The selection of Sergey as the fifth crew member and second assistant loader of No. 177 was not a result of Malashenko's pity or sympathy.

Before expressing the emotions that an ordinary person or everyone has, Malashenko is first the commander of the leadership division and the commander of the No. 177 car crew. He must be responsible for the responsibility on his shoulders. It is impossible to say that just because Sergey is the only survivor of Kirill's crew, he can be given special treatment, open the back door, and pull him into his own crew to cover him.

The reason why Malashenko finally chose him is inseparable from Sergey's own professional skills.

"This guy is stronger than me! I couldn't beat him in an arm-wrestle, and he knocked me down in the first round! I used to work as a fitter in a shipyard, and I can beat him in an arm-wrestle. A worker in the workshop, this is the first time I’ve met such a powerful guy. In the past, I was the only one who could kill others instantly.”

The admiration from Artyom made Malashenko realize that the only survivor from Kirill's crew was really capable. To say the least, if he was just a piece of shit, Kirill's With his rigorous and dedicated style, it is impossible to choose him as a loader. Malashenko is sure of this.

Of course, just being stronger than Artyom, an old shipyard fitter, doesn't mean much. It doesn't work if you can't use your strength and can only act recklessly. You have to get up against a real guy to know how capable this person is.

A total of ten loaders came that day, and Sergey was in a competition to test the speed of loading 122 shells. He did not lose until the seventh person. His two arms were too tired to lift up. In the end, The loading result is that a single person continuously loaded 37 rounds of 122-minute ammunition.

"Nah! This is a monster!"

What is the concept of 37 rounds of reloading ammunition before exhaustion?

This means that even if an IS6 heavy tank goes out with full ammunition, and in a fierce battle, all the ammunition in the vehicle is used up, Sergey can grit his teeth until all the ammunition is used up, because the ammunition in the entire IS6 vehicle is exhausted. There are not as many rounds as 37.

"What do you think, Artyom?"

Malashenko, who was greatly shocked in his heart, pretended to have a calm expression and asked Artyom, who was also watching the reloading game next to him, a question. The answer given by the latter was basically consistent with Malashenko's state of mind.

"Don't talk about 37 rounds, Comrade Commander. I can assure you that there are very few people in the entire division who can load 27 rounds in a row without getting tired and lie down. This is loading 122 mm sub-loaded ammunition alone! He still hardly takes any rest. The ground was loaded continuously and crazily. This is not an exaggeration. I think this at least proves that he really wants to win this race and wants to join our No. 177 team.

Looking at Sergei who was sitting on the grass and being poured water into his mouth by others with a kettle, but he was so tired that he couldn't even lift his arms to hold the kettle, Malashenko, who had thought about what to do, was obviously already A decision was made.

"Then, we should give him this opportunity and prepare to accept our new comrades."

The person was recommended by the political commissar Petrov. Although the remaining nine loaders in the competition were all equally good, Malashenko, who heard the details from the political commissar, wanted to test how good this Sergey was. Excellent, look how capable he is.

Obviously, the final result of the game greatly exceeded Malashenko's expectations.

This guy who looks no bigger than Artyom has amazing explosive power and long-lasting endurance. Even if we use the standards of elite car assembly fillers, this Sergey can definitely be regarded as one of the elites. Among the elite and Guards tank troops, the Guardsmen are the fiercest ones.

With such a loader partnering with Artyom, at least there is no need to worry about the 130mm barrel of the IS7 being exhausted after the loader empties the ready-to-fire ammunition. Artyom will be exhausted and unable to load the ammunition manually. situation occurs.

There is no doubt that this guy is Artyom's best deputy partner, and Artyom himself thinks so.

Just meh.

Just having such a person by his side, Malashenko knew that he would inevitably miss others when he saw them.

He is Sergey, an independent human being.

But there is a figure in him that is lingering for Malashenko, that is Kirill's figure. Malashenko didn't know whether such a thing was good or bad for him. You must know that once Sergei joins the crew, he will stay with the crew for a long time until the war is won.

Or is it until the tank is destroyed and the crew sacrifices?

Anyway, Malashenko doesn’t want to see this kind of result. It’s not that Malashenko is afraid of death or anything, but he is just such a person who can overlap with Kirill’s figure, a comrade in the same crew, a If the comrades whose feelings deepened while fighting side by side died in front of him again and died heroically.

To be honest, Malashenko couldn't imagine what kind of state he would be in at that time, and he didn't know how to face it.

All I can say is that I hope this won't happen again, and there is no other way.

After all, at least now, at least Malashenko wants to take this Sergey to fight alongside him, and wants to take him with him to protect him. So that this young boy, who is about the same age as Kirill and two years younger than himself, can live until the war, so that Kirill can have comrades who have shared memories with him in front of Kirill's tombstone and chat with him every year. A few words.

No matter how cruel and dark things are in this world, human beings still instinctively pursue beautiful things, even a tough guy like Malashenko is no exception.

Everyone has the softest side in their heart, right?

Malashenko, who briefly recalled these past events not long ago, leaned on the commander's seat and held Kirill's harmonica that he carried with him. He looked a little trance for a while, as if he was recalling certain things in the past. But he quickly came back to his senses, adjusted his state, and after holding on to the commander's periscope for a while, he quickly spoke again.

"It looks like we're almost here. Get to your positions and prepare to fight! Follow my orders and fire again. Stay vigilant!"

Such a small mechanized force composed of medium tanks and half-track vehicles could not hide under any circumstances in the silent and cold night.

Even though the moon tonight is obscured by clouds and its light transmittance is not high and cannot illuminate the earth from a distance, the sound of the gasoline engine roaring along the way is still far away, which arouses the attention of the German garrison troops on the bridgehead. Notice.

"A car is coming, everyone is on your way!"

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