Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2045 Very puzzling


Malashenko is planning to go talk to the German guy, but not right now.

According to Malashenko's plan, he originally planned to see the casualties of the troops first, then regroup, and then find some words from the Germans. After finding a way to get all the key information about how many detonators there are and where the placement points are, it won't be too late to start killing those Germans.

After all, we have worked hard all the way to capture the bridge intact. We have reached this point, but we cannot let all our efforts go to waste just because of a small detail. If we can do it safely, we should try our best to win steadily.

However, everything is unexpected.

Before Malashenko could find the Germans later, the Germans took the initiative and came to the door. This made Comrade Ma, who was quite surprised, feel happy.

"These idiots really think of me as their savior?"

Malashenko's guess was correct. On the faces of Lieutenant Schwaner and Major Adam who walked up to them, they both had "blooming smiles" that almost reached their ears. To put it bluntly, they were down-to-earth. If I say it, it would be "When I see Comrade Ma, I feel closer to him than my real father."

"Oh, I hope I can still look like this when I talk to you about serious business later.

Lieutenant Schwerner and Major Adam were not able to read minds. Neither of them knew what the smiling man in front of them was thinking about. Immediately after his words of gratitude, he directed his words towards Malashen. Co poured out.

"Introducing, Colonel Victor, commander of the Armored Regiment of the Grossdeutschland Division. This is the deputy commander of our regiment and my commander, Major Adam."

Lieutenant Schwerner has no other abilities, but his ability to wink is truly top-notch.

He has been part of the second-line garrison all year round. He hasn't fought many battles, but he often meets the high-ranking officials who pass by. Many of them are familiar to him.

Lieutenant Schwerner has always thought this was a good thing. Dealing more with these high-ranking officials would not only allow him to hone his experience and speaking skills, but he might also be able to ask for help from one of them if something happens in the future. The "big leader" helps you do things. It is better to know one more person than to have no connections at all.

Over time, Lieutenant Schwerner has become a knowledgeable and experienced expert on how to speak to leaders.

No, before the two officers said anything, Lieutenant Schwaner, who was familiar with both sides, volunteered to be the go-between, and took the initiative to help the two officers on both sides start to introduce each other. This topic also It will unfold accordingly.

"It seems that your troops have just encountered a lot of trouble, Major. Those Polish ghosts have a large number of people, and their strength is several times that of yours. How can they be so bold and dare to attack the bridgehead? In advance, Isn’t there any sign? Do we have any information about this?”

Malashenko is not just changing the topic meaninglessly. In fact, Malashenko still doesn’t have a clear idea of ​​why the Polish ghosts launched this wave of night raids on the bridgehead, especially when the Polish ghosts are so outrageous. After adding his IQ to a mind-blowing confusing operation, Malashenko could no longer figure out what was wrong with the Polish gangsters on the other side.

Whether or not we can protect everything is really just a spur-of-the-moment idea of ​​these Polish ghosts, and they may suddenly decide to fight for the bridgehead in a fit of enthusiasm. Malashenko now knows that when dealing with these Polish gangsters, you absolutely cannot use common sense to analyze and measure them. If Major Adam knew what was going on here, he would be able to answer his questions.

Faced with Malashenko's blurted question, Major Adam's next expression was just shaking his head with a wry smile.

"Unfortunately, sir, we don't know the specific circumstances and details, at least not yet."

"There was no sign of anything. When it was getting dark in the afternoon, I went to check out the situation. The news I got was that the Polish ghosts were all squeezed into the central area of ​​the city and were resisting. Although the resistance was fierce, our encirclement and suppression campaign was The troops have the absolute upper hand and are clearing the streets controlled by the Polish ghosts one by one. It won't be long before they can regain control of the entire city of Warsaw."

"So it's really puzzling."

"Just imagine, sir. A group of rebels who are about to be wiped out. Their morale, equipment, and soldier quality are very poor. How can such a group of people who have been strangled by failure and destruction gather such a large force? , launching an attack on our heavily guarded bridgehead as if they were well prepared? This is simply unbelievable. I even thought that the Polish ghosts were about to surrender, but the result was so unexpected. "


The situation Major Adam mentioned is actually basically the same as Comrade Lao Ma's guess.

The Warsaw Uprising in history was severely suppressed by the Germans. It is not an exaggeration to say that the sacrifices the Poles paid for this were a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The Germans even used their super-heavy artillery unit, which was considered a low-level strategic force in the era of World War II, to serve the Poles with two valuable items, the Karl mortar and the Assault Tiger, and beat them all up.

Looking at it now, the Germans' technical equipment is more powerful, their main combat equipment is more advanced than in history, and they have more efficient killing power. Dealing with the Poles is naturally more vicious and deadly. The Warsaw Uprising in the current timeline will only cost more casualties and sacrifices than in the existing history.

But even under this circumstance, after being beaten severely all day long, the Polish ghost still dared and had the ability to launch such a large-scale night attack at night, which was obviously carefully prepared in advance.

If this is not outrageous, honestly there is nothing that can be called "outrageous".

Anyway, with Comrade Lao Ma's experience and experience, he couldn't figure out where the Polish ghost guy came from and where he freed up so many idle troops to carry out night attacks.

Wanting to know the answers to these questions is purely out of curiosity, but it really doesn't matter if you can't get any accurate answers. Anyway, if Malashenko really cares about it, he doesn't care about the trivial reasons. As long as the result of "the bridge and the plan are still under his control" can be determined, that will be enough.

The small talk ended here. Next, Malashenko felt that it was time to talk to Major Adam in front of him about the "business" that he was really interested in.

"I have a question, Major. Is our bridge security system okay? Has it been secretly infiltrated and destroyed by those Polish ghosts?"

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