Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2042 Su and Germany join forces, Bobo is finished (Part 2)

"The Germans are downstairs! They are rushing in! Guard the stairs, everyone come here!"

"Machine gun, load the machine gun quickly! Get the machine gun over here!"

"Fire! It's fire, the German is lighting it, hurry up!!!"

Before he could finish his words of reminder to his comrades beside him, a blazing fire dragon rushed towards his face instantly like the rolling flames in purgatory. The life-threatening temperature that was infinitely approaching life and death was a sure sign of imminent death.

"Ahhhh!!! Fire, hot! Water, where is the water!?"

The flesh ignited by the flames was tortured by the ruthless heat of death, and the pitiful screams that seemed to tear apart the soul overshadowed the sounds of crossfire and rang through the night.

With just one spray, these Polish insurgents who had no experience in street fighting and wanted to gather at the entrance of the corridor to drive the enemy down with superior firepower instantly suffered unbearable pain, torture and casualties.

One after another, the firemen were running around howling miserably, and the moving fire was bright enough to light up the entire second floor.

Some firemen were rolling and flopping desperately on the ground, trying to extinguish the extremely painful and soul-burning death flames on their bodies as soon as possible.

There are also some people who were burned to the point of panic, losing their sense of direction and ability to identify. They only know how to run around based on instinct. Maybe they can find water wherever they go. Think rationally at this time. It seems to have become an impossible thing.

Some of the panicked Pyrogens ran directly down the stairs and ran into Alsim's team, which was attacking the second floor after a successful attack.

If this fiery man was thrown into the crowd, everyone would be screwed. Alsim, who knew how dangerous these hopeless bastards were, did not hesitate at all and showed no mercy, and instantly grasped the STG44 assault rifle in his hand. Pulled the trigger and spit out tongues of fire.

One second, the burning man was dancing and jumping down. The next second, his head fell, his body fluttered, and with a pop, he fell to the ground with his body covered in flames as if he had been tripped by a horse rope. , here comes a dog chewing shit.

As the raging flames engulfed his whole body, he was randomly shot into pieces by medium-power rifle bullets, ending his already painful life prematurely and killing him on the spot.

"Hurry! There is no time to delay, keep charging! Be careful where you step, don't get set on fire!"

The dead bodies were still burning, but the soldiers who attacked the building had no intention of lingering any longer.

Alsim, who was taking the lead, was the first to take the lead and step over the burning corpse that had just died at his feet. He took very long steps, trying to be careful not to let his trouser legs or soles get on the corpse's burning corpse oil or unburned sticky fuel. .

Otherwise, it would really be a recipe for disaster and a lot of fun, so you have to be careful.

Alsim, who was holding STG44 tightly, was the first to rush up to the stairwell on the second floor, and then he saw corpses lying on the ground in front of him.

Some of the corpses were still on fire. There was no need to explain the cause of death. Judging from the motionless appearance, they must have been dead. There was no need to go up and replenish the gun.

There were also corpses that did not belong to Polish ghosts. Of course, they were not on fire but were killed by bullets. The clothes on their bodies silently told their identities: German soldiers who were originally stationed here.

The German soldiers guarding the building were alone and trapped without help. Even though they fought desperately to the end, they could not wait until the reinforcements arrived. In the end, the Polish ghosts who were rushed to the second floor were left alone, including the wounded soldiers. The end result of killing them all.

The battle did not end here. All the Polish ghosts could not be burned to death.

There were also a small number of assholes who avoided the flamethrower and retreated to the back rooms on the second floor. Judging from the closed doors, they probably didn't intend to make any wise choices.

"What should I do? Fight?"

The squad leader who rushed up immediately asked questions in the simplest possible language. Alsim, who was guarding the stairs on the second floor and observing the situation, quickly gave the answer.

"Don't rush in! Bring over the door-breaking explosives you brought and let the Polish ghost guy have a taste of Russia!"

As early as Stalingrad, Malashenko had guided Varosha, who was still a company commander at the time, to make a directional door-breaking explosive with some limited materials that could be collected, and it also came with super strong reactive power. Infantry effect.

The specific principle is not difficult. This square, flat door-breaking explosive that looks like a floor tile is nothing more than a steel back plate with surrounding edge barriers, which is used to orient the blasting chemicals and limit the blasting impact. There are also killing paths spreading up, down, left and right to the rear.

As a result, all the chemical energy blasting power is only diffused forward. By controlling the amount of charge, there is no problem if the explosion is not enough to destroy the steel back plate. Safety is guaranteed, even if the distance is relatively close. Will damage friendly forces.

So how to enhance anti-infantry lethality?

This is a good question.

During the Stalingrad period, the soldiers who made this kind of door-breaking explosives could not find suitable materials, and all kinds of supplies were scarce. Just fill it with whatever you can find that can be used as materials, such as nails, shell skins, bullet heads dug out of the wall, and sometimes even glass shards. Anyway, as long as the sharp fragments can hurt people, it will be enough. .

Mixing these things with explosives and filling them in can greatly increase the anti-infantry killing power of chemical energy blasts when directed spray.

This kind of thing is simple to make and can be made with steel plates and explosives as well as some debris and shrapnel. It really helped Malashenko and Varosha a lot during the Battle of Stalingrad. There were many Germans who were hiding in the house and couldn't escape because they were blown away by these directional door-breaking explosives, which had a charge much larger than a grenade and could blow away the door and send shrapnel and debris all over the house.

After the Battle of Stalingrad, this kind of homemade and easy-to-use directional door-breaking anti-infantry explosive was naturally retained, and it was even promoted and successfully converted to regular service because of Malashenko.

From now on, they will all be produced according to the standard of the rear arsenal, and the materials and safety factors have been enhanced compared to the original earth-made ones. The sundries and rags filled inside were replaced with uniform steel balls according to Comrade Lao Ma's suggestion. The front of the explosive was pre-prepared with strong glue. Just stick it on the door and pull the fire to send the enemies in the house away. It is a home-based trip. A must-have tool for gand sticks.

Although this thing is indeed easy to use, it is a special weapon with a very narrow range of applications. It has rarely been seen since the Battle of Stalingrad.

Unless you need to break down doors in close combat indoors, this kind of weapon that is not small, light, easy to carry, and cannot be used for anti-armor is really useless. The leader just ordered a batch for emergencies, and stored them as standing weapons in the warehouse. Just like condoms, even if you carry them with you and don't use them, it's better than finding out that you don't have them when you need them.

Taking into account the particularity and possible tactical requirements of this camouflage raid, Alsim, who has rich combat experience, guessed that this might be used before setting off. It is indeed very useful, but its scope of application is very narrow and can be used all year round. The special weapons that were gathering dust in the weapons depot of the leadership division were applied to Malashenko and approved.

Now, during the Battle of Stalingrad, this kind of weapon that allowed countless unlucky German soldiers to die without knowing what the Russians used to kill them in the way of "beating cattle across the wall" is about to be used again. Let these die-hard Polish ghosts have a taste of their power.

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