Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2025 If Comrade Political Commissar Knows

Lavrinenko was a little flustered when Malashenko forced him onto the bed. He was not sure whether it was right or wrong to do so. In any case, it was Malashenko who took the initiative to find him and talk to him, half-requesting and half-ordering.

But the only thing Lavrinenko is certain of is that if the political commissar knows about this, he will definitely not be able to spare him, or that neither he nor Malashenko can even think of running away.

"Malashenko! Are you really sure you can do this? If Comrade Political Commissar finds out, it will be over for both of us!"

The first division commander and the first deputy division commander were unable to make a prompt decision. Malashenko, who was quite dissatisfied with this and was in a hurry, was just anxious.

"I'll hold it up if the sky falls. I'm tall, right?"

"But how could the sky fall?"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense! Hurry up, hurry up, and cover yourself up! Your head is half covered, hurry up! Am I the division commander or are you the division commander!? Listen to my orders!"


Lavrinenko was completely speechless by Malashenko. Seeing this gesture, there was nothing he could do except follow suit.

Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to Malashenko's crazy idea in the first place, but now that I'm at this point, what else can I do? This is the only way to do it. As for the consequences, at least it is not something that can be said clearly now.

"Okay, cover yourself with clothes, and lie down here honestly until the political commissar realizes that something is wrong and pulls you up, or until I come back and we change people. If the first result doesn't happen, wait until the second one happens. , do you understand?”


Lavrinenko was still speechless and didn't know what to say now. He just nodded casually while lying on the bed with most of his head covered.

"Okay, I'll withdraw! If anything happens to the division headquarters then, just help me keep an eye on it, that's all!"

After saying that, Malashenko did not wait for Lavrinenko on the bed to reply. Without saying a word, he lifted up a corner of the division headquarters tent, slipped out like a thief, and disappeared without a trace. trace.

In the division headquarters camp, which was not very busy at night, no one noticed what had just happened in a corner of the camp. Comrades all know that the small camp bed is usually used by political commissar comrades who are in poor health to rest. Sometimes the division commander and deputy division commander will also lie down and take a nap.

In short, that bed is a "leader's bed." If it's not really important, don't disturb it. Especially when you see someone lying on the bed from a distance, it's best not to disturb the person above him from resting. .

It is such a coincidence, and of course it can be taken for granted. Except for Lavrinenko, no one in the entire division field camp knew that Malashenko, the division commander, had mysteriously disappeared. Everyone thought that Comrade Division Commander He was lying on the little bed and sleeping.

Where is Comrade Deputy Division Commander, you ask?

Comrade Deputy Division Commander went down to the 1st Brigade to inspect the troops after dinner and has not come back yet. Comrade the division commander personally assigned him to go there. He was in the division headquarters when the order was given. Many people saw and heard it. This is a well-known thing and is not a secret.

Ever since, with Malashenko's careful preparation and intentional planning, everything seemed to have been arranged seamlessly and without any flaws, at least until the political commissar discovered something was wrong with the man lying on the bed.

After leaving the division headquarters, Malashenko did not choose to walk. Instead, he walked quickly and quietly. Before he had gone far, he got into a small GAZ Jeep parked on the roadside and headed straight into the wild.

Malashenko pulled up his collar as high as possible and lowered the brim of his big-brimmed hat to cover his face, at least so that the driver in the front seat couldn't see anything.

The driver was arranged by Lavrinenko in advance. Of course, Lavrinenko was just following Malashenko's orders.

You ask who was in the car? The driver doesn't know, so don't even think about asking too many questions. Asking questions is a military secret.

The driver only knows that he has to pull the people on the bus to a certain designated location. He is not allowed to talk about anything extra, let alone say anything on his own initiative. He can only carry out the order and be done with it.

Therefore, during this dark journey, except for the driver who took out his ID when passing the checkpoint at the military station to prove that he was a divisional vehicle to pass the inspection, and had a brief exchange with the guards, there was no excessive verbal communication in the car. Malashenko didn't say a word the whole time, waiting until the car slowly stopped and reached its final destination.

"Here we are"

The driver didn't know who he was pulling in the back seat. Due to the special nature of the task, he didn't dare to ask more questions, let alone take the initiative to look back. He just reminded the mysterious person in the back seat with the simplest words.


Malashenko remained silent as before, touched the door handle, pushed open the car door, raised his legs and walked down.

Until Malashenko got out of the car and left, the driver didn't know who this person was or why he came to this wilderness in the middle of the night.

Due to the order given to him by Lavrinenko, his task was only to deliver people, not to wait for them to be picked up. Therefore, the young driver did not dare to stay in this place where there might be enemies. As soon as Malashenko closed the car door with his hand, he immediately turned the steering wheel and returned the same way, preparing to follow the mission instructions. The last step, where to go back and forth.

Seeing that the car was gradually driving away, reaching the distance where he could not see himself even when he looked back in the night, Malashenko, who had been cautious along the way, was relieved, and the bushes behind him not far away also came at the right time. Seven or eight people came out and immediately surrounded them.

"Comrade Commander, do you really want to do this? It's still too late to go back now. I can send someone to escort you back safely."

The person who took the lead in speaking was naturally Alsim, nicknamed "Snow Razor", and he was also the deputy commander personally selected by Malashenko to lead the team to carry out this disguised raid mission.

Well, yes, he is indeed the deputy commander.

Who is the commander, you ask?

Just look at the unmistakable and determined expression on Malashenko's face and you will understand.

"There is nothing to hesitate. Now that I have come out, I have made a decision."

"We are pressed for time, comrades, start taking action immediately!"

"Alsim, where is my car? Are they here?"

Of course Alsim knew who the "comrade division commander's car" and "them" were referring to.

Everything has been arranged and prepared in advance according to Malashenko's requirements, and we are just waiting for the last step in the plan, which is the arrival of Malashenko himself on time.

Now that everything was ready, Arsim, who had seen Malashenko so determined, could not say any more nonsense. He just responded with firm and simple words to Malashenko.

"Everything is ready, Comrade Commander, please follow me."

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