clothes of the living Germans. We also have ready-made weapons, and we have as many German guns as we need.”

"Organize all the veteran soldiers in the division who are familiar with German and can speak fluently, put on their clothes and carry their guns. Let's drive the German Panther over and hit them in the dark, and then remove the documents and documents from the pile of corpses. Turn it out and take it with you."

"If the German bridgehead garrison asks again, tell them directly that we are the breakout force of the Grossdeutschland Division. The Russians are chasing closely behind. The military order is urgent and they must cross the bridge immediately. Who dares to delay the military law? Just tell a few lies. After some fooling around, I estimate that 80% of the bridgehead garrison are not elite field warriors, so I let them go if they were scared. I don’t think it’s a big problem, what do you think?”

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