Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2037 Blood on the streets (Part 2)

Lieutenant Schwerner should bring people to support, at least in theory this is true.

The fighting has been going on on the west bank of the bridgehead for a long time. The sound of gunfire exchanges has already been loud. The searchlights supporting the east bank have also come over, but there is no support force coming from the east bank. This is what makes Major Adam the most. Can't figure it out.

The presence of searchlights coming to support means that the other side must know that something is going on here. If that is the case, why not send reinforcements? What is this idiot Schwerner doing! ? Could it be that you are so afraid of things that you plan to wait and see first? Or is it that he was so frightened that he didn't dare to move at all and only dared to watch from a distance?

It doesn't matter if you watch the fire from the other side, or you don't dare to move because you are scared to death, but at least give me a fucking call, right?

From the start of the call to now, the West Bank Command Post has made no less than a dozen calls to the East Bank Bridgehead. It can be said that if a call cannot be made, then the call will continue. It is always out of call, but no matter how the call is made, , beat him to death, no one will take care of his life or death.

"Is it possible that the Polish ghosts and the Russians are collaborating inside and outside? The bridgehead on the east bank has been captured by the Russians? But why didn't you hear the gunshots?"

Such an idea did come to Major Adam's mind, but it only surfaced for a short time and was quickly rejected. The reason was very simple.

The Russians couldn't kill everyone silently, that was a whole company of garrison troops! To seize the bridgehead, there must be gunshots.

Furthermore, the searchlights that came to support were obviously helping their own side. The Russians could not be stupid enough to use searchlights to shine on the Polish ghosts. No matter how displeased the Polish ghosts were, it was just that they were not pleasing to the eye. The German troops on our own side have an irreconcilable blood feud.

Therefore, even if they are watching the excitement from the other side, the Russians have to shine the searchlight on their own side. It makes no sense whatsoever to shine the searchlight on the Polish ghosts to help the Germans find enemies like they are doing now.

At least in terms of the only possibility after the elimination method is implemented, the east bank bridgehead should indeed still be in the hands of the German army. Only in this way can everything make sense.

But precisely because of this, Major Adam became increasingly dissatisfied and even became so angry that he stormed out on the spot.

This is tantamount to saying that that bastard Schwaner deliberately ignored death and refused to send troops to rescue, which is a complete act of betraying his teammates. Anyone who mentioned this matter would be furious, especially since this Schwaner was still a soldier under his command. Major Adam's reaction was actually quite good and well-educated.

"Emergency gathering! Inform all the people in the building who can use guns and are not injured to pick up weapons and follow me! This time I will personally lead the charge!"

If you continue like this, you will be waiting for death and defeat, and waiting for reinforcements will never come.

Major Adam is not a person who likes to sit still and wait for death. Even if the possibility of success is low, it is better than waiting to die without doing anything.

Being caught by a Polish ghost and being humiliated to death, having his body hung on public display, or being surrounded on all sides and desperately shooting himself in the head, no matter which of these two foreseeable results, Major Adam will definitely Don't like it, absolutely.

Compared to these two possible outcomes, he preferred to die in battle.

Even if he was shot to death by a Polish ghost, it would definitely be better than dying in humiliation, humiliation and anger.

For this reason, Major Adam felt that it was time to do something and take action.

No matter how low the possibility is, there is at least some hope of success. It is much better than just sitting back and waiting for death, isn't it?

The adjutant next to him didn't say much nonsense after hearing such an order. He was about to go and gather people according to Major Adam's order. Unexpectedly, at this moment, an unexpected situation suddenly followed.



Boom boom boom——


Major Adam, who had already arrived at the door and took off the MP40 submachine gun hanging on the wall, was stunned. The sound coming from downstairs was obviously something very wrong, and standing by the window, he had already seen the specific situation downstairs. The adjutant looked excited at this moment.

"Sir! We are saved! Tanks, there are many tanks coming downstairs! They are all our people, they are Black Panther II! They are coming from the other side of the bridge!"

"What did you say!?"

Major Adam, who no longer expected any support, was stunned. Even the unreliable Schwerner, who brought infantry to support, was still nowhere to be seen. Where did the armored support come from at this time? And it’s Black Panther 2 as the main elite force?

Feeling unbelievable, Major Adam stepped forward and rushed back to the window sill. He immediately held his hand on the window sill and looked downstairs.

I saw that the scene downstairs at this moment was completely different from before. Just as the adjutant said, a group of Panther II medium tanks were driving in one after another.

The coaxial machine guns on the turret and the directional machine guns on the car body were firing wildly. The bright green tracer barrage stood out in the dark like a green laser whip, whipping around.

And the slender fishing rod main gun is not idle either. The flat artificial roads in the urban area allow these Panthers II, which are advancing at low speed, to have the ability to fire accurately while moving, which is impossible under off-road conditions.

The muzzle brake of the roaring main gun sprays out a scorching and bright orange-red fire. Each time the orange-red fire that symbolizes death blooms, it can accurately send a 75mm high-explosive projectile not far away. , the crowd of Polish ghosts who had already been swept away by intensive machine gun fire exploded like frightened rabbits.

Iushkin once complained that the German's 75mm cannon was too weak and useless, but that was only for solid bunkers and fortifications.

No matter how small the caliber is, it is still a gun, and it is a high-speed, high-armor-penetrating main gun mounted on a tank.

There is absolutely no lack of power when faced with a weak body of flesh and blood. Every blast of a 75mm high-explosive grenade can instantly take away a bunch of Polish ghosts around it.

The physical destruction is secondary, but the blow to the spirit and morale is the most devastating.

Humans with flesh and blood will have an instinctive fear of those visually oppressive steel behemoths. Even experienced soldiers cannot avoid it. They just know how to restrain this negative emotion and know what to do is right. .

But those Polish ghosts whose combat literacy is so poor are not so capable of defeating their inner demons and fears.

When the downwind battle suddenly turned into a headwind battle, when the gradual advance that had a slight advantage was blocked by those big moving iron guys.

Panic and fear immediately spread among the crowd like a plague. One person running back in fear will lead several or dozens of people around him to do the same thing with him, even if there are The officer brandished his pistol and tried to stop him, but to no avail.

Some things were actually doomed from the moment those "German tanks" appeared on the opposite side.

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