Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2039 The bridgehead must be defended

"Are these Polish ghosts crazy? Do they really think their stinky meat can defeat a tank? Or are the Germans' broken cars really so notorious?"

There is no need to even guess, there can only be one person who criticizes and nags non-stop as soon as he enters the battlefield, Iushkin, the most awesome gunner in the leadership division.

Iushkin was indeed surprised. At this moment, he was sending Polish ghosts to heaven. He was surprised that those Polish ghosts were still holding on to their deaths and unwilling to retreat.

Even though they are facing armored guns and tanks with their flesh and blood bodies, which are the most powerful land warfare weapons ever created by mankind, these idiots who don't know whether they are stupid enough to smoke or have problems with their brains are still going on. Iushkin, who had originally thought that these Polish ghosts could only fight with ease, was shocked and confused by charging forward, so he complained on the spot.

Regarding Iushkin's nonsense, whether anyone will answer it depends on what exactly the nonsense he said is. If it is really necessary to pick it up, then someone will naturally pick it up, like now.

"Remember to turn off your radio before you talk nonsense. If you expose a flaw and let the German guy hear it, I will twist off your head and kick the Polish guy in the ass like a ball."

With a German tank and a German car radio, Malashenko's worries and warnings are indeed justified.

Who can guarantee that the nearby Germans did not tune into the public channel and listen to it? This is hard to say. If you think about it, you can tell what the German's expression would be like if he heard the Russian swearing words in the channel as soon as he joined the public channel before he had time to speak. I'm afraid he would be worse than a dog. Be excessive.

"Don't worry about whether they are looking for a job or a job, as long as they don't retreat, keep fighting! There can't be a Polish ghost in the bridgehead safe zone. As long as a Polish ghost is standing who hasn't put down his gun, continue to kill them. Kill this gang. Until the European foot wrap can’t bear it anymore!”

Malashenko will not show mercy to the Polish ghosts. The core problem is that he must not let these Polish ghosts ruin his good deeds. The control of the Central Bridge on the Vistula River must be in your own hands, not by Polish ghosts, let alone Germans.

My own destiny has already undergone an uncontrollable and subversive change once, directly throwing me from the future world where people commute to work every day, to this damn battlefield where I put my head on the waistband of my pants and lick blood every day.

It was enough that this kind of uncontrolled misfortune had happened once. Malashenko was determined not to have the experience of having his own destiny out of his hands a second time.

If everyone has their own "reverse scale", then this is Malashenko's, at least for now.

Relying on the support of this small armored force who did not know where it came from, the German garrison on the west bank of the bridgehead, which had shown signs of collapse, miraculously began to reverse the situation of the battle at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The second-rate German garrison troops originally stationed here were not the main force. The ones who killed the Polish ghosts on the street until they lay scattered on the ground crying for their fathers and mothers were those who called themselves the Armored Regiment of the Grossdeutschland Division.

As the vanguard of the reinforcements, Lieutenant Schwerner, who was the first to lead people across the bridge, was surprised to find that the people of the Grossdeutschland Division were far more powerful than he had imagined.

Not only are they extremely well-equipped, they are also impeccable in terms of tactics and coordination.

After crossing the bridge, the mechanized infantry immediately dismounted from the half-tracks, and together with other foot infantry around the convoy, immediately occupied most of the West Bank bridgeheads that had been abandoned and unmanned due to severe manpower reduction. Fortifications and bunkers.

After occupying the favorable terrain, the MG42 machine gun team immediately began to pour firepower on the Polish ghosts. The guys holding G43 semi-automatic rifles and STG44 assault rifles, under the leadership of their respective squad leaders and platoon leaders, began to seize the street with some manpower. There are already unmanned checkpoint bunkers on both sides.

Machine guns launched direct fire in the middle, while automatic and semi-automatic rifles occupied the checkpoint bunkers on both sides of the street and fired cross-fire into the middle.

This terrifying three-way firepower output immediately hit the Polish ghost forward who had rushed quite close to the street intersection. The speed was as fast as pouring urine on a small flame after holding it for a whole day. It was an extremely fast speed visible to the naked eye.

After the advance infantry temporarily suppressed the charging momentum of the Polish ghosts, the huge steel beasts came belatedly.

This group of armored soldiers of the Grossdeutschland Division did not spare artillery shells at all. They did not know what a waste of firepower was, at least that was what Schwerner himself thought after witnessing the next scene.

The continuous roar of the main gun sent one round after another of 75mm full-caliber high-explosive grenades into the crowd of Polish ghosts who were swept around by the high-speed barrage like frightened rabbits. , turned into balls of death flames in the dark night, and exploded instantly.

How could the Polish ghost, who had already been swept away by the water barrage and doubted his life, withstand such power? It didn't take too many shots to get rid of it, and only the minced meat and limbs on the ground and the bombarded bodies were left. All the internal organs, no hordes of Polish ghosts dared to take another half step forward.

However, this is not the end of everything. Even so, the Polish ghosts are still unwilling to give up. Just look at the Polish ghosts who are still hiding in the alley far away and looking out from time to time. You will know that they are still there. Wait for the opportunity and try to find the weak point of the German army so that you can continue the attack.

In the command post of the West Bank Bridgehead, a two-story building standing in an inconspicuous position on the street, Major Adam, holding a telescope in one hand and a telephone in the other, was doing two things at the same time.

One side was observing the battlefield situation, while the other side was calling for reinforcements and making a phone report to the superior who had just learned of the emergency.

"Yes, sir, I am keeping an eye on the fighting situation and can see it clearly now."

"The situation of the battle is in our favor. The friendly reinforcements that just crossed the bridge were of great help. They brought half-tracks and Panther tanks, as well as very elite armored grenadiers, which greatly strengthened the We have improved our defensive firepower. Now we can not only hold the bridgehead, but I also predict that we can launch a counterattack soon and wipe out these Polish ghosts. "

"Which unit are they? I don't know yet, sir. Everything happened so suddenly, and they just arrived. I called you first, and then I planned to go down to find their commander. Wait until I find out I will reply to you as soon as possible, I promise.”

"Yes, I understand, sir. Please rest assured that the bridgehead will be defended, I assure you."

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