Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2027 The Belly of the Black Panther

Not only for Malashenko, but also for all the crew members who should be temporarily called "Crew No. 114", driving Black Panther 2 to participate in the battle can definitely be regarded as the first time for a girl to get into a car.

The Black Panther is familiar to almost all the tank soldiers in the leadership division, but that is limited to Black Panther 1.

Although Black Panther 2 has been on the battlefield for a long time, this new generation of Black Panther with enhanced armor can still stand firm with its enhanced front armor and direct fire from 122 guns. The front projection area of ​​the turret is inherited from the F-type turret, and is accordingly much smaller than the previous D, A, and G models. Overall, the survivability has been doubled.

In terms of the level of medium tanks in World War II, Black Panther II is almost the limit of the Zentraedi Star. At least the new batch of T43s of the Red Army are not as good as this thing for the time being.

But for this outstanding medium tank, there are very few vehicle crews in the leadership division who can actually operate this thing. If you want to say that there are even fewer crews that can run and fight in this thing, at least it must be an elite crew among the elite, such as the crew of the division commander.

The fact that Malashenko's crew was able to control this thing and go on the battlefield was mainly due to the period of rest and recuperation during the synthetic reorganization and upgrade of the leadership division after Operation Bagration.

The rather rare Black Panther II became the most curious treasure in the eyes of almost all tank soldiers in the division during that period.

This batch of Black Panther IIs captured from the Skeleton Division before they were actually used were in excellent condition. After a rough inspection, Karamov and his team came to the conclusion that "this batch of goods should be high-quality products from the production line." .

After all, it is a hard product exclusively for use by the Skeleton Division. It cannot be used like the ordinary second-rate armored divisions of the National Defense Forces. Naturally, the best of the good products must be given priority to troops like the Skeleton Division that have priority in equipment distribution.

Just guessing about Black Panther II's mother-in-law: MAN didn't expect that such a carefully selected group of high-quality Black Panther II would be handed over and made cheaper by the other side without waiting for the Skeleton Master to enjoy themselves. People, if you really want to talk about this, it is actually no different from the newly married Huang Hua eldest daughter being snatched away by Huang Mao. The person who suffers is naturally the Skeleton Master himself.

Maybe, maybe, this is really a kind of NTR, right?

During the period of changes and upgrades, Malashenko's crew also enjoyed the Black Panther II on the training ground and were basically familiar with its operation methods.

In fact, a large part of the credit for being able to get started so quickly must be attributed to the German guy himself.

The sincere German guy upholds a meticulous and rigorous style. Not only does the quality control of this batch of Black Panther IIs be very good and all are top-grade, but he also thoughtfully provides each car with an operating guide or instructions for use. illustrate.

This manual, which is thicker than the autobiography of the head of state, details every detail of Black Panther II from maintenance to use to combat. If the veteran tank soldiers in the leadership division have something they don't understand, they can basically find the answer in this manual. It can be said that as long as they can read German, they can figure out how to use this thing.

After learning that there was such a good thing, Malashenko just smiled and was not too surprised. After all, the German guy made this stupid mistake not once or twice. It also happened every time when the Iron Fist was seized before. The box is thoughtfully provided with an instruction manual. To put it bluntly, I really have to thank the German guy.

Although his crew has initially mastered the Black Panther II, it is, after all, a more complex German-made war machine that is completely different from Soviet tanks.

Therefore, considering that the stinky problems of German-made tanks are really speechless, Malashenko, who was worried that he would suddenly lose control after entering the battlefield, still asked one last time about the number of his crew, and the answer he got was: There is no problem with speaking in unison without thinking.

"It's a bit complicated, but it's much simpler than the Tiger. The German has made some progress. At least it's quite comfortable to drive."

Seryosha, who served as the driver, was the first to speak. The driving system of Panther II simplified the operation compared to the previous generation Panther I. Although it does not use a tiger-style steering wheel design and is still controlled by a mechanical linkage, which does not seem so high-end, you do have to admit that this thing is better to use than the Soviet operating system.

Especially the front transmission system, unlike the Soviet-made tank that requires a long mechanical connecting rod to pass through the bottom of the vehicle and directly connect to the rear power compartment, and use all your strength to move the joystick to drive the tank. , does not exist at all in Black Panther II’s driving system.

If I had to describe it, it would probably be that the difference between driving a new automatic car and an old-fashioned dump truck in the 21st century is probably even greater than this. At least Xie Liao's operation feels easier and saves a lot of effort. Sha herself felt very good.

"I don't have any problems here. The Germans also equipped this thing with a binocular sight. It is the same as the Tiger and our new IS7. The field of view is much wider. I remember that this thing was used in the late Panther 1 Wasn’t it all canceled in the model? The last captured Panthers were all monocular sights, so why did they change back to Black Panther II?”

As a gunner, what Iushkin cares about most is of course the gunner's "eyes", the sight used for aiming the main gun.

Malashenko, who knew that Iushkin was asking him a question, also shook his head, saying that he was not sure, and then added his own guess.

"Who knows? It may be that the production of the Tiger has been discontinued, and the production of the King Tiger cannot be increased. The production of the Black Panther II is not as large as the previous Black Panther One, which leads to excess production capacity of the supporting scopes at Zeiss, right? Looking back after the war, you You can ask a Zeiss engineer to see if my guess is correct."

Although Iushkin was indeed very happy here, no matter how happy he was, he couldn't be as happy as Artyom.

After all, this loader brother was suddenly downgraded from 130mm split-loading ammunition to 75mm fixed-loading ammunition. It is not an exaggeration to say that the loading difficulty directly caused a "fracture".

No, Artyom, half-crouched on the turret basket, is still playing with a 75mm high-explosive grenade.

"The craftsmanship of the Germans is very good. The artillery shells are made more finely than ours. Look, there are no scratches on them! Sometimes our artillery shells make me mistakenly think they are filed with a file. I don’t know where all the scratches came from.”

Listening to Artyom's "admiration", Iushkin, who didn't think the Germans were capable of doing such dirty work, smiled and added smoothly.

"But this thing is only 75mm. It's pretty good if it can blow up machine gun bunkers. I don't like this thing."

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