Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2024: Teacher is sick?

A fake surprise attack?

One thing said, the political commissar comrades have almost forgotten the last time Malashenko did this, but they are sure that Malashenko must have used this trick before, and it was successful.

As the saying goes, "One new move can be used all over the world." If you use a surprise move to take the initiative when the enemy doesn't expect it, it is indeed very likely that the surprise move will be "tried and tested".

But comrade political commissar can also realize that Malashenko is putting his troops at risk.

Once the tactics fail and the plan is exposed, the failure to protect it will not be as simple as losing a bridge. To be honest, it is really possible for the entire commando team to be involved. For example, if you were exposed when you were crossing a bridge, and the Germans destroyed the bridge along with you, that's not impossible.

"Are you sure? You know the risks of doing this very well, and you don't want to think of other ways?"

Comrade Political Commissar wanted to know whether Malashenko really planned to do this, and of course he could only get a confident answer from Malashenko.

"If you have a better idea, I'm all ears."


There is one thing to say, indeed.

This kind of battle is time-tight, high-risk, and more importantly, it is not possible to use large forces to fight directly. In theory, a surprise attack is the most suitable.

Although the risk of doing this is very high, if you compare it with other conceivable tactics, this one has the highest success rate.

It's just that if this fails, the consequences that may involve the entire commando team are indeed "slightly serious".

But as Malashenko said, when you can't find a more suitable tactic than this, then it is worth a try.

"Well, I can't think of a better way. The longer the time is delayed, the worse it will be. Even if we don't fight during the day tomorrow, the Germans may take the initiative to blow up the bridge to delay time. Solving this big trouble overnight is indeed It is the best choice. What do you plan to do in terms of implementation? Who will lead the commando team? This choice must be carefully considered."

While he was talking, Comrade Political Commissar, who lowered his head to take a bite of food, unfortunately missed a very important and fleeting detail: the imperceptible "evil smile" on the corner of Comrade Division Commander's mouth.

That is, after this fleeting and imperceptible moment, the serious Malashenko soon continued to speak seriously.

"The first company commander of the first brigade combat engineer battalion, Captain Alsim."

"In terms of experience, during the Soviet-Finnish War, he went skiing with the Finn's head on his head, and he is still alive today. The entire combat engineer battalion has more war experience than him, and he can count them on one hand. Ability, he is the most capable sharp knife company commander in the old combat engineer battalion. During the day, he was the first to rush into the German division headquarters, there is no doubt about it. "

"Furthermore, he speaks German quite fluently. I talked to him a while ago. In my opinion, his German level is not a big problem. He also has a bit of a Munich accent. I think he can fool the second-rate garrison at the bridge. In short, he is quite suitable. I think he is the best choice. It can be done with a company of troops, and with a few tanks, he can knock down the bridgehead. What do you think?"


What Malashenko said sounded fine, and everything seemed to be going smoothly.

The political commissar who noticed nothing strange nodded after hearing this. According to what Malashenko said, it would be great to have such a suitable candidate, and the next few things would be relatively simple.

"Okay, just make your decision. I believe you have a good eye for people."

"I'm going to arrange the recruitment organization and contact the equipment. You can go find the Alsim you mentioned, assign tasks and explain the details to him. Maybe there are some German prisoners of war who know more about the bridgehead. As for the details, I’ll go find some valuable interrogation reports and I’ll be back later.”

After saying that, Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who was accustomed to more actions than words, stood up and left, leaving behind Comrade Ma who had almost eaten the whole chicken, as if he was still sitting there thinking about something.

About half an hour later, when the very efficient political commissar was waiting for Comrade Malashenko to ask if there was anything else he wanted to explain before the commandos set off, Comrade Ma, who felt that he had arranged everything in place, Seems a little leisurely.

"The reserve team has been arranged. As soon as the bridgehead is taken, the signal flare is raised, and the follow-up troops immediately rush to support. The contact method is based on the vehicle-mounted radio on the Panther, so we can get the latest news in time. I also arrange the specific mission details and Now that the explanation is clear, there’s nothing more to say.”

"Uh-huh, I suddenly felt a little dizzy and nauseous right now. I probably caught a cold from the wind or something. You can do the rest. Lavrinenko is here too. I'll go and lie down on the bed over there for a while. Just call me if you want anything."

While Malashenko was talking, he suddenly became confused and covered his forehead with his hand as if he was dizzy. Seeing this, the political commissar comrades couldn't help but step forward and take a closer look.

"Are you okay? Are you sure you don't need to call Karachev to check on you?"

Malashenko, who looked dizzy just now, smiled temporarily, but he didn't waver since he stood up from the chair, but the smile on his face seemed a bit forced.

"Harm! What can happen to me? It's just a little dizzy. Who doesn't have a headache? The German's shells can't kill me. What can a little dizziness do to me? Don't think too much, I'm going to rest It’ll be fine in a moment. If anything happens, call me at any time and I’ll be there for you.”


I don’t know why. Looking at the back of Malashenko walking towards the camp bed next to the camp, Comrade Political Commissar always felt that something was a little strange, but he couldn’t explain the specific reason.

He could only shake his head and then follow Malashenko's instructions. He walked out of the camp and ordered the commandos to set off as planned and start taking action. As he walked, he was still thinking that maybe he was really overthinking? Perhaps it was because he was too worried about Malashenko's health, that's right.

About five minutes later, when Comrade Political Commissar returned to the camp again after finishing what he was supposed to do, he only saw a familiar figure lying on the camp bed next to the tent.

When I took a closer look, I realized that our senior comrade's habit of falling asleep has not changed at all.

He said he would lie down and rest for a while, but now he was snoring loudly and snoring like thunder.

There was a big temperature difference between day and night in the wild, and he was worried that Malashenko would catch a cold. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar also took a military coat from the clothes rack on the side, spread it out with a wave of one hand, and covered Marashenko who was sleeping soundly. On Ke.

Malashenko seemed to have noticed that someone was covering him with something. Malashenko, who was sleeping as if he was not dead yet, had a clever idea. He subconsciously pulled the thing covering himself, covering most of his head, and turned his head. He continued to sleep soundly.

Seeing this, Comrade Political Commissar just smiled kindly. Comrade Division Commander must have been really exhausted to do this.

Anyway, there is still some time before the commandos arrive at the operating position. It is not too late to wake up Malashenko when the fighting starts. Don't disturb him now and continue to take a nap.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who felt that there was nothing wrong with him, immediately turned around and left. He didn't take two steps out before he remembered that he still had something to do in the army. It wouldn't take him more than a few minutes to get a report and he would be back. Go back as soon as possible. Without much delay, he quickly walked out of the camp.

But what Comrade Comrade Political Commissar never expected was that as soon as Malashenko, who was sleeping like a dead pig, trembled all over his body as if he had been electrocuted, he immediately sat up from the camp bed.

What's even more terrible is that someone opened a corner of the tent from the outside, and a big living man crawled directly in. He knew from a glance that he and Malashenko had already discussed it, and they would meet immediately if there was any movement. Malashenko's tone, as if he was a thief who was afraid of being discovered, was just pressing.

"Hurry, move quickly! Lie on the bed! If my comrade political commissar finds me, I won't be able to leave!"

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