Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2046 Keyword Confirmation

If he had more time, Malashenko would definitely not be willing to raise the issue so abruptly. ơɱ

Although he had just rescued the person not long ago, after all, it had only been a short time since they had known each other. Asking targeted questions in such a hurry would inevitably be a bit too purposeful. If it was not done well, it would easily arouse people's suspicion.

But there is one thing to say, Malashenko now has no time to sit here and slowly ink.

The unexpected appearance of the Polish ghosts was a huge variable that could not be predicted in advance. This unexpected accident caused Malashenko to waste nearly an hour in addition to the time to cross the bridge to defeat these bad guys. A bastard who does his own good.

It's annoying to waste precious time on something like this, but when it comes to that, there's really nothing you can do but find ways to grab your time elsewhere. It should be noted that Comrade Political Commissar is still waiting for follow-up news from Malashenko. The follow-up troops responsible for responding have already been prepared and are only waiting for news from the commando team.

Well, there is also the matter of Comrade Lao Ma personally leading the team as the commando captain. I don’t know if Comrade Political Commissar knows about it now. Malashenko hoped that Lavrinenko could hide it from him for a while. It would be best to wait until he was done with it before being discovered. If that was the case, that would be the best.

Although this question had to be asked, Malashenko still tried to be as circumstantial as possible in the way of questioning, making it sound less targeted, trying to give people the feeling that "the commander is really concerned about the defense of the bridge."

Judging from Major Adam's subsequent reaction, the result Malashenko wanted was obviously achieved.

"Everything is fine, sir."

"Originally, the Polish ghosts might have been about to break through the defense line, but because your team provided timely support, everything was okay. The Polish ghosts did not get close to our bridge command room, and the core security did not fall into the enemy's hands. All control rights It’s all in our own hands, and the Central Bridge is safe now.”

Major Adam, who was grateful to Lieutenant Colonel Victor, was very grateful to his superior for saving his life. Such a state of mind and true thoughts were clearly written and expressed on his face. Naturally, Malashenko could see it clearly. I also know in my heart that this is the ideal and best result.

On the other hand, Major Adam's words also mentioned the answer Malashenko wanted to find, and he was convinced that the keyword "bridge command room" was the ultimate goal he was pursuing.

Now that the topic has been raised, the matter of giving birth will be relatively easier to handle.

"Well, this "bridge", the bridge command room, I need to go and see for myself, Major. My superior has just updated me on the task instructions, asking me to confirm the safety of the bridge and make an on-site assessment and report to my superior. In order to My superiors are responsible for my mission. Please cooperate with me. We need to execute this order together."


It’s not that Malashenko’s words were unreasonable or had any flaws, it’s just that this unexpected and abrupt request without any warning was a bit surprising. For a while, Major Adam hadn’t figured out how to answer Malashenko. Unexpectedly, Lieutenant Colonel Victor in front of him had not yet finished speaking.

"By the way, I can tell you, Major. My mission is to lead the team to the city to support the suppression of the riots. The comrades in the city need the support of armored vehicles. When passing the bridge, I happened to bump into you and you were attacked. I told this situation I reported to my superiors and immediately supported you. Now that the battle is over, I have received new mission instructions, and I need your cooperation to complete the mission."

"That's the general situation. Is there anything else I need to explain? This should be clear enough, right?"


There is indeed no flaw or obvious loophole in the reasons given by Malashenko. An order is an order, and the duty of soldiers is to execute orders.

Taking Malashenko’s rhetoric as an example, what he plays as Lieutenant Colonel Victor wants to do now is impeccable. What’s wrong with executing the orders of his superiors unconditionally, without discounting or questioning? This is what a soldier should do.

But the fact that there are no flaws or loopholes in the rhetoric does not mean that the matter is really settled. Major Adam obviously still has his concerns. Some situations that Malashenko is not clear about are bothering him, which makes this guy's expression next It was doubly hesitant.

Lieutenant Schwerner, who had been standing by as a spectator and couldn't get in a word, wanted to say something, but as soon as the words came to his lips, he felt that it was not the right time for him to interject, and speaking rashly might cause harm. .

After weighing it up, I finally decided to wait and see before making any further decisions. Say the most confident words when you are most confident about the conversation. Misfortunes come from your mouth. This principle must be kept in mind at all times.

As for the fact that Lieutenant Colonel Victor's team seemed to have something wrong and had some problems, Lieutenant Schwerner didn't take it to heart at all.

question? What could be the problem?

Didn't you see how ferociously the people of the Grossdeutschland Division killed those Polish ghosts just now? That was more than three or four times more ferocious than our own second-line garrison troops who were doing their jobs.

The Polish ghosts were able to be killed so quickly that their corpses were strewn across the field, and they collapsed and fled. This small mechanized unit led by Lieutenant Colonel Victor was indispensable. They are the absolute main force that allowed the German army to win the battle just now. You have to admit this.

Lieutenant Schwerner, who prides himself on being well-informed, thinks how could such a ruthless group of people be spies or pretenders? Still working so hard to help the Germans fight? This saved control of the entire bridge and contributed a lot. The only explanation can only be "our own people".

As for the equipment, there are many imaginable reasons that can be explained.

For example, these armored vehicles and heavy equipment painted with the SS logo but used by the Wehrmacht may have just been handed over by the SS.

Didn’t they say that the elite troops of the SS received new toys all day long? After getting new toys, it is quite reasonable to discard the old toys and hand them over to others for second-hand use, right? It was just that due to the emergency of the war, some of the painting logos had not been replaced, or they were omitted or ignored. The more Lieutenant Schwerner thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

Since you can figure it out yourself, there's no need to talk about those criticisms or find trouble.

You must know that not only the untouchable Lieutenant Colonel Victor is right in front of you now, but also your immediate leader, Major Adam.

If he really angered this bad-tempered lieutenant colonel and caught his leader scolding him together, then he would be really unlucky after this.

If your leader can't offend the more senior leaders, why can't he deal with a little guy like himself? What's more, it was because his subordinate said the wrong thing. He was afraid that Major Adam might even cut his own heart out alive. Lieutenant Schwerner felt a little scared when he thought about it.

Lieutenant Schwaner, who has always been cautious, observant, and good at flattering people, naturally did not want to get into trouble with this.

So for now, I will not get involved in this matter. I will let the leaders slowly figure out how to solve it. I will just stay by and be an errand boy waiting to be dispatched.

Lieutenant Schwaner on the side was thinking about something, but Malashenko didn't care and didn't know.

But after seeing Major Adam hesitate, Malashenko, who felt it was time to add another piece of information, took a step forward and spoke again.

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