Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2043 There is a girl

“I hope this thing won’t blow up us, but I haven’t used this thing in a while.

Under Alsim's order, a group of soldiers took their positions near the door. The soldier who was responsible for the role of blaster immediately took off this thing that looked like a floor tile from his back, and put both hands together to prepare for the door. The work was accompanied by muttering.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, be careful of the Polish guy shooting!"

If the people in the house are not protected, they will shoot randomly at the door and try to kill people through the door. This kind of thing is very likely to happen.

The shooter who was responsible for placing the explosives naturally knew this. After sticking the explosives in place, he suddenly pulled the fuse, and then rushed towards his comrades who had already taken shelter without looking back. .

"Be careful!!!"


Taking into account the killing effect, this kind of special door-breaking explosive is made large enough, and it is shaped like a floor tile and has a large enough directional spray, that is, the killing area, and the natural charge amount should not be less.

The charge of a full 3 kilograms of passivated RDX is more powerful than a small-caliber high-explosive grenade. If it were not designed for directional blasting but for conventional blasting, even the person using this explosive would probably not be able to use it in such a narrow and airtight indoor space. It is difficult to escape from the killing radius.

There was a huge roar, followed by a burst of flying sand and rocks and smoke.

The powerful special door-breaking explosive not only blew up the entire wooden door, but even the door frame was blown far away by this powerful directional blast.

More than 300 steel balls prefabricated in the explosives were ejected in a fan-shaped direction as the explosion sounded, instantly setting off a violent metal storm in the small back bedroom.

Various impact and abnormal sounds accompanied by huge explosions resounded in the ears. The entire second floor space was filled with the smell of incompletely burned gunpowder and dust. The amount of commotion was obviously beyond the imagination of most people present. .

"Ahem! Sokka! This thing is powerful enough. If replaced by an ordinary bomb, it would definitely blow up the second floor."

To be honest, no one would doubt that there were still people alive in the house after the loud noise. After all, the actual power of this special door-breaking explosive has been tested many times at the test site.

Not to mention ordinary small wooden doors for civilian use, even steel-clad iron doors can be lifted directly by it. The few wooden figures used to simulate the human body were like scarecrows in a field blown by a tornado. They were dismembered and shattered by the explosion shock wave and the dense rain of steel balls sprayed in the face.

Although he still remembered the terrifying power that this thing showed on the test field, Alsim, who was quite vigilant, still held the STG44 in his hand tightly, and slowly entered the room with the soldiers behind him to maintain high alert. Be prepared to shoot at any time the Polish ghosts on the ground who may not be dead but still want to resist.

"It seems like they are all dead, why are there still women?"

As the squad leader who had been following Alsim said, there were indeed only corpses lying on the floor in front of him, and there were no living people. A rough calculation estimated that there must be at least eleven or two. It looked like they were all rushing in when they were in a panic.

Otherwise, based on normal defensive strength, it would be too unreasonable to cram so many people into one room.

It is true that men accounted for the vast majority of the corpses, but several of the female corpses clearly attracted more attention.

"War makes women go away" is a common war rule in most places in the world. Unless they are forced to a dead end and have no other choice, a large number of female soldiers will appear on the frontline battlefield. Otherwise, it is relatively rare to confront a female soldier in a front-line battle. The other soldiers were also surprised to see a woman among the corpses lying on the ground.

"Is there something wrong with the Polish ghosts' brains? Why did they even bring women together to rebel? Or do they, these cowards, have to rely on women to fight the war?"

"Hey, this is Poland, not France, and there's no Joan of Arc here. You're in the wrong place."

Obviously, among the leaders who have a lot of high-quality talents, there are many soldiers who are familiar with foreign history. Things like on-site breast-feeding techniques are even more familiar and easy to master.

There were only my own people in the room on the second floor. There were no living Germans or Polish ghosts who had surrendered and been captured.

After the battle, the soldiers were able to take a breath and relax for a while. At the same time, they also began to whisper in Russian, talking about everything that had just happened in front of them, so as to soothe the tense nerves with soaring adrenaline.

Alsim did not stop all this. At this moment, he was more interested in the corpses on the ground, because he found that one of the "corpsees" of a woman looked like she was not dead yet, and her fingers were twitching twice a moment ago. Yes, there is still breath left.

"Stop pretending, get up and know that you are not dead."

The still-living "corpse" didn't appear to have any obvious trauma, and there was no blood flowing out from underneath it. It was just lying on its back, with its eyes closed in an unnatural expression.

If Alsim were to say it, this would be tantamount to "pretending to be dead in a damn bad way", and it might not even be that easy to coax the recruits.

Alsim, who didn't care whether the person pretending to be dead was a man or a woman, walked directly forward, stretched out his right foot wearing a large military boot, stepped on the man's belly and pressed down hard twice.

Alsim has big feet, and the Kraut military boots he wears are as big as a boat.

With just a little bit of force, the belly was pressed down a lot. It was hard not to react when the organs were suddenly squeezed, not to mention that the corpse on the ground pretending to be dead was not just that simple. .

"Ahem, my stomach."

"Huh? What does this smell like?!"

"This bitch is still alive and she peed her pants."


Of course Alsim knew that the man who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead was still alive, but he didn't expect that when he stepped on the foot, he would directly pee on the person. Damn he knew that this man was actually lying on the ground pretending to be dead while holding in his urine. At this scene, Alsim's expression immediately changed.

"Someone get her away, the smell is too strong! Take her downstairs first!"

Alsim couldn't bear to see a woman who peed her pants being an eyesore in front of him. The soldiers around him who were watching the joke couldn't help but snicker when they saw this scene. They immediately stepped forward according to the order of the company commander, preparing to remove the woman on the ground who was holding her stomach and still crying out in pain. The girls were dragged down first and taken away.

But unexpectedly, the two soldiers had just grasped the girl's arms on the left and right, and before they had time to use force to pull her up, the girl's next reaction was beyond expectations.

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