Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2026 The Beast Chariot of Shimokitazawa

After leaving the bush and walking further, there is a small forest. I heard that there are often Polish guerrillas in the woods. It is hard to say whether these guys are anti-Germany or anti-Soviet and German together. I have not contacted the local people in advance to give any advice. Coordinated resistance.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Alsim deployed the commando team on the edge of the grove and did not let the troops go in and hide out of consideration for greater concealment. After all, concealment is not as important as safety. Who knows what will happen once you get in, whether you will be shot down by some Polish ghosts who have the home advantage. If you alert the German guys who are not too far away, you will be called a bad choice.

"There are a total of one hundred and thirty-eight people, not including tank soldiers, just pure infantry. Most of them are veterans of the combat engineer battalion, and a small number are veterans transferred from other regiments. There are no rookies or recruits here. Comrade division commander, the vast majority Everyone can speak German, and a few who don’t can just pick up a few simple words to get by, and everything you ask for is ready.”

Malashenko, who had not had time to take a closer look at the troops, just smiled faintly and then said something to the serious Alsim next to him.

"Including you? Alsim."


Of course Alsim understood what Malashenko was referring to when he said "Including you?"

To be honest, when it comes to reading and studying, Alsim, who is almost illiterate, gets dizzy just reading about it, and he can fall asleep listening to others chanting sutras.

In Alsim's own words, let's use a more down-to-earth expression.

"I don't even know my own Russian. What a bullshit German! Don't ask. If you ask, you won't know it! If you don't learn it, get out!"

Therefore, Malashenko actually lied to his political commissar comrades.

Alsim doesn't know any German at all, let alone the "fluent Munich accent". It was purely a fooling around by Malashenko to fool his political commissar comrades.

However, it is not entirely true to say that Malashenko is pure nonsense, because Malashenko's own German is indeed quite fluent.

After all, the person inside Malashenko's body is also a highly educated soul from the 21st century in the future. Before time travel, he was already proficient in Chinese, English and Russian.

Now that I know two foreign languages, it is not difficult to learn another and master it, not to mention how many years have the Patriotic War been fought? If Malashenko still can't learn and speak German fluently, then it's really unjustifiable.

Seeing Alsim slightly embarrassed by his own questions because of his lack of education and inability to speak German, Malashenko, who still had a smile on his face, just reached out and patted his buddy on the shoulder.

"That's why I'm here. Don't worry, leave it to me later. There won't be any problem.

After saying that, Malashenko really took a step forward and began to inspect the disguised surprise attack team prepared according to his own requirements.

All of them had lost their proud Red Army uniforms and were replaced by Wehrmacht uniforms that might have been ripped off from dead people, or from living German prisoners of war with matching builds.

He clasped the German's shit spoon on his head, inserted the German's M24 drum mine in his waistband, and shouldered the STG44 assault rifle, G43 semi-automatic rifle, and MG42 cloth tearing machine that he had plundered everywhere.

Well, they look like elites, they have so much energy, but they are just a group of "fake German" elites.

As for what was parked behind these commandos, there were also six Panther II medium tanks prepared in accordance with Malashenko's requirements, and eight more equipped with German single-barreled 20mm cannons or MG42 semi-tank tanks. Tracked vehicle.

Obviously, if the uninformed Germans see it, this is definitely a small mechanized elite force. This is also the effect Malashenko wants to achieve.

"Very good, no problem. Which car is my car?"

"Here, hey! Where are you looking?"

Before Malashenko finished speaking, a familiar voice with a deliberately lowered voice came from the second turret of the nearest Panther parked at the end of the team.

Taking a quick look, it was obvious that it couldn't be anyone else. Who else could it be besides Iushkin, a living treasure?

After finding his car, Malashenko took a closer look and saw clearly that the second turret call sign of the Panther, painted in summer three-color leopard print camouflage, was 114. He couldn't help but frown.

"Damn, are you going to get off the Kitazawa Beast Chariot? What's the call sign? But this is it?"

"What are you muttering about? Come up quickly and get ready to go."

Iushkin couldn't hear what Malashenko was whispering under the car. He just told Malashenko to get in the car quickly and hurry up.

Malashenko did have to get into the car, but before that, he had to take a bag from Alsim.

"Everything is inside, comrade division commander, complete with lieutenant colonel uniform."

"I originally planned to pick up a general to give it to you, but there really wasn't anything that fit the size. The only one that was similar was the clothes of an unlucky guy who had his waist blown off, and it was completely unwearable. This one is quite clean, and it's a surrendered Germany. All that was left of the unlucky guy was his underpants, and we gave him a pile of dead clothes for him to pick out and wear."

Malashenko, who is indeed too tall, is more than 1.9 meters tall with bare feet. Even for the German army, which is generally tall, it is not easy to find an officer suit of the right size to wear. If you can get one, it is still suitable and usable. The lieutenant colonel's uniform is pretty good.

"That's right, I'll change my clothes in the car. Let the gays stop being gay and change to German after departure! Not just gays, Russian is prohibited! If you're not good at German, keep your mouth shut. Don't speak unless necessary. Good German Just communicate simply in German, speak as little as possible, and follow orders!”


The carefully disguised night attack commando team set off. Accompanied by the roar of tanks and half-tracks, the unison of military boots was particularly harsh in the otherwise silent night, and could be heard from a long distance away. .

"Why do you put your clothes in the car? The German car is more spacious, but you are too big. Don't you think it's uncomfortable to change clothes here?"

Standing in the turret basket, Malashenko used the dim yellow light in the car to hurriedly strip off his clothes and put on the stolen German skin.

After a busy period of work, he put the big-brimmed hat on his head and finally finished. Iushkin's complaints also sounded in response, and Malashenko just answered casually.

"Time is tight, and there is no time to hang around outside the car. How are their respective situations? Can you master this thing?"

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