Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2041 Su and Germany join forces, Bobo is finished (Part 2)

If anything is certain, it is that the Polish ghost made Malashenko angry.

To be honest, although Malashenko wants to ensure that the bridge is in his own hands intact, he wants to drive away these Polish ghosts who appear at the wrong time.

But there is one thing to say: Malashenko still has to respect from the bottom of his heart these insurrectionists who fought bravely to defend the country and the nation and resisted the brutal rule of Fascism.

If nothing else, it’s just that those who are unwilling to succumb to the brutal rule of Fascism and have the courage to take up arms to resist, instead of living in the shadow of darkness as a group of subjugated slaves, have the courage to take this step forward. People, then they deserve some respect.

Therefore, Malashenko did not initially intend to kill the Polish ghosts until they were littered with corpses and kill them all with one hand.

As long as these Polish ghosts have the sense to withdraw voluntarily, Malashenko will not give the troops an order to continue the pursuit. After all, there is no time to waste on such trivial matters, there is still work to do to gain control of the bridge.

This is why after Malashenko led his team to cross the bridge, he did not take advantage of his technical equipment and directly run over it. Instead, he ordered the troops to support the defense and fight a bridgehead defense battle, nothing more.

This is not because Comrade Ma has a problem with his head and is just giving orders, but he hopes that after seeing how powerful and invincible the enemy is, these Polish ghosts will realize that there is still a chance to retreat and run away, and they will know better and leave as soon as possible.

However, the various confusing behaviors and wise operations of the Polish ghost guy now really annoyed Malashenko, who deeply felt that this was "shameless".

"You fucking want to die, don't you? Okay, I'll help you, and I'll send you on your way."

Not only did he not run away to retreat, he even dared to sneak attack on me!

Malashenko's thunderous counterattack came so quickly that he didn't even give the Polish ghost any time to react.

After receiving the order to counterattack and charge, the soldiers who were feeling angry and feeling a little frustrated from the battle immediately began to advance along the main road with the armored troops as the vanguard without saying a word.

The Black Panther II driving in the middle of the road pours firepower on any street house where a Polish ghost is hiding. Such a close battle is coupled with the supplementary support of flares in the sky to light up the field of vision. There is no vision loss for the Black Panther II gunner in the dark night. They can send 75mm high-explosive bombs directly into the house from the window frame, balcony, or door.

Although it is inferior in terms of firepower, it is a small-caliber fixed-loading shell after all, which is much easier to load than the 122-minute shell.

The Black Panthers who rushed to the front along the main road unleashed an astonishing firepower output. The fierce firepower had reached a sustained combat rate of fire of one round every five or six seconds, as if they were targeting a building where a Polish ghost was hiding. We must blast it until the building collapses.

As soon as Malashenko acted seriously, the Polish ghosts in the building who originally felt that "I had the advantage" were immediately in bad luck.

The firepower that those poor little iron fists can bring is simply not on the same level as the firepower of the terrifying German armored vehicles and tanks downstairs.

The enemy is a large group of iron bastards crawling all over the ground with their teeth and claws snarling, aiming at you with direct-aiming high-caliber artillery fire.

And what about you?

You have to use your flesh and blood to carry a thing with a very short range, directly exposed to the enemy's sight and the black hole of the gun, face to face with those cold and ruthless iron guys and try to win.

Man, if this kind of life-threatening job was easy to do, then there wouldn't be any difficult job in the world.

In fact, what is lacking at this time is not firepower to a large extent, but the courage to show up and face the enemy's firepower face to face.

You still hope that a group of "part-time soldiers" who didn't know whether they were shoe repairmen or ironsmiths a few days ago can face off against a group of king of kings troops who have experienced hundreds of battles and are known as the top elites of the powerful army. You still hope that tomorrow When you wake up early in the morning, you can see the front-page news about a hair-washer going to the toilet in the middle of the night, slipping and choking to death in the toilet, which is more realistic.

Of course, the nightmare of the Polish ghost goes far beyond that.

Compared to the intensive firepower swarming downstairs, the vibration beneath the feet that directly collapsed the outer wall of the first floor with a loud bang was obviously more frightening.

Malashenko was in no mood to continue playing tug-of-war with the Polish guy, and he was indeed completely offended by the shamelessness of these idiots.

The order to knock down the outer wall of the first floor with a car and rush in to kill people was exactly what Malashenko had given.

Ordinary building attack tactics are too time-consuming and unnecessary. Faced with this group of Polish ghosts who don’t have many good guns, a bunch of junk and poor skills, it is obviously better to collapse the wall and rush in directly. Suitable choice.

The front of the Type 251 half-track that broke through the outer wall of the first floor was stuck in the rubble of fallen masonry and was temporarily unable to move, but the "door-breaking hammer" did work.

The collapsed hole was as wide as one and a half car heads. Even if the car was temporarily immobilized, it was still enough for infantry to enter through the gaps on both sides. The remaining demolished space was more than enough.

The front of the Type 251 half-track not only collapsed the outer wall, but also smashed into pieces a few Polish ghosts who were guarding the first floor.

How can the founder of a dump truck be immortal?

Faced with the Type 251 half-track that hit the vehicle with full throttle and slammed in violently, a few Polish ghosts with thick walls on the first floor and no time to react didn't even have a chance to escape. When the wall collapsed and the house collapsed, a pile of masonry rubble was sent flying out on the spot. Well, it was lucky for him to fly out. At least he was able to leave a relatively complete body intact.

Look at the unlucky man who was directly run over by the front of the 251 car. Most of his body was still pressed under the wheels of the car. Who knows how much flesh was left connecting the upper and lower bodies. Anyway, no one cares about the appearance of a dead person now. It doesn't matter how miserable it is.

"Attack! Take down the second floor, prepare the assaulter, put on the flamethrower! Quick!"

Having received the authorization from Malashenko to "permit the use of all necessary lethal force", Alsim, who had no intention of being polite to these unscrupulous Polish ghosts, just rushed into the building with his people. Taking action is the ultimate move.

Even the formality of throwing a grenade first and then forcing him to surrender, he chose to skip it directly and use the most efficient flamethrower to "serve" the Polish ghost.

The assault hand carrying the German standard individual flamethrower was already ready. His thick heat-insulating gloves tightly held a pressurized spray gun like an iron pipe. The hot nozzle had been ignited with flames, just waiting for a fire dragon to rush forward. And out.

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