Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2038 Trump Card

Although it can't be said that the German guy was beaten to the last breath, the situation is at least developing in a good direction, at least it was like this just now.

It's really hard to accept that the immediately cooked duck fell short of success. The plan that I had carefully prepared for so long was just messed up like this? So many people died but nothing was gained in the end? Unacceptable!

The test of a commander's ability is not only how he performs when faced with a favorable wind, but also whether he can withstand pressure and make rational decisions when faced with a headwind is even more important.

On this point alone, the commander of the Polish uprising army on the opposite side was obviously unqualified.

This bearded rough man who did not want to suffer the consequences of failure still refused to give up. Even though the Germans on the opposite side had brought their tanks up, he still felt that he still had a chance to win. This was actually a kind of last ditch effort before victory was achieved. The test, I must endure it all.

"Kuchinski, the casualties are too great! The Germans have brought tanks and vehicles up, and a large group of iron turtles are coming across the bridge! We can't deal with these things, we have to retreat quickly! We won't be able to leave any longer!"

The clothes on his body were in tatters, and the flesh on his face was cut with unknown objects and was bloody. The little man, who was obviously out of breath and gasping for breath after running all the way, was talking repeatedly, still holding a hand in his hand. An MP40 submachine gun stolen from the Germans. This is a good thing in their rebel army and is a high-quality weapon.

However, even if the little man feels that he has said everything he needs to say, the obvious facts in front of him speak louder than words. There is no need to say too much. As long as you are not blind, you will be able to clearly understand what the scene in front of you is like. a situation.

But, sometimes, some people are just different from what you think is common sense, and this is the case right now.

Faced with the kind advice based on the actual situation, the bearded man named Kuczynski just smiled coldly.


"Why are you leaving? My friend, I'm afraid you are a little dazzled. Look, we are almost winning. As long as we find a way to surround and kill those German infantry, the people in the iron-shelled cars will automatically They will come out and surrender to us, I promise you."


The little man almost thought his ears were stuffed with donkey hair. What the hell did a human say? Is it too outrageous?

There is no decent heavy weapons firepower, not even a simple small anti-tank gun.

Just like that, you actually told me to casually take down a German tank and force the people inside to come out and surrender? Are you going to kill another group of infantry under the protection of these tanks?

Brother, what we lead is not a Polish superman, but a group of improvised rebels who are poorly trained and poorly organized, and most of them are stragglers, okay? You fucking let these people do infantry anti-tank work that even the regular army can't handle? When the German guy heard this, he probably laughed so hard that his farts burst out.

The little man didn't understand why Kuczynski, who was usually quite normal in all aspects and who had previously been a member of the Polish regular army like him, would become like this?

Could it be that there were too many casualties and that he was a little bit crazy due to some stimulation?

But the speaking sequence and thinking ability seem to be quite normal. They don't look like they are crazy. Why?

Soon, the little man's question was answered. It turned out that Kuczynski actually had a trump card that he didn't know about.

"I still have the last two hundred people and these things."

Before Kuczynski finished speaking, several rebel soldiers who were inspired to step forward lifted several large wooden boxes, placed them neatly on the ground with a few bangs, and opened them smoothly.

"Hey where did you get these things?"

A few large wooden boxes contained something different than anything else. They were boxes full of Kraut Fist. They all looked like they were brand new and had just been opened.

The shocked expression on the little man's face was written on his face. There were dozens of iron fists in these four big boxes. If used properly, it would be enough to kill all the tanks and armored vehicles of the Germans on the opposite side. The premise is that it can be used properly. Good words.

"When the uprising broke out, I kept an eye on a Kraut arsenal in the city in advance. I saw with my own eyes that the Krauts had just added a batch of new goods to it a few days ago, which was enough for three trucks."

"Now that we've discovered it, we can't pretend we didn't see it. When the uprising broke out, before the Germans could react, I took out the hidden arsenal. Apart from guns, these were the only things in it. It may be transferred across the bridge to the front line, or it may be reserved in advance for the front line, but that is not important, it belongs to us anyway, and now is the time to put it to use. "

Having something that can handle Kraut tanks is definitely a good thing.

But the problem is, can the rebels who have not received any professional training really be able to use this thing to deal with such a large group of German tanks? And that's even with infantry protection.

These people even failed to coordinate basic infantry tactics. The battle just now was purely about bullying the Germans with more people and fewer people. They also brought some light artillery firepower to create an asymmetric advantage, so it seemed smoother.

Now you want to ask these people to fight tanks protected by infantry? Directly raise infantry tactics from novice level to hell level? Even if the equipment problem is solved, it will still be a big problem.

After all, no one knows how much infantry support the Germans have brought in addition to tanks and armored vehicles. If the enemy's situation is unknown, the ship may capsize if they are not careful.

The little man still felt that the risk was too high, but he didn't expect that Kuczynski had another trump card.

"The last two hundred people, these are the former regular army soldiers I have recruited over the years. They are much better than ordinary people in executing orders and in all aspects. I leave all the men and weapons to you, go and kill the Germans on the opposite side. Kill and seize the bridge, otherwise you know what kind of consequences await us, no need for me to say more."


In fact, what the little man wanted to say at this time was, "It's still too late for us to leave now, no matter how miserable it is as you said."

But looking at the bearded Kuczynski's unquestionable speaking momentum, the little man could understand the truth and implications even after thinking about it.

There's nothing left to say now. Now that we've all come to this point, we're done.

What's more, after getting these "trump cards", it doesn't look like there is no chance, right?

??Happy New Year, brothers! May the Year of the Tiger be auspicious, may you be happy and healthy!

?Malashenko continues to rush in 2022! Awesome!



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