Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2031 Some people don’t want them to know

Lieutenant Schwaner is quite sensible, at least he doesn't have to let Malashenko spend too much time on his inconspicuous little character.

In fact, Malashenko could certainly have expected Lieutenant Schwerner to react like this.

Now that the war has reached this point, the German rear has almost all the young and middle-aged soldiers that can be mobilized to the front line.

The first-line field troops that most need to ensure the quality of first-class soldiers are so sloppy. There are recruits everywhere and rookies everywhere. It is conceivable that the Germans in the second-line troops are like that.

After all, when replenishing the front-line field troops, priority must be drawn from the second-line garrison and reserve forces. There is no way to escape. This is the same for armies of all countries around the world.

At the very least, these soldiers in the second-line army have received complete military training. They have seen blood and then let the veterans practice it twice. As long as they can survive, they are all good soldiers. But it's another thing for rookies who are urgently recruited from the civilian population in the rear. These people just have to practice a few times before going to the front line. Maybe they don't even understand how to use different types of guns. a type of person.

Now, since such people are everywhere in the German frontline field troops.

Then guess what the German troops in the second-line reserves and garrison troops looked like?

The answer to this question is obvious, and this is why Malashenko dared to predict that Lieutenant Schwaner would not be so difficult.

If we push the time forward a year and a half or two, we really don't dare to take the German second-line garrison lightly.

But if you want to say now, sorry, Malashenko really laughed at these people with his toes.

"The troops of the Grossdeutschland Division? I heard that they fought fiercely with the Russians today. How come there are still extra troops to support the city?"

"Who knows? I don't care about these things. I just want to know when the bridge will be blown up. I have an ominous feeling that the Russians may come over and raid the bridge anytime and anywhere. The location of this damn bridge is too It’s unlucky, whoever stays here will be unlucky, I’m serious.”

"Hey, you two, keep your voices down, be careful not to be overheard! Is it a good thing to talk about others? They haven't crossed the bridge yet!"

A few German soldiers were leaning against the bridgehead's sentry box and simple fortification bunker, smoking. While puffing away at the smoke, they gathered together to chat, talking about the army led by Malashenko, which made people feel a bit uncomfortable. Troubled Troops.

Although the voices of these German soldiers are not too loud to be honest, unfortunately, Comrade Ma has very good ears. It is not difficult to hear the whispers of these people not far away. .

"My guess is correct. It seems that the Germans don't know about the annihilation of the Grossdeutschland Division. At least these guys don't know."

"Or maybe someone doesn't want them to know haha."

Just like how little Japan kept its mourning secret after the death of Yamamoto Shichijohachi, Malashenko knew that once the news that the soul troops of the Wehrmacht, like the Grossdeutschland Division, were wiped out on the battlefield was made public, it would be a defeat for Japan. The morale of the German frontline troops collapsed, causing a devastating impact on the ground.

Especially those unbelievable details, such as the fact that the Grossdeutschland Division II was completely wiped out in one day, and it was the Grossdeutschland Division II that had not been rebuilt for a long time. If you calculate it this way, it means that the II Corps died not long after. Following the footsteps of the first generation, we drove westward to the underworld together. If you want to say that the speed of death is outrageous, it can be compared to Qin II, which is about it.

Once these details, which sound enough to make the German army recruits and rookies "creepy", come out, well, what if it is the same murderer twice, Stalin's security forces, and the "Iron Butcher" Malashenko If the news about what he did spreads out at the same time.

What will happen next for the Germans?

Malashenko can't say anything about this, but in short, the military will not be able to continue fighting with a stable morale. This is definitely not what the upper echelons of the German army want to see.

Thinking about it from another angle, I'm afraid

I'm afraid that not only do they not want the troops below to know about it immediately, which will affect morale, some of the Wehrmacht bosses in Berlin may also have to think about their own butts, wondering how to delay this matter, or to disguise it. Only by twisting the blame and twisting the facts can the head of state know, so that he can escape responsibility and save his own ass.

After all, the hair-washers do not trust the National Defense Forces, and the National Defense Forces also lie and deceive the hair-washers all day long. It is really not unusual for them to be free for 44 years. Encountering such a shocking thing like the annihilation of the Second Grossdeutschland Division, if they could "be honest with each other and tell each other their hearts" as soon as possible, then Malashenko would think that this matter was a ghost. .

To put it bluntly, the German army had a hundred reasons to suppress the shocking news such as "the Second Grossdeutschland Division was wiped out". Even if a small number of people knew it, it would not be the second-line troops who knew it immediately. It has to be known layer by layer and there is a process.

Malashenko, who adhered to the principle of rapidity and brilliance, grasped this process. He annihilated the Grossdeutschland Division at dusk and started taking action in the first half of the night to ensure that the Germans were not given the information layer by layer, react and do a good job. Time to prepare.

The earlier you act, the higher the chance of success.

Judging from the current situation, Malashenko did make a good guess.

Just as he thought, the bridgehead garrison guarding the Central Bridge on the Vistula River knew nothing about the annihilation of the Grossdeutschland Division. Judging from the content of the conversation, the latest news they knew should be that "the Grossdeutschland Division is fighting fiercely with the Soviet army at the front." This is obviously not timely and the level of sparks is serious.

And this is precisely the situation that is most beneficial to Malashenko and the one he most hopes to see.

"Keep smoking your cigarettes. When I cross the bridge, I will capture all of you idiots and take them to Siberia for labor reform!"

Malashenko, who was muttering inwardly, raised the corners of his mouth in an imperceptible arc and stepped forward. The camouflaged commandos following him on his left and right also began to cross the bridge from the road where the roadblock was removed.

The Panther 2s walked in the forefront with roaring engines, followed by half-track vehicles equipped with 20mm single-barreled cannons or MG42s. The infantry walked in formation on the left and right and followed them through. Everything seemed to be going on. Developing towards the best situation Malashenko envisioned.

But sometimes the unexpected happens so suddenly.

Just as Malashenko was leading the team forward, not far away, a German second lieutenant who had been observing everything secretly and had not shown his face suddenly came to Lieutenant Schwerner and spoke quietly.

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