Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2053 Follow-up Plan

"It's better that you go pick it up, Comrade Political Commissar.

"At this time, it's already like this. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for me to pick him up again."

Lavrinenko seems a little afraid of things, at least at this moment, right here, he looks like he is really afraid of things.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who has many friends, how could he not know what Lavrinenko was thinking at the moment? After doing such an outrageous thing, how could he just stand there and act like nothing happened, with a clear conscience? , Lavrinenko, the deputy division commander, really thought there was a problem.


Comrade Political Commissar seemed to want to say something, but then he changed his mind and swallowed his words again.

Lavrinenko couldn't guess what Comrade Political Commissar originally wanted to say, but since Comrade Political Commissar could get up and answer the radio, it proved that the matter was developing in a good direction. If Comrade Political Commissar was so angry that he wouldn't say anything. , and neither answered the radio, then Lavrinenko asked himself whether he was really panicked and didn't know what to do next.

"Hello, I'm Petrov."


Malashenko, who was holding the microphone at the other end of the radio, blinked and was a little confused. Although he had already been mentally prepared for the revelation of the matter, when the political commissar picked up the radio and spoke actively, we Comrade Lao Ma still felt the unprecedented guilt that hit him.

"Damn! What's Lavry doing? Revealing the secret so soon? I still expected him to hide it until he could withdraw. It's so damn unsatisfactory! Damn!"

He immediately criticized Lavrinenko in his heart, but this obviously could not solve any substantive problem. Malashenko still had to face the questioning of the political commissar on the other end of the radio.

Well, Malashenko thinks this is indeed a question, so to speak.


Holding the radio transmitter in his hand and being stunned for several seconds, Malashenko could not hold back a single practical word, and in the end he could only speak as if nothing happened under normal circumstances.

"The key target point has been captured, and everything has been completed smoothly as planned. The enemy's follow-up reinforcements are moving in. We can handle it for the time being, and we will immediately start implementing the follow-up plan according to the original plan."

There was no need for Malashenko to identify himself. Of course, the political commissar comrades could tell that the voice was his.

Compared with Malashenko's "pretending to be dumbfounded and deliberately avoiding", Comrade Political Commissar obviously put the overall situation first and did not pursue the case for the time being. This back and forth can actually give Malashenko a refreshing and direct answer. reply.

"The second wave of main troops is already on the way and is expected to arrive at your location within ten minutes. Is there anything you need to add?"

Now is the time to get down to business. Even the smallest details, even how to deal with the issue of comrades who have gone too far, will have to wait until everything is settled.

This was obviously what Comrade Political Commissar said, and Malashenko, who breathed a sigh of relief, could certainly understand it.

However, Comrade Political Commissar’s last question is still very meaningful. There are indeed some changes on Malashenko’s side that need to be added.

"Tell the main force to wait for my order after approaching the target point, and to stay on standby for the time being. I still have some things to deal with here. I will contact the command directly when the time comes, and I will execute it like this."


The political commissar on the other end of the radio was obviously deep in thought, but it was obviously inappropriate to talk about too many, too complicated, and too detailed things in radio communications.

At least in terms of combat command, Comrade Political Commissar can still trust Malashenko unconditionally.

What's more important is that he is at the rear division headquarters at this moment, while Malashenko is on the front line.

When it comes to judging the situation and controlling the front-line situation, Malashenko must be above himself.

Since Malashenko made such a decision based on the situation he knew, out of his high trust in the division commander, the final answer given by the political commissar after a few seconds of brief silence was as usual.

"I understand, I will tell you."

"Also remember to keep in touch at all times and call anytime if there is an emergency. Remember!"

There is no need for too much nonsense between the elders. Even if they cannot directly feel each other's faces and expressions face to face, Malashenko can still understand what the political commissar wants to express from the words transformed by the radio waves. The answer that followed was as firm and composed as before.

"Don't worry, I know what to do. The call is over."

Putting down the radio transmitter in his hand, Malashenko jumped out of the compartment of the 251 half-track car, which was used as a communication vehicle. The battle was so far but not over yet. Malashenko still had work to do.

I have to say that Alsim did a very good job indeed. According to Malashenko's orders and the requirements of the mission plan made in advance, he perfectly did everything he was asked to do.

The remaining Germans above the surface had been "arranged" by Alsim's men long before he went deep into the tunnel to ensure that there would be no accidents.

A few dozen or so German guys who were an eyesore or might do bad things were killed on the spot by their "comrades" who suddenly stabbed them in the back.

The remaining Germans thought that the battle was over and they could finally take a breath, so they relaxed their vigilance and were quite negligent. After realizing that something was wrong but it was already too late, the comrades who were suddenly "rebellious" turned their guns on each other. One by one, they all surrendered honestly and performed the French military salute "Happy Surrender" on the spot.

It was under such a situation that "there were no more problems above the surface" and had been dealt with properly, Alsim, who knew the strength of Comrade Commander and chose to believe and act in accordance with the orders issued by Comrade Commander, came with A team of capable combat engineer veterans went deep into the tunnel to knock on the door and take care of the last remaining problems.

Therefore, the moment Major Adam's group was disarmed on the spot was actually the moment the German garrison at the Central Bridge on the Vistula River was declared completely destroyed.

Malashenko personally led a disguised surprise attack team to first fight the Polish ghosts, and then took over the crucial central bridge control room with almost no bloodshed, allowing the Germans to jump over the wall to blow up the bridge. Something that could never happen.

Therefore, although this journey has been full of twists and turns and full of accidents, the final result is still good, and it is the best result that Malashenko expected to achieve. This is enough.

Now, what Malashenko wants to do next is to surprise at least one battalion of German reinforcements who are coming up and still know nothing about the real situation.

Let you reunite with your comrades in the prisoner of war camp, and take care of each other on the way to dig potatoes in Siberia. You think this is a beautiful thing, isn't it?

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