Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2028 Redemption

Iushkin disliked the fact that Panther II also used a 75mm main gun, which resulted in the supporting high-explosive bombs being too weak and useless. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

But after all, this was just one side of his story from the perspective of a gunner. If it were Artyom who was a loader, it would be completely the opposite.

"But at least it's much lighter, and it's fixed-loading. The reloading speed is much faster, which allows you to shoot at a higher rate of fire, right?"

After hearing this, Iushkin still shook his head. Iushkin, who loves his motherland very much, is not very willing to admit that German things or designs are excellent, unless the thing is really good.

"Forget it, I still like to hit the soul with one shot. The 130mm barrel is so powerful! One shot goes over and boom!!! The German guy's mother is in the sky, and you can watch the German guy being killed in your scope. It was the most wonderful moment when the bodies were blown away.”

Iushkin, who upholds the truth that "calibration is justice", likes things that are powerful enough. Artyom, knowing that Iushkin is such a piss-poor, didn't say much or argue.

In addition to the "old four" Seryosha, Iushkin, Artem, and Malashenko, there is a new comrade in the crew who deserves attention.

On the IS7 prototype No. 177, this new comrade was Artyom's partner and deputy loader. He was responsible for working together with Artyom to serve the 130 mm cannon.

But when it came to the No. 114 "Beast Tank" Panther II, the non-existent second loader position caused the new comrade to lose his corresponding position and no work.

But as the saying goes, "When a door closes, a window opens for you." The Panthers' second vehicle crew, which does not have a second loader position, has another position that requires a hand to operate.

Well, that's right, the positions of co-pilot electromechanical operator and body heading machine gunner have been eliminated on the main heavy and medium tanks currently in service in the Soviet Army.

Compared to the loader who was busy at the beginning of the war, the position of co-pilot is indeed a very easy and easy job, and it is probably a good job.

There hasn’t been much communication since this new comrade joined the crew. Malashenko, who was thinking about asking about the situation, then bent down from the commander’s position and lowered his head. There was no physical block, but the turret fighting room. The front end of the connected car body asked.

"Sergey, is that location familiar? Are the equipment and weapons okay?"

Hearing Malashenko's question, the man sitting in the co-pilot position at the front of the car just turned around and smiled, and then gave a thumbs up to the comrade commander.

"No problem, we can handle it! This German machine gun is easier to service than our DT. It's just that changing bullets is a little more troublesome. You have to remove the cover."

The man called Sergey is not an ordinary person. He has a very tragic and painful past that he cannot look back on. He had just emerged from the shadows and regained his strength not long before joining Malashenko's crew.

All this is because he is the loader of the 1st Tank Battalion under the 1st Tank Regiment of the Leader Division and the former company commander Kirill's vehicle crew. He is one of the few with only 17 people in the Battle of Marinovo Village. One of the Red Army survivors and the only one of Kirill's crew to survive.

"Take it, give it to my uncle, cough, give it to the political commissar! After I die, I will be strong and cheer up, and continue to move forward in order to defend the motherland."

For a long time after the Battle of Marinovo Village, Sergei, as the only survivor of the entire crew, struggled in a whirlpool of pain, self-blame, and sadness.

Comrade Commander, whose face was covered with blood, was holding his favorite harmonica in his hand. He leaned against the wreckage of the tank and confessed his last words to him. The scene in which Sergey passed away before finishing his words will probably never be forgotten in his life. .

During that time, Sergey often suffered from insomnia and tossed and turned all night long.

Even if he was lucky enough to fall asleep occasionally, Sergey would think back to that time as soon as he closed his eyes. He would think of Comrade Commander, who lost too much blood and had his lungs penetrated by debris. His already failing lung function made it even more difficult to breathe, coupled with the severe blood loss. , and the scene where he died before help arrived.

Sergey is afraid of the dark and the night. When Comrade Commander closes his eyes, he is probably facing the boundless darkness, right? Such empathy haunted Sergei like a nightmare, and he refused to let go of this already miserable survivor until political commissar Petrov, who could not just sit back and ignore it, found him.

"Comrade Division Commander's crew needs a new loader. I signed up for you, and I think you will be the most suitable one."


Sergey couldn't believe that what he heard was true. He felt like he was going to be crippled.

Even if he is expelled from the leadership division now, he still accepts it.

Having almost been tortured crazy by that scene, he was indeed not suitable to continue to stay in this heroic army named after the great leader. If he continued to command, he would bring shame to the army. At least that was what Sergey thought.


"Don't tell me you can't do it, young man."

"You are the only heir to Kirill's legacy. It was he who handed the great banner of his unfinished business into your hands, allowing you to carry on with what your comrades have failed to accomplish."

"I am a member of the Communist Party, a political commissar, and an atheist, but I believe that if Kirill knows that you have taken up his legacy and continue to walk on it firmly, this will be the best and most gratifying news for him. You You are not fighting alone. Behind you are three comrades who have died, and all the comrades from the First Company who died in that battle are watching you! "

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who had finished speaking, placed Kirill's sidearm, the Tokarev TT33 pistol with some blood stains that may never be wiped off, on the table beside him.

Pick up the gun, and the road ahead is to continue fighting the enemy to the death in the Patriotic War.

Ignoring the gun will lead you to a coward's path of being haunted by nightmares forever, living in pain, regret, and self-blame until you die.

"Kirill is waiting for you, kid. He will be waiting for you in front of the monument to the heroes after the end of the great Patriotic War. Your entire crew is waiting for you to bring them the news of victory. Only you can You are the one who can best remember their voices, smiles, and details. You are such a special one.”

"Life belongs to everyone only once, and a person's life should be spent like this. When we look back on the past, we should not regret for wasting our years, nor should we be ashamed of doing nothing. When we are dying, we can proudly say, My whole life and all my energy have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world, the struggle for the liberation of all mankind.”

"Don't regret your choice today, child, this is the only thing I can do for you."

"Comrade Commander has already picked up Kirill's harmonica, and I hope you can do the same. Because you and Comrade Commander are both people whom Kirill values, don't let him down."

At least in the quiet room after the political commissar closed the door and left, the final sound was the sound of checking the magazine, pulling the slide, closing the safety, and holstering the gun.

This is already the best result, bar none.

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