Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2052 Revealing the secret

The order to prioritize the control of the bridge piers closest to the shore was given by Malashenko at the beginning of the plan.

The Germans like to install manual detonating devices on the bridge piers closest to the shore to serve as a backup after the wire-conducting detonating device fails. This is nothing new in Malashenko's war experience since he has been fighting fiercely. It is common.

You can't expect to sit back and relax just by controlling the wire-guided detonation device. As always, Malashenko doesn't like to pin his fate on the possibility that the enemy will definitely pull his hips.

You must control your own destiny. The Germans do have the risk of jumping over the wall in a hurry. This must be admitted.

In view of this, we started to act separately at the same time.

The commander of the garrison on his side to deal with the Germans, that is, Major Adam, and Alsim are responsible for taking control of the bridge pier closest to the shore and solving the hidden danger of the Germans jumping over the wall in a hurry. This is the final solution. Action plan.

As for the previous actions of taking photos of the detonating device or asking about the situation in the basement, these were all deliberate actions by Malashenko in order to delay time.

If we really want to have a clear purpose, there is only one purpose: to use every possible means to drag and trap Major Adam in this basement before Alsim can finish the work and bring people over, so that the people above can Those Germans who had just been hit hard were in a leaderless state and faced everything that came from the shadows.

This is not something included in the earlier plan, but a targeted adjustment made by Malashenko based on the current situation after the emergency. The plan is not static.

Judging from the final result, it may be said that Malashenko was lucky. At least the final result of this temporary modification plan did not cause any major problems.

Alsim, who was in a hurry, received Malashenko's order, left the basement and ran to execute it.

The soldiers who stayed in the basement also began to escort the captured German prisoners of war, one by one, into a line, and sent them out of the basement one by one, through the long tunnel to the ground.

Not long after, it seemed that only Malashenko was left in the entire basement, as well as a dozen combat engineer soldiers who were left to guard the place and keep an eye on the detonating device.

"If you want to come, come and have another fight! Let's see who is the king in this dark night!"

It will take some time for the planned main force of the Leader's Division to arrive, and reinforcements from at least one German battalion are already on their way.

Malashenko did not expect that his men could arrive before the enemy. The German skin he wore was already effective, and it could also play a valuable surprise role, which was enough to severely punish the Germans who came to support him. Take a chance.

The lieutenant colonel of the National Defense Forces who was walking along the long tunnel towards the surface world was smiling, his smile was very evil and seemed a little weird. A foreseeable and bloody plan was already brewing in his heart.

At the same time, on the other side not far away, was the forward field division headquarters of the leading division.

The political commissar who had cracked the "little trick" left by Malashenko was very angry. He sat at the table, his face turning green and purple for a while, and he was speechless.

And one of the parties responsible for all this was standing in front of him with his head lowered like a child who had done something wrong.

"Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko is not to blame for this. It was me. I asked for this. I came up with all the bad ideas. Why don't you just punish me? How about this?"

In terms of positions and military ranks, Lavrinenko and Political Commissar Petrov are both division-level deputy commanders and both have the rank of colonel.

And in terms of position alone, the military deputy commander is higher than the political deputy commander. This is the result of Zhukov's group's strong recommendation in front of his loving father when the political commissar system was restructured. After all, political commissars overriding the power of military chiefs will indeed cause some bad situations. Certain things that happened before have confirmed this situation.

But this is a leader after all, and you can't generalize about everything.

Who is Commissar Petrov?

He was one of the oldest senior figures in the leadership division. He was a special being that all the division commanders and comrades respected, and regarded him as a teacher, a friend, and a half-father.

Moreover, his identity and status are not just relying on his elders or using backdoor or trusting relationships. He is truly an excellent political commissar who is both civil and military and is hard to find in a hundred miles.

If not, do you really think you can be the political commissar of the leadership division so casually?

This is one of the most special political commissars among the millions of Red Army troops. He is the political commissar of the elite elite division named after the supreme leader Comrade Stalin. He is not the cat or dog that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

Because of this, Lavrinenko, who was well aware of this situation, when the "little trick" he and Malashenko played in partnership was exposed, the comrade of the division commander ran to be the commando captain, leaving him, the deputy division commander, to lie in bed and take the blame. After revealing the secret.

He didn't dare to make any mistakes in front of the "deceived" political commissar comrade. A dignified colonel and deputy division commander behaved like a kid who had done something wrong facing his parents. Now he just waited for the political commissar comrade to give him the results and see. See how you feel.

"You? You asked for this? Do you really think I will believe it? I believe that you asked Malashenko to listen to you and let him be the commando captain, and you lied on the bed and pretended to lie to me? You lied to the division headquarters All comrades?"


I have to say that he is still too old. As soon as Comrade Comrade Political Commissar opened his mouth, Lavrinenko immediately felt that the lie he had told was really embarrassing. It sounded like an insult to people's IQ.

"Comrade political commissar, I"

"Okay, it's useless to talk more. Now is not the time to discuss this."

Political Commissar Petrov waved his hand to interrupt Lavrinenko's unfinished words. There are indeed more important things that must be completed at the moment.

"Comrade Division Commander, it has been one hour and thirty-five minutes since they started taking action. This has already exceeded the scheduled time. We will act according to the alternative plan and head towards the Central Bridge."

"Comrade Deputy Division Commander, there is an emergency radio call. Please answer it in person immediately."


Before Political Commissar Petrov finished speaking, the communications staff officer who had been busy on the side rushed forward and spoke, interrupting the conversation.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who had probably guessed what was going on, glanced at Lavrinenko. Lavrinenko, who knew that he could no longer hide the matter, could only admit his defeat and tell the truth.

"It's Malashenko. I made an agreement with him to call him by radio when he's done. I'm afraid you'll know about it, so you asked me to answer. This was agreed upon in advance."


Comrade Political Commissar, who guessed correctly, rolled his eyes and was speechless at the two treasures of the chief and deputy division commanders.

But at this point, the overall situation still matters. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who could not say more, just waved his hand and signaled Lavrinenko to quickly answer the radio. Unexpectedly, Lavri, who was standing in front of him, responded with other words.

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