Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2040 Su and Germany join forces, Bobo is finished (Part 1)

"So, what should I say? Your expression should look good. Has anything good happened?"

The arrival of the mysterious reinforcements greatly eased the tension on the battlefield. Even the tone of the adjutant's speech became much more relaxed, as did the tone of Major Adam's response when he put down the phone.

"Of course, everything is under control."

"The regiment commander is aware of our situation. The rapid support force he sent is already on the way and is expected to arrive in twenty minutes. They have been fighting the rebellious Polish ghosts in the city all day, and the troops need to rest. , It will take more time to urgently mobilize troops to rush over to support, we just need to wait. "

Major Adam, who was busy talking, was not idle. He was packing his equipment and preparing to go downstairs to meet the commander of the mysterious reinforcements downstairs to see who he was and what his background was. The person listening beside him The adjutant who said this still didn't understand something.

"The support troops are on the way? So these people downstairs are not from our regiment? I thought"

"Why? How could the troops of our regiment come from the east? They are the Polish ghosts who are encircling and suppressing the rebellion in the city."

Major Adam's expression looked very relaxed, and his tone of voice seemed to be that everything was under control, which was exactly what he said.

"Besides, you and I know very well what kind of army our regiment is. Do you think those Black Panther IIs downstairs are equipment that our regiment can use? Look at their firepower. They can't kill less than two hundred people. The small infantry unit brought a dozen machine guns, and the rest seemed to be automatic rifles and semi-automatic rifles. Is this kind of equipment only available to a garrison like ours? "


What Colonel Adam said was reasonable. It was true that the inexperienced adjutant had not thought of this, but there was still one last problem that needed to be solved.

"Then, since they are not troops from our regiment, are they the reinforcements that the regiment commander called for us from other places? I heard that the Grossdeutschland Division is fighting in the eastern suburbs of the city. It is a barrier to defend Warsaw and prevent the Russians from approaching. It is not far from us. It’s very close, will they be called to support us?”

What the adjutant said did make sense, at least that's what Major Adam felt after listening to it.

However, he couldn't say whether this was the case or not. No one knew yet where the gang downstairs came from.

"No, the regiment commander is also confused. He has not called any nearby friendly forces to reinforce the bridgehead, and he didn't even know about it until he received the call from me. So, well, no one knows about the friendly forces downstairs. I don’t know who the last name is, but there is a high probability that they came to reinforce us.

"Come on, just go down and ask him face to face. Bring the security squad and follow me."

"Yes, sir!"

Not to mention that Major Adam, who wanted to understand the situation so that he could report to the superiors, was leading people downstairs towards the line of fire. Malashenko, who was commanding the troops to kill, encountered an unexpected new situation.

Not only did this gang of Polish ghosts who wanted to die not surrender, they dared to continue the attack with dirty tricks. Iron fist anti-tank grenades suddenly flew out from several seemingly inconspicuous buildings on the street, instantly catching our Comrade Ma off guard. .

The situation was already obvious. The Polish ghosts used street buildings as cover and advanced covertly to a very close distance from Malashenko's defense line. And they hid in the house from the window or the balcony on the second floor, and started to fire with the iron fists they got from who knows where. The anti-tank grenades that roared one after another really blew up Comrade Ma and went berserk on the spot.

"What a bastard! Why are you so aggressive in seeking death and reincarnation? Get out of here, you little bitch!"

Comrade Lao Ma, who felt elegant and easy-going in his heart, kept talking and blurted out emergency response orders.

"Car Nos. 111, 112, and 113, concentrate your firepower on me and blast the second floor of the clock shop in the one o'clock direction! In the house closest to the street, the Polish ghost guys are shooting iron fists inside. Blow them to pieces!" !”

As soon as Malashenko gave the order with his front foot, something unexpected happened immediately with his back foot.

The second floor of the watch shop on the right is still open, and the second floor of what seems to be a small hotel on the left side of the street is open again.

The iron fist roared in again, which caught people off guard, but this time it also added two MG42 machine guns that the Polish ghost guy got from the German guy, and together they responded with crazy firepower to the "Soviet-German Allied Forces" downstairs.

The German second-line garrison that suffered a sneak attack may not have reacted well and was caught off guard, but this was not the case for these combat engineer units brought under Malashenko.

Although they had fought a high-intensity battle all day long and were physically exhausted, these battle-hardened veterans could still recover at least 70% to 80% of their combat power after a full meal and a short rest. , neural reaction speed and movement coordination ability are not problems.

So in the face of this kind of bullshit sneak attack that was nothing compared to Stalingrad, the combat engineers who wore Grossdeutschland dog skins to disguise themselves reacted extremely quickly. Not only did he not flinch, he also directed the return fire at the enemy's exposed position on the spot.

The Polish ghost guy on the second floor of the hotel was surprised to find that although he had secretly attacked first, he had indeed caught the enemy by surprise. But what is unexpected is that the opponent's counterattack firepower in a very short time can actually suppress his own side with a backhand in seconds.

Rather than being the party that launched the sneak attack, it is now more suitable to say that it is the party that was attacked. The situation is so true.

One thing that needs to be made clear is that not only the Polish ghosts brought the Iron Fist, but Malashenko's camouflaged commandos also brought a lot of these things.

The principle of the abyss is easy to understand. Since you can put your opponent within the shooting range, and you both use the same weapon. Furthermore, if the height difference on your side is not enough to increase the range of the same weapon to a qualitative change, then the opponent will definitely be able to hit you. This kind of thing is inevitable and there is no need to even think about it. That kind of thing.

"Concentrate fire! The target is on the second floor of the hotel, open fire!"

The "German Second Lieutenant", whose German was far less proficient than his native language, shouted orders to the soldiers around him. In just a short moment, as many as seven or eight Panzerfaust anti-tank grenades roared out and hit the second floor. Along with it, there was also a bright green tracer barrage like a laser whip. Even the density of firepower of the machine gun was overwhelming the Polish ghost guys, one after another, and they were all violent.

Before he could react, the Polish guy who was either pressed to the ground or hiding behind the wall and did not dare to show his face, who was finding it difficult to find another chance to fire, heard the roar of a powerful gasoline engine from downstairs. , became the final nightmare that followed.

"The Germans are crazy! They drove their armored vehicles and knocked down the wall on the first floor, and people are already pouring in!!!"

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