Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2049 Final Return

What Malashenko took out from his shoulder bag was not a murder weapon, but a simple small camera.

A standard-issued small camera is very commonly used by German military officers and can often be seen on the battlefield.

"This requires taking two photos, Adam. At least I have to take something back to give to my superiors to prove that I have indeed been here as required by the mission, and I have indeed completed the tasks assigned to me by my superiors."

Malashenko's tone of voice was very polite, and it didn't even sound like a superior and subordinate who were strangers meeting each other for the first time, but like a pair of comrades at the same level who had known each other for a long time.

Don't reach out to hit the smiling man. The politeness of Lieutenant Colonel Victor in front of him is something that Major Adam sees in his eyes and remembers in his heart. He can really feel it.

With this politeness in mind, and the request made by Lieutenant Colonel Victor is not too excessive. Everything is just to complete the tasks assigned to him by his superiors, nothing more. At least Major Adam himself does not feel that there is anything too much in it. There was something wrong with it, so I agreed without much thought.

"Of course, that's no problem, sir."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation. After this is done, maybe we can have a drink in Warsaw, and I'll pay for the treat. What do you think?"

Suppress the rebellious Polish ghosts and return control of Warsaw to Germany.

The Russians who were "making trouble" outside the city would also be driven away and repelled by then, and German rule would remain unshakable in Poland. Everything seemed so good, at least in Major Adam's opinion, Lieutenant Colonel Victor with a kind smile on his face should have the same idea as him.

"I am extremely happy, sir. It is an honor for me to have a drink with such an outstanding commander of the Grossdeutschland Division as you. But let me treat you, at least let me thank you for saving my life. If you hadn't led the team in time Come here, I'm afraid all of us have been insulted by the Polish ghosts by now."

Major Adam is right, Lieutenant Colonel Victor played by Malashenko did save his life from those Polish ghosts who hated the fascists to the core.

After hearing this, Malashenko just smiled and said nothing more. Instead, he picked up the camera in his hand and started taking pictures of the things in front of him.

"I saw that you suffered a lot of casualties from above. Adam, have you calculated the approximate results?"

While pressing the camera in his hand, he asked questions. However, the questions Malashenko asked were obviously more than simple as they sounded on the surface. Some people may not realize it yet.

"The specific number of casualties has not been calculated yet, but as you said, we did suffer a lot of casualties."

"There is only one battalion of troops guarding the Central Bridge, and two platoons were transferred to the city for support during the day. Our troops are already insufficient, and they are even more stretched after this sudden accident."

"However, I have already applied to our regiment commander for the deployment of more troops. The reinforcements are already on the way and will be here to join us soon."


Malashenko couldn't help but stop the movements in his hands, and felt a sudden pause in his heart. However, there still seemed to be no obvious problem on his expression. What Major Adam said did arouse a considerable degree of interest in Comrade Ma Laoshenko.

"You're moving quickly, Adam. How long does it take for reinforcements to arrive?"

After fiddling with the camera in his hand twice and putting it back in his shoulder bag, Malashenko's "inadvertent" question came out without thinking. It was obviously a deliberate decision that had been thought out in advance and was not a wrong thing to say.

Major Adam's slightly hesitant reaction was completely within Malashenko's expectation, and the corresponding words immediately blurted out from Comrade Ma's mouth.

"Don't think too much, it's just that my troops also have missions, and they can't stay here too long to help defend you."

"But I'm worried that those Polish ghosts may come back at any time, so I have to wait until the reinforcements you mentioned arrive and hand over the defense work to them properly before I can leave. So I need an accurate time point, and I have to You should understand if I want to let my superiors know what I am doing during this period and why I am delaying, right?"

In terms of speaking skills and tongue-in-cheek skills, Major Adam, an orthodox Aryan by the standards of the Führer, is very different from Comrade Ma, who is a "fake German, fake Russian, and real Chinese". Fabi.

If words could kill people, Comrade Lao Ma would definitely be able to kill a whole street of Germans with just words, and there would be no need to go to such trouble to conduct infiltration raids to seize the bridge.

It is precisely because Malashenko firmly controls the discourse, Major Adam, who can only respond passively, cannot find faults or flaws in it. After thinking that maybe I was really overthinking, I could only speak quietly according to Malashenko's expected result.

"It is expected to take another fifteen minutes, sir. It may be a little later. The troops were mobilized urgently while they were resting. They are another battalion of our regiment. They just fought the Polish ghosts all day long during the day and are exhausted. I need to rest at night, but I receive an emergency order and have to rush over to support, so it may take a little longer.”

fifteen minutes?

It's okay, it's enough for me to arrange you properly.

With a secret smile on his lips, Malashenko raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch. He estimated that it was almost time and was about to turn around and do something.

But he never thought that at this moment, the sound of conversation suddenly came from outside the basement door that had been closed.

"Please inform us that we need to see Lieutenant Colonel Victor. There is an emergency."

Everything was within Malashenko's plan, but it was not what Major Adam expected.

"What's the emergency? What do you mean, sir?"

Most of the people asking for a meeting outside the door were Lieutenant Colonel Victor's subordinates. It was difficult to interfere in this matter if they were not his own. Moreover, the other party's official was higher than himself, so Major Adam naturally had to seek the opinion of the "guest officer".

"Of course. Open the door, Adam."

Maybe it's because of the tightness, or maybe it's because it's impossible to break into such a hidden basement from the inside.

All in all, Major Adam did not arrange any security personnel for the basement. No one there, including Major Adam himself, was equipped with a main weapon such as a spear. They were all communication soldiers who either did not carry weapons, or simply carried a small pistol, or were just soldiers doing odd jobs.

It is so easy to control such a group of people. The "Plan B" prepared by Malashenko in advance is of no use. Now all he needs to do is open the door and everything will be settled.

Comrade Lao Ma, who had a rather bad taste, felt that it would be better for his "good friend" Major Adam to welcome the final outcome with his own hands, which could be regarded as the final reward for this good brother who chose to trust him.

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