Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2036 Blood on the streets (Part 1)

In that case, why did Iushkin say "the situation is not good" again?

This is of course not to say that Iushkin was dazzled, nor is it to say that the Polish ghosts turned into Polish supermen and used their bodies to carry the MG42's 92 mm full-power bullets forward, but that these Polish ghosts had to pay a lot of effort. After suffering casualties, the Germans' weaknesses were finally tested.

The heavy bombardment by mortars disrupted the rhythm and caused a lot of casualties. The German sentry and simple bunker originally set up under the machine gun building on the side of the street were bombarded by the Polish ghost's mortars, including people and sandbags. , now it is just a pile of rubbish ruins with pieces of meat wrapped around rotten wood and sand.

No one is guarding that disgusting machine gun building downstairs? The Polish ghost guy who discovered this great news suddenly became excited.

Some of the Polish ghosts who climbed over the wall from behind the building have now entered the building as if no one else was watching, and began to fight for the house with the German troops guarding the building.

"Poland be damned! The Poles have invaded the building! Come over quickly and guard the entrance to the building!"

"Grenade, throw the grenade downstairs! Quick!"

"Hold them down and don't let them go upstairs!"

The Germans, who were blocked in the building by the Polish ghosts, were obviously panicking. The machine gun fire was suspended, and they carried the MG42 to guard the corridor to prevent the Polish ghosts from rushing to the second floor.

The machine gun misfired, and seeing that the offensive was working, the Polish ghost became even more energetic.

"Come on! The Germans are dying, we are going to kill them all! Work harder! Attack!"

The swarming waves of charges began to advance quickly along the main road, and many people separated from the left and right sides. They forced their way into the first floor of the two machine gun buildings along the main entrance of the first floor, and they climbed over the wall earlier. The small troops that came in completed the rendezvous.

The German troops entrenched on the second floor then began to attack more violently. From the muzzle flashes of various guns emerging from the windows of the small building, it was obvious that the group was fighting hard. There were even explosions and impact smoke coming out of the window of the small building from time to time. The attackers and defenders in the fierce exchange of fire in the building obviously used grenades, which shows the intensity of the battle for the house.

If there were no reinforcements, it would only be a matter of time before the German troops trapped in the building were destroyed. They would not be able to defeat the Polish ghost troops who were many times or even dozens of times larger than them in attacking the building. Especially when grenades are used, it is not something that can be done with just an MG42.

On the other side, the German troops at the bridgehead on the west bank obviously wanted to support their comrades in the two crucial machine gun buildings. They sent a small force to the left and right to push forward, trying to push down the Polish ghosts who were attacking. The comrades in the building were rescued and joined them.

Once these two machine gun commanding heights, one on the left and one on the right, crossing and blocking the entire main street are lost, the German garrison at the bridgehead on the west bank will no longer have any defensive advantage at all.

The remaining garrison forces must prepare to rely on simple fortifications such as the bridgehead to resist the attack and make a final desperate fight with the Polish ghosts. To put it bluntly, it is a flat ground defensive battle without solid fortifications to rely on.

If you think about it with your brain, you will know that this is simply perfect for the Polish ghost's mortar to use its firepower! After a blast of artillery fire, a whole swarm of swarms rushes into you. How the hell do you think you can defend yourself? If this happens, the Germans will have no hope of winning.

The German commander in charge was obviously aware of this situation. The two small infantry units sent to support the machine gun building proved that the consequences of losing the two machine gun buildings were absolutely unbearable.

However, seeing that the cooked duck was about to arrive, the Polish ghost guy was unwilling to give in and responded quickly.

Because the machine guns temporarily ceased fire and had the opportunity to advance along the main street of the neighborhood, the offensive wave of the rebellious Polish ghosts had advanced to a very close position. They have enough manpower to carry out two fronts of "attacking buildings" and "advancing blocks" at the same time. The quality is another matter, but the number of people is indeed enough.

This caused a problem that made the German army even more dumbfounded: the two support teams were blocked and separated by the attack waves of the Polish ghosts. If you want to support the machine gun building as expected, it means repelling the attack waves of the Polish ghosts head-on and clearing out the group of obstacles in front of you. This is a must.

However, the total number of the two support teams is more than a hundred, and the number of people on one side is only a few dozen.

What about the Polish guy opposite?

Damn, there must be at least five or six hundred numbers!

It is not impossible to fight a war with a huge disparity in military strength, but if you use one-fifth of someone else's military strength and have no technical or equipment advantages, you can fight against them in an offensive-to-attack manner.

Sorry, this is not called a battle with huge disparity in military strength. This is called a battle where people are given lives to improve their performance.

What's more, the German garrison troops who were fighting fiercely with the Poles also knew how much they weighed.

The gap in combat effectiveness between the second-line garrison troops and the first-line field elites was completely different. To be honest, they were only slightly better than this swarm of noisy Polish ghosts.

This kind of tough battle is no different from facing death. Even if it is fought by front-line field elites, if you can't protect them all, you will have to run away as soon as you see that you can't beat them.

So don't expect these two German support teams to be able to defy the odds. Fighting and retreating under the gradual advancement of the Polish attack wave is the most realistic portrayal. It was good enough to retreat without being defeated on the spot. You know that the opponent had five times the number of troops. What kind of bicycles did you need?

"Damn! If this continues, it will be over. We will lose this battle! Continue to organize our troops, we must defeat the Polish ghosts, and we must save the machine gun building!"

In the small building that was suspected of being a command post that Malashenko had previously targeted, a German major was standing in front of the window sill with binoculars in his hands and watching the battle scene closely. He was as anxious as a hot pot. Ant.

Seeing that the newly organized support force was beaten back by the numerically superior Polish ghosts, they retreated step by step.

Unwilling to be reconciled, the major gritted his teeth and continued to give orders, asking his adjutant to organize more manpower and prepare for the attack. His unquestionable expression seemed like he would not give up until the two machine gun towers were saved.

But he never expected that the answer given by the adjutant beside him would be so terrible.

"Sir, there are no more troops. The only ones left are the command staff and security personnel in our building. We can no longer organize an attack."

"What did you say!?"

The major, who was both surprised and angry, was stunned for a moment, followed by a quick question.

"What about that bastard Schwaner!? Hasn't the call been connected yet? Where are they? Why haven't I waited for him to come to my rescue yet!?"

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