Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2032 Crossing the bridge is in progress

"Something's wrong, sir. [6] [9] [s] [h] [u] [x] [.] [c] [o] [m]"


Schwaner, who had a question mark on his face, couldn't understand what this meant. He didn't notice at all that there seemed to be something wrong with the mechanized mixed force in front of him that was rumbling across the bridge.

Besides, he really didn't want to provoke that vicious lieutenant colonel.

The brim of the hat, which was pressed so low that it almost reached the eyebrow line, covered almost half of the lieutenant colonel's face. Below the brim of the hat were his eyes, and his eyebrows were almost invisible. Such a face coupled with his ferocious tone makes people feel that it is best not to provoke him too much, otherwise it will make yourself unhappy.

It can be said that the current Lieutenant Schwerner has no time to hide, and he can't care about anything wrong. As soon as he reacts, he feels that this second lieutenant, who has not been very talented for a long time and is not very familiar with it, is neurotic. Duo, then quickly waved his hand to signal him to close his mouth.

"We can wait until these people leave to talk about anything. We are having an interview now. I don't have time to listen to nonsense."

As the saying goes, the first level of officialdom crushes people to death.

Even though Lieutenant Schwerner was just submissive and arrogant when he faced Malashenko, he didn't dare to take a breath, but when he faced the new second lieutenant who was one level younger than him, it was as if he was a different person, and his tone of voice was like It is the capitalist boss who has the shady leverage of his employees. He really has an aura of "forgive me, but you don't dare to go against me."

But this time, Lieutenant Schwerner seemed to have made a mistake.

The second lieutenant with an anxious look on his face did not intend to back down, but when he saw that the bridge crossing troops around him were almost halfway on the bridge and it would be too late if he didn't say anything, he took the initiative to take a step forward and then spoke immediately.

"Sir, didn't you notice that there's something wrong with the logos on those tanks and half-tracks?"


Lieutenant Schwerner was stunned at first, and then subconsciously became angry and a little annoyed.

Why is this kid so ignorant? Then how evil is the lieutenant colonel? You have to bring him back, right? Why the hell did I take in a troublemaker like you? !

"I told you to shut your mouth, but you didn't listen."

"The logos on those cars are from the SS! I saw them with my own eyes! Although they are inconspicuous and only appear on a few cars, they are indeed from the SS Skeleton Division!"

"How could a Wehrmacht unit use a vehicle with the SS logo? Lieutenant, don't you think this is unreasonable? And did the Lieutenant Colonel show you his ID, customs clearance documents and written orders? ? None, right? It would be a failure of ours to let them go like this, and it might cause a big problem!"


The speechless Schwaner blinked his eyes twice. He thought of various reasons and possibilities for the second lieutenant's "madness", but he never expected that these things that he was not even aware of and even more likely to come out of his mouth would come out of his mouth. Details not noticed.

"What did you just say? Are you sure you weren't blinded? Huh?"

Yes, Lieutenant Schwerner was a little shaken, instead of being blindly emotional and angry like before.

If what the second lieutenant said is true, then it means that there must be something wrong with the troops crossing the bridge, at least it is not as simple as it seems, especially after thinking about all the details together. .

Faced with Lieutenant Schwerner's serious inquiry, the second lieutenant nodded quietly and confidently.

"I believe I saw it correctly. I have confirmed it again and again, Lieutenant. Several vehicles have the Skeleton Division's logo on them. I can see it clearly with the help of the light. There will be no problem."


The second lieutenant had finished speaking, and now it was time for Lieutenant Schwerner to make a choice.

According to his due diligence, after learning of this situation, he should immediately stop the convoy crossing the bridge, express his intention to conduct a secondary inspection, and ask the arrogant, vicious and difficult-to-treat Lieutenant Victor to The school must present written orders and certificates, and all necessary procedures must be followed. You must act impartially.

However, Lieutenant Schwerner was used to being afraid of things.

This guy is a person who likes to be comfortable and leisurely, and his professionalism and professional skills as a soldier are really average. Otherwise, he would not hold the rank of lieutenant and remain as the leader of the second-line garrison as a veteran.

People who are not enterprising seem to be very suitable for positions like gatekeepers or warehouse managers, at least that's what Lieutenant Schwerner's superiors think.

So, what to do now? Do you care about this or not? If you really want to take care of it, what exactly should you do and say?

Lieutenant Schwerner was in a dilemma. He had to think carefully about this matter before taking action. There was no regret in the world.

After passing the checkpoint, Malashenko felt that there was no big problem and then returned to the car. He sat in his captain's seat again and began to think about what to do next.

After clearing the bridgehead on the east bank, there is the bridgehead on the west bank. If Malashenko's guess is correct, the detonator for blowing up the bridge must be in a control room in the bridgehead on the west bank.

As long as the rag is smashed, even if the detonating wire is cut, the rest can basically be said to be peaceful.

Therefore, the top priority is to find the control room where the detonator may be hidden. The first thing after passing the bridgehead on the west bank is to immediately seize control of this thing.

It's best to move quickly and don't alert the Germans if you can. If no one does anything, the Germans will set up a detonator. It would be great if there is a second spare detonator in a different position. . To be on the safe side, it is better to proceed with caution. It is a last resort to open fire and attack forcefully. It is best to consider other safer options first.

"Iushkin, we are in the middle of the bridge. Pay attention to the two-story building closest to the road on the opposite side of the bridge. I see many Germans are busy coming in and out. Maybe that is the command post of the bridgehead on the west bank, the detonator It's probably inside."

Malashenko, who was holding the commander's periscope, noticed a suspicious building worthy of attention and indicated the exact coordinates to Iushkin.

Iushkin, who was holding the gun scope and concentrating on confirming the target, shook his head and blurted out uneasy words.

"Honestly, I'm not sure."

"The dilapidated building looks like it has reinforced masonry walls, the pillars are made of stone, and the middle is made of bricks. There may be more than one floor."

"Unless the shells are sent in through the window, it's hard to say whether the 75-meter cannon can explode and break the wall. It's not as simple as a log cabin."

Before Iushkin finished describing what he had observed, Malashenko was about to say something. Even Lieutenant Schwaner, who finally decided to muster up the courage to come up for a second inspection, almost led his men to catch up. Malashenko's car was ready to shout to stop, but he had not yet spoken.

On the other side of the bridge, at the bridgehead on the west bank, something unexpected happened first and everyone present was completely caught off guard.

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