Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2035 There are many Polish ghosts!

Let the real German stick lead the way and let the fake German stick follow behind to cover.

Malashenko did this not only to take into account the casualties of the troops, but more importantly, to use the previous group of ghosts to understand the situation and ascertain the truth.

Whose reality is it?

That was of course the reality of the group of Polish ghosts who suddenly popped out of nowhere opposite.

Judging from the sounds of the exchange of fire, the firepower configuration of these Polish ghosts seems a bit complicated.

Not to mention ordinary infantry light weapons, the gunshots include the chaotic sounds of various rifles, submachine guns and machine guns. Judging from the continuous sound of the machine guns, it is probably not very good. It belongs to the category of pulling the trigger and not letting go, and rushing to death for a few seconds. A real man, immediately after changing bullets, the firepower was cut off for a long time, and the sound of machine guns suddenly stopped.

The machine gun that is the core firepower of the infantry team should not be fired like this. Orderly firing and a combination of long and short points are the way to go. Holding the trigger and not letting go is either a fool or a loser. Malashenko thinks that the Polish ghost on the opposite side should be There is a little bit of both of these, and it is the kind of person who is good at both food and stupid.

This is at least a good thing for Malashenko. The more stupid the Polish ghost is, the less likely he is to threaten Malashenko's mission goal. If the German guy is forced to blow up the bridge, it will be a fool's errand. .

However, Malashenko is more concerned about the sound of the Polish ghost's artillery than the Polish ghost's food.

These Polish ghosts who came over to attack the German garrison at the bridgehead in the middle of the night actually had mortars in their hands! This was the most unexpected thing for Malashenko.

Although judging from the sound of artillery and explosions, the caliber of the mortar in the hands of the Polish ghost should not be large. It is just an ordinary company-level mortar. The caliber cannot exceed 100 millimeters. It can be carried by a single soldier. The kind that just jumps on and runs.

But after all, this is heavy firepower in the hands of infantry. No matter how small the caliber is, it is still a cannon.

Judging from the vague firefight that could not be said to be very clear, Malashenko estimated that the German garrison on the west bank of the bridgehead did not have any decent heavy weapons, so that they were held down by the Polish mortars. They bombed indiscriminately without any countermeasures, not even reciprocal mortar fire.

Just think about it, whose bridgehead garrison would be equipped with something like mortars? You really can't blame the Germans for this.

This Polish ghost guy was obviously a well-prepared sneak attack, and it was somewhat outstanding.

Although those mortars were unlikely to allow them to win directly, they were enough to make it difficult for the German troops defending the bridgehead on the west bank to repel or even eliminate them.

To put it bluntly, maybe the Polish ghosts can't win, but it's also difficult for the Germans to win.

The asymmetric advantage in firepower made up for the poor quality of the Polish ghosts to a certain extent. The German garrison had higher combat literacy, but could not produce equivalent firepower to ensure the execution of the expected tactics.

The attacker couldn't bite it down, and the defender couldn't break through it. At least that was the situation on the battlefield for a while.

This kind of stalemate battle, in which no one can do anything about anyone in a short period of time, will have two outcomes in the end.

Either the Polish ghosts' troops will be exhausted first, and the corpses lying all over the street will lose their offensive energy, and they will have no choice but to retreat. Either the Germans couldn't stand it anymore and were exhausted by the superior firepower of the Polish ghosts. In the end, the front line fell and they had no choice but to blow up the bridge.

Malashenko does not want to see the latter situation happen, and in a sense, he and the German are now "a grasshopper on a rope." The Polish ghost who only recognizes clothes but not people will definitely shoot at Malashenko's camouflaged commandos now.

If you think about it this way, there seems to be nothing wrong with helping the Germans. It is considered to be helping yourself.

I was thinking about whether there was any way to find and knock out the Polish Ghost's mortars, or what tactics to use to make the Polish Ghost's mortars lose their effectiveness to the maximum extent, so that they would not be able to influence the development of the battle. effect.

Malashenko, who had been holding the commander's periscope with his hand, was also paying close attention to the battlefield situation and preparing to adapt accordingly.

"There are a lot of Polish ghosts! Damn it, these bastards are attacking the German defenses, and things don't look good!"

Although it was midnight, the lights set up by the Germans at the bridgehead on the west bank illuminated most of the battlefield as bright as day.

The Polish ghost guy, who was brightly exposed by the large-caliber searchlight, didn't think about turning off the light, but he did so. However, more lights shine from the bridgehead on the east bank to the west bank, providing lighting support from the east to the west.

The "effective range" of large-caliber searchlights is much longer than that of ordinary infantry light weapons. The Polish ghost guy unfortunately found that the few broken guns in his hands could not reach the German large-caliber searchlights on the bridgehead on the east bank. Naturally, there was nothing to talk about. Knocking off the lights, you can only force yourself to expose yourself to the strong light and launch a charge in an extremely conspicuous manner.

The German garrison at the bridgehead on the west bank was not a fool. They did not just count on the lighting support of the friendly forces on the east bank. After the large-caliber searchlight in their hands was knocked out by the Polish ghost, they quickly fired flares with flare guns to light it up. Battlefield, gain perspective.

With the combination of searchlights and flares, the rebellious Polish ghosts' idea of ​​quickly advancing through the night was in vain. The final section of the two to three hundred meters in front of the German defense line at the bridgehead on the west bank was completely illuminated as bright as day. As long as the Polish ghosts dared to step into this section, they would definitely be discovered, and there would be no possibility of hiding.

Because of this, Iushkin, who was holding the main gun's sight, could see that those Polish ghosts who were yelling and yelling were rushing forward in a swarm without any rules or tactics, and there were so many of them. It does feel a bit unexpected. But it is only limited to the large number of people, and there is no advantage. This rush forward in a swarm is really not much better than the scene of a group fight among rough men in the countryside.

On the other hand, the Germans quickly stabilized their position after the initial panic of the attack. It seemed that the casualties were not small, but they fought in a very organized manner. It was obvious that there was a capable commander behind the scenes to coordinate the planning and command. of.

The Germans had set up machine gun fire points on the commanding heights on both sides of the street. The MG42 was like the chainsaw in the hands of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Along the street, it went left, right, left, and right. Sweeping fire was fired all over the place.

The two small buildings with MG42 installed on one left and one on the right have formed a complete crossfire. The Polish ghosts are simply delivering food in front of such firepower. The hundreds of corpses lying on the street are prove.

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