Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2050 Feed Stalin

"Don't move! Put down your weapons!!!"

"Damn bastard! I told you not to move, are you deaf!? Put your hands up, now!"

"Be honest and lie down! Hold the back of your head with both hands and let me see you, hurry up!"

After a chaotic movement that even included yelling and fighting with fists and kicks, every one of the "true German soldiers" in the basement was either knocked down on the spot with their hands raised in a French military salute, or was beaten by the same person. A group of fierce men wearing Wehrmacht uniforms rushed in and killed him on the spot.

The rifle butts, fists and soles of the feet hit them like raindrops, causing the German soldiers who still couldn't figure out what happened to cry and howl for a while, including being hit by a rifle butt in the middle of the door, knocking them to the ground on the spot. , Major Adam, holding his bleeding nose and still seeing stars.

"What is going on here? Which army are you from?! What do you want to do!? This is betrayal, do you understand it!?"

Major Adam lay on the ground holding his nose and had no time to cry out in pain. It was obvious that he had not yet understood the situation in front of him.

He even mistakenly thought that this was one of his own troops. He was bewitched by the Polish ghost and chose to help the rebellion. He just didn't want to think about the worst situation, even subconsciously.

"Which army? Are you blind? Silly! Don't you recognize the grandfather who just saved your life?"

The sarcastic and teasing words blurted out without mercy, even accompanied by a burst of mocking laughter from the surroundings.

Major Adam, who was still lying on the ground, finally realized something. The man in front of him, wearing the uniform of a lieutenant of the National Defense Forces, seemed quite familiar.

Isn't he the guy who has been surrounding Lieutenant Colonel Victor just now?

And the captain next to him looks even more familiar!

When I went to talk to Lieutenant Colonel Victor just now, this man seemed to be reporting the situation next to Lieutenant Colonel Victor. When he saw me coming, he immediately left and walked aside.

"Could it be that you, you are???"

There was still a considerable degree of disbelief in his words. Major Adam couldn't believe the worst outcome he had already guessed, and he needed someone to help him "finalize it."

Obviously, Lieutenant Colonel Victor is the most suitable person for this job, bar none.

"I'm sorry I lied to you, Adam."

"You haven't seen me take off my hat, right? It's just right, let you take a good look now."

He still speaks fluent and pure German with a Bavarian accent. The only difference is that the tall man in front of him has indeed taken off the large-brimmed military hat on his head as he said, which has been covered up before. The face was completely presented in front of him, and he looked at Adam lying on the ground without any reservation and stopped to stare.

"Who the hell are you!?"

Even a fool can guess that there must be something wrong with the big man in front of him, who is more than 1.9 meters tall.

But Major Adam, who couldn't guess what the "Riddler" was talking about, still couldn't remember which of the names that might correspond to this face was wrong. He couldn't see through the true face of the tall man in front of him at all.

Facing Major Adam's question, the tall man shook his head in disappointment, and then spoke to the captain of the National Defense Forces next to him.

"It seems that I'm still not famous enough. I'm already a major, but you still can't recognize me. Didn't some prisoners say that the Germans are always worried that I will kill them at night without anyone noticing? Even the Germans will kill them at any time. Isn’t it a bit unreasonable to not know what a person looks like?”

The relatively small man in the captain's military uniform just smiled, his smile was very bohemian and extremely mocking.

Such rumors do circulate among the German prisoners of war, especially among the new recruits and rookie German prisoners of war who were defeated and captured not long after joining the front line.

But everything cannot be generalized. For example, if the current situation needs to be carefully analyzed, there are still explanations.

"This is just a second-line handyman, just the head handyman. What do you expect him to know? Don't think too highly of him, comrade division commander."

Major Adam couldn't quite understand what the two people in front of him were talking about, but he could hear the language they spoke. It was pure Russian with a clear accent.


Looking at the speechless Major Adam lying on the ground, Malashenko shook his head. He didn't have much time to continue chatting. The time to reveal the answer was now.

"Dimitri Drukovich Malashenko, I don't know if you are familiar with this name. Or maybe my nickname is more familiar to you Germans? Whatever, call me "Steel Butcher" It’s okay, as you like.”


Major Adam, who was still speechless, finally remembered the meaning behind this man named Malashenko and his nickname "Iron Butcher".

That was a total number of German troops no less than an entire mechanized army, and it was confirmed that hundreds of thousands of people had been wiped out and died at their hands. In some exaggerated rumors, even the number of hundreds of thousands cannot be beaten, and the number has reached "hundreds of thousands".

Major Adam didn't quite believe this number, or rather he didn't want to believe it.

But he did know that there was an executioner among the Russians nicknamed the Iron Butcher who was extremely ferocious and specialized in harvesting the lives of German soldiers and killing people like crazy. However, because he had always been on the second line, he was "only heard of legends and never seen."

"That Iron Butcher is Satan raised by Stalin! A devil's weapon secretly developed by the Russians. It is a cross between human and devil. He is really as tall as Satan! You believe me! When you get in the car and are sent to the front line to fight with him. From the very beginning, you are already a live pig being loaded into a car and sent to the slaughterhouse. You and your comrades in the same car will be slaughtered by the steel butcher himself, minced into meat fillings, stuffed with sausages, and then grilled and eaten. Go feed Stalin."

"Don't believe it when I tell you, no one can see the Iron Butcher and come back alive. Has anyone seen what he looks like with his own eyes? I've only seen photos, right? Or did the Russians deliberately publish it to let us know, for use Such a scary photo. None of the troops targeted by him can escape. It's best to pray that you don't meet him. You will be dead as soon as he takes a look at you. I still want to go home and see my mother. I don't want to meet him. Such a devil, I mean it."

For some reason, Major Adam's mind began to uncontrollably recall these "legends" that he had heard with his own ears before, and there were even some old bastards who tried to scare the new recruits by saying, "Beware of being captured by steel butchers and stuffed with sausages at night." .

Who knows where such outrageous things first came out and where they started. Anyway, there are various theories, and they are extremely evil.

But now, the legendary true master was standing in front of him, stopping and staring at him.

Major Adam couldn't even think of what he should say next. The strange pressure from the combination of the legend and the tall figure was almost suffocating, and even gave people the feeling that he could do it without his own hands. Kill your illusion.

Regardless of the cause or process, everything, including the story involving Major Adam, is destined to close and settle here and now.

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