Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2051 This is war, brother

"What shall we do with this German, comrade division commander?"

Alsim needs to seek orders from Malashenko. It is not his decision to deal with the commander of the German garrison. Only Malashenko's orders can determine this person's fate.

Looking at Major Adam who was still collapsed on the ground, seemingly sleepwalking on the boundary between illusion and reality.

Malashenko also understands how terrible it feels to be ruthlessly betrayed by someone you have just entrusted with your trust.

Regardless of the ideologies and positions of both parties, Malashenko still has to say that Adam is actually quite to his liking.

As a soldier, Adam is dedicated to his duties and does his best to complete his tasks and orders from his superiors without any compromise.

As a comrade and friend, Adam will do his best to help you achieve what you want to do within his capabilities. The premise is of course that you are worthy of his trust, at least let him feel so.

Not to mention anything else, just based on such a person's character and the way he behaves in the world, Malashenko would say that this kind of person is very suitable for being a brother, and he can indeed pee into a pot.

But, this is war, brother.

This is a life-or-death ideological war. Any so-called "opinion" on an individual basis between the warring parties will have no effect on the overall situation. Malashenko has already Understand this. perform

But it is precisely because he understands this that Malashenko said, "After we are done, we can have a drink together, I'll treat you."

The end here does not mean the end of Warsaw. What Malashenko really wants to say is to wait until this war, the Second World War that affects all mankind, is over. If everyone is still alive, maybe then we can truly let go of our hatred, prejudice and discrimination, sit down at the wine table as friends, have a drink, have a good drink, and at least say a few true words.

As for what to do now and what to do next, Malashenko, who has experienced this situation for the first time, has his own arrangements.

"Take him down, keep him under strict supervision, and remember to give him the respect he deserves."

At least for now, Major Adam has not shown any reason worthy of Malashenko's unforgettable hatred.

Maybe there are some unknown evil deeds hidden in him, but at least for now, Malashenko doesn't have the reasons to criticize Adam harshly. It would be a good choice to leave some things to talk about later.

On the surface, he looked like a rough guy who couldn't understand a lot of words, but in fact, there were subtleties in his roughness. Especially Alsim, who had accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with people, he immediately understood what Malashenko wanted to express. Meaning, he naturally followed Malashenko's orders immediately.

“I understand, let’s do it.

Malashenko still stood there, wanting to see with his own eyes what Major Adam's reaction would be next.

Although his appearance was smashed by a gun butt, at least when he was pulled up from the ground, Major Adam's expression was relatively normal, and he could get some nuances out of it.

However, at that moment when he was forcibly pulled up from the ground and prepared to be taken away, Major Adam's expression seemed, well, a little beyond Malashenko's expectations, and it was indeed the case.

The expression didn't look like resentment for betrayal, but it didn't look like hatred for the enemy either.

Malashenko, who knows a lot about people, is sure that he is not mistaken. In the eyes of Major Adam, who is disfigured and has a nosebleed, a trace of sadness and desolation that is indescribable and cannot be concealed flashes across his eyes. This is what Malashenko said in his eyes. Something I wouldn't have expected a few seconds ago.

What is he mourning and desolate about? Sad for what?

Malashenko really wanted to know the answer, but he couldn't ask the question face to face. In this way, it would lose its meaning and authenticity.

But Malashenko couldn't guess what the real answer was, and he didn't know what that expression meant.

Are you sad that your motherland is about to lose in this war? Or are you sad that your true feelings and trust have been betrayed?

Maybe, maybe not, or both, coexisting in parallel.

From that complicated expression, Malashenko, who boasts rich experience, could not find a convincing answer.

Even after Major Adam was taken down by people sent by Alsim for a while, after nearly half a minute passed, Malashenko was still motionless in place, as if he was thinking about something. This could not help but attract the attention of those who were still waiting. Alsim in the middle asked.

"Comrade Commander, what should we do next? Please give us the order."

Malashenko's eyes seemed a little blurred, and he was obviously thinking about something in his heart, but he was unable to blurt it out directly.

Responsibilities are always more important than worries, and Malashenko certainly understands the importance.

Compared with an emotionally meticulous man, Malashenko prefers to play the role of a competent commander. This is also the mission and unshirkable responsibility that he must fulfill now.

"There's still work to be done, and it's not over yet, Alsim."

He raised his hands over his forehead and fastened his military cap again. Malashenko seemed to have returned to his normal state of being a heroic and resolute Soviet tank hero.

After experiencing so many things and so many setbacks and sufferings, it is difficult for anything to defeat this man from the front, and it is the same this time.

"Notify comrades to be prepared. German reinforcements are on the way, with at least one battalion. What we have to do is to hold the bridge and never let the Germans recapture it. This is our sacrifice site. It's our lifeline, if it can be."

Malashenko has returned to the normal state that made his comrades feel trustworthy and extremely familiar. Of course, Alsim couldn't help but feel happy about this, and he answered without any hesitation.

"Yes, we can definitely do it, Comrade Commander!"

"In addition, send a message to Comrade Deputy Division Commander, saying that we have completed the first phase of the operation according to the scheduled plan, and please follow up the main force to immediately launch the second phase of the operation according to the scheduled plan. The Germans are very likely to launch a night attack on the Central Bridge To counterattack, we must hold on and mobilize as many troops as possible to assist in the defense. The safety of the bridge must not be compromised. "

After issuing the order, Malashenko still needed to seek an answer from Alsim.

"Also, how did you handle the matter under the bridge? The Germans set up a manual detonation device under the bridge pier. Is it safe there now?"

It was expected that Malashenko would ask about this situation, and Alsim's next answer was also blurted out without any hesitation.

"According to your order, comrade division commander, the place is very safe now! We had already captured the place before the Germans took action. Those fascist lackeys will never even think of getting even half a step closer to that place in their lifetime."

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