When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you. 【】

The Malashenko convoy that entered the field of view could be seen by the German garrison at the bridgehead. Similarly, Malashenko, who had already reached out of the turret and held a telescope, could also see the German sticks and the blurry black lines. The shadow is on the edge of the simple fortifications of the bridgehead, which is crowded with people, and there are quite a few of them.

"Damn, it looks like there are a lot of people. How much garbage did the Germans put here?"

The target that Malashenko wants to deal with is the Central Bridge on the Vistula River. Among the three bridges on the Vistula River in the north, middle and south, the location of this central bridge is the most important. After crossing the bridge, you will reach the edge of the main city of Warsaw. .

It is reasonable for the Germans to deploy relatively large garrison forces here. Malashenko, who understands this, feels relieved when he thinks about it.

"Car 111, send the signal light to let the Germans know that friendly forces are coming."

The prisoners of the Grossdeutschland Division were quite cooperative. Most of them not only told all the information they knew without reservation, but also incidentally told the Red Army officers in charge of the interrogation some particularly important and useful information. information, such as using lights to communicate with friendly forces at night and identifying the enemy's secret signals.

What? What do you think the German prisoners will do if they lie and deceive others?

This is not simple. Wouldn't it be enough to sneak a few bastards out to interrogate them separately and confirm the situation one by one? How could these Germans, who had no chance of colluding with each other in advance, be so coincidental that dozens of people would give the same nonsense answers?

But as far as the final actual situation is concerned, there is no need to do so.

Because the prisoners of the Grossdeutschland Division were really damn honest, so honest that they were all frightened like little turtles, fearing that they would be buried alive by the red-eyed Red Army. Dozens of captives all answered in unison, and the code lights reported by each one were different. This showed whether the desire to survive was strong or not.

After receiving the order from Malashenko, the No. 111 Panther car at the front of the convoy also responded quickly, and then flashed and turned off the lights on the car body's heading several times in a row, with a total of three long and two short. This extremely obvious signal in the dark night was quickly learned by the German troops defending the bridgehead.

"It's our people. Put down your guns. Be careful of hurting your own people! Just stay alert."

Of course, the German officer leading the garrison at the bridgehead on the east bank knew the communication codes. In this era when communication methods were not yet developed, it was normal to light up lights at night as military communication codes. This man was responsible for stationing here and commanding the defense tasks. The German officer really didn't think much about it.

Soon, the motorcade that kept roaring in the darkness came into sight. The German garrison officer who was curious about why there were troops withdrawing from the front line in the middle of the night did not leave. Instead, he stood in front of the bridgehead checkpoint and planned to See for yourself.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. It's actually a little surprising when you look at it carefully.

This small force, which seems to have less than 200 members, is small in size and very luxurious in equipment. Except for a few G43 semi-automatic rifles in the hands of the dozens of people walking at the front, the rest are all STG44. Assault rifles, as well as the MG42 cloth tearers carried on the shoulders in a marching posture, disappeared instead of the Mauser 98K, which was the most numerous in the hands of ordinary German infantry.

"Which army is this from? Can the gun be configured like this?"

It's just that the light weapons configuration is very unusual. The problem is that this small force, which can support less than 200 people, actually carries 6 Panther IIs and 8 half-tracks. If this were placed on a frontal battlefield, it would be enough to cover an infantry battalion for a charge. It would be really unconventional to have infantry with less than 200 people strutting over. What is going on here?

The suspicious German garrison officer was about to step forward and ask questions, but he never thought that the infantry of the small unit on the opposite side suddenly took the initiative to separate and make way for them. Then he saw an absolutely tall officer taking long strides. Come to yourself.

"Who is the garrison officer here? Come out, I want to see him."

Before the person arrives, the words arrive first.

Being overwhelmed by the unexpected situation, the second-line garrison troops were obviously not as responsive as the first-line field troops after spending too long together. The German officer, who was responsible for commanding the bridgehead garrison, blinked twice. Only then did he react.

"It's me, sir. Lieutenant Ryan Schwerner, commander of the first company of the 337th Battalion of the 214th Infantry Regiment, reporting to you!"

Although he couldn't see clearly the face of the person in the dark and didn't know his military rank, Lieutenant Schwerner was indeed shocked by the momentum of the sudden voice in the darkness and the unusually tall figure.

That voice with a bit of a Bavarian accent didn't sound like a good one. Lieutenant Schwerner, who has been waiting for passing officials every day since he led the team to guard the bridgehead, has long been accustomed to reporting hello and saluting to others first, so he Mom has almost become a conditioned reflex, and of course it will be the same this time.

"Is that you? Great, this can save a lot of time."

Malashenko, who was wearing the uniform of a lieutenant colonel of the Wehrmacht, showed no flaws at all, as if he was a German officer without any sense of violation. He raised his big hand and pointed at the horse in front of the bridge and gave an order.

"I need your order to move the roadblock, Lieutenant. My troops and I need to cross the bridge immediately. We have an urgent mission and cannot tolerate any delay. Please cooperate with us in executing the order."


Malashenko, who had already planned everything in his mind, did it deliberately and could even predict the possible reaction of the other party.

As expected, this Lieutenant of the National Defense Force, who was inferior to others in terms of imposing manner and stature, looked a little embarrassed.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but can I ask which army you are from? We need to register the number for reporting, as well as your name and..."

"Victor! Victor Zegsteinmeier!"

The tone of the sudden interruption was obviously quite unkind. Lieutenant Schwerner, who was silenced by the loud voice, did not dare to say anything at all. The lieutenant colonel in front of him was obviously very difficult to deal with. It was best to wait until he finished speaking. Decide if you should continue to push for something.

"Commander of the Lieutenant Colonel of the Armored Regiment of the Grossdeutschland Panzer Division, my troops and I were ordered to go to Warsaw to suppress the unrest! The follow-up troops are still on the way. You don't want to wait until my commander arrives before moving away from the horse. Right? Mr. Lieutenant."


Turtle, from the Grossdeutschland?

Didn't these people just send a team into the city this morning and come out again? Why did you come back in the middle of the night?

Lieutenant Schwerner, who didn't understand what was going on, didn't dare to delay any more. It was best to send the man-eating lieutenant colonel in front of him away as soon as possible. He didn't want to be punished for leaving a bad impression. This person pointed out that the lieutenant of his small second-line garrison could not afford to suffer this crime.

"Yes, I understand, sir. Just do it."

[If you like this novel, I hope you can share it on Facebook. The author is grateful. 】

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