Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2048 Welcome to the underground world

This tunnel looks very simple. To be precise, it is much longer than Malashenko imagined, and it also looks more complex and solid.

Now it is obvious that it is not a problem that the seventy-five small cannons of Black Panther 2 cannot solve, but that even if the Red Army's own 152 God Cult comes over, even if it is a cannon that accurately sends the shells along the window and explodes at the entrance of the tunnel, open.

According to Malashenko's experience, if the tunnel's entrance is broken, it will only collapse the small portion of the tunnel entrance. Can the broken bricks, tiles, and collapsed ruins be buried to where we are now? It's all a problem, not to mention hurting the people inside or damaging some of the equipment underground.

What's even worse is that it's obvious that the tunnel is not nearly finished when it reaches this point. There is still at least a distance of about ten meters in front of it before it reaches the end.

Malashenko was surprised that such a tunnel could appear in such a place.

Is it worth undertaking such a complex underground project to gain control of a bridge? What on earth are the Germans thinking? Or is there something fishy that I don't know about?

Malashenko couldn't figure it out, and it was inevitable that he would have doubts and not understand. The best way to solve the problem was to ask questions directly.

"Adam, what's going on with this tunnel? Was it built by our engineering force specifically to gain control of the bridge?"

Malashenko spoke directly and revealed the questions in his heart without any concealment. Now is indeed not the time to lie.

Faced with Malashenko's question, Major Adam, who had already expected such a question, just smiled, and then spoke without thinking.

"Of course not, the amount of this project is not ordinary. The control of the Central Bridge is very important, but it is not important enough that we have to carry out such a large and complex underground project for it. This is just the result of on-site utilization. "

"Use it locally?"

Malashenko accurately captured the key words in Major Adam's words and already realized something.

Major Adam nodded slowly, and while continuing to lead the way with Lieutenant Colonel Victor beside him, he continued to add.

"This small building originally belonged to a well-known wealthy aristocrat in Warsaw. He had many properties in Warsaw, and this is just one of them. I don't remember his name. Anyway, I led the team to take over the defense of the bridge. By that time, the old guy and his whole family had already ascended to heaven.”

"According to the SS who were working on the matter, the owner of the small building, the old man, was an old bastard who secretly supported the resistance forces and guerrillas. He used all the wealth accumulated by his family over the years as funds. To support those rebel bastards to fight against us and cause us trouble again and again, it is not an exaggeration to say that they have the blood of our soldiers on their hands."

The long tunnel came to an end, and there were two soldiers holding MP40 submachine guns guarding the end.

Major Adam did not lie. Even when the situation was most critical and manpower was most needed, he did not send even a single person from the crucial basement to support on the ground. It goes without saying how important the gate guarded by these two soldiers is.

"Open the door and let us in."

Major Adam gave the order without any nonsense, and the two soldiers responsible for guarding immediately followed it after performing the military salute. The door was opened in front of Malashenko, while Major Adam on the side continued to tell what he had just said. The unfinished story.

"The security forces of the SS captured important members of the resistance organization. After being tortured, they vomited everything they knew. Everyone who could betray them was betrayed. What happened next was very simple."

"This old man was on the death list of the SS, ranking third after the chief and deputy leaders of the resistance organization. As expected, the SS quickly dispatched to arrest his whole family, and after an interrogation, they were all taken to the city The entire family, from the 78-year-old man to the six-year-old girl, was hanged in the square for public viewing. The bodies hung with signs around their necks for a full week and were smelly of flies. Bedbugs buzzed around all day long, and then a few Polish ghosts who worked as handymen took them away and buried them. "

"When a person dies, his family property is naturally confiscated. The old man's son was timid and fearful, and he told the secrets of this small building before he died."

"Their family originally used this small building as a stronghold for the resistance organization. This tunnel and the basement room at the end are said to have been built by their family ancestors to hide treasures, hoard food, and prevent banditry and war. They are still there today. More than a hundred years ago.”

"The underground space is huge and the ventilation system is perfect. Everything was built more than a hundred years ago. If there is enough water and food, this place can allow a platoon of people to hide in and live underground for at least a month. I was also surprised when I first came to this place. ”

"Because it is close enough to the bridge, after inspection, the Corps of Engineers thought it was very suitable as a node for the bridge security system. The safety and concealment are perfect. They laid the detonating device and wires from the bridge piers all the way underground, making Here, it was repaired a second time and reinforced and upgraded according to military standards, and it is what we see now.”

Major Adam's introduction continued, and Malashenko was of course listening attentively.

However, compared to Major Adam introducing the past and history of this place in detail like a tour guide, after entering the room, Malashenko obviously cared more about what he saw with his own eyes.

For example, the bright mechanical device placed on the table in the corner. The boss has a T-shaped push-pull lever that clearly proves the function of this device: to detonate explosives, just press it hard.

"Is that that thing? The detonating device of the bridge?"

Malashenko did not waste any time and chose to ask straightforward questions to Major Adam standing aside.

"Yes, sir. This is the main detonating device here. In addition, there is a manual backup detonating device secretly set up under the bridge pier. But it cannot be controlled remotely and needs to be used manually. According to the tasks assigned to you by your superiors, I I think this is what you need to see with your own eyes, there will be no problem, everything is safe here.”

Major Adam tried his best to cooperate with Malashenko's mission. After figuring out all this, Malashenko stretched one hand to his shoulder bag to take out something. At the same time, he turned his head towards Major Adam again. He spoke.

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