Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2054 Fishing Operation

"Tell the comrades to stay calm and don't shoot without my order. Remember, we are still Germans. These Nazi pigs who came to die don't know what is happening in the bridgehead. There is a lack of information in the first hand." Advantages send them on their way.”

What Malashenko said contained some obscure and difficult-to-understand professional terms. Comrade Alsim, who is illiterate, really couldn't fully understand what he said. It can only be said that I barely understood it, and I half-guessed and half-understood what I should do next.

"Maybe I'm overthinking, Comrade Division Commander. But we may not have enough troops and insufficient firepower. We don't know how many reinforcements the Germans have and whether they carry heavy weapons. We don't have any technical weapons except these Panther IIs." Support, only basic infantry light weapons, I think this is a bit risky.”

Alsim is a straight-forward man. Alsim, whose education level is about zero, does not have those meandering words of a scholar and poet. His biggest characteristic is that he says what he thinks. Of course, this is why he is widely recognized by Malashenko. Practical and experienced grassroots commanders who are not vain and are experienced are the talents Malashenko needs most.

"Don't worry, Alsim, the feast for the Kraut will be ready soon."

It has a lot to do with being in a good mood. In short, Malashenko, who is in high spirits during happy events, is willing to explain a little to Malashenko and describe what kind of "Manchu-Han banquet" will be held for the Germans later. For a big meal.

Anyway, while you're waiting for the German guy to come over, you'll have nothing to do. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone to talk to?

"The main force of the division has already set off, but in order to prevent sudden encounters with German reinforcements when crossing the bridge, if there is too much movement, they will be discovered far away. I have the main force of the division on standby on the other side of the bridge. Since it is to give the Germans a Surprises must be arranged properly.”

"As soon as the gunfire rang out from our side, we caught the Germans off guard and inflicted maximum casualties in the shortest time before they could react, leaving them in chaos. Then, the main force of the division on the other side of the bridge responded with gunfire. No. All kinds of heavy equipment and accompanying infantry will swarm in to support us, which can completely guarantee that the Germans will not even have a chance to escape. This is inevitable. "

Creating a surprise for the Germans is only one of them. Malashenko is more worried that the division's main force will make too much noise when crossing the bridge. The Germans will find out and be exposed when they are far away, giving the Germans something to do. Prepare for a sudden fire attack, which might be a lot of fun.

But if the Germans were on the march and suddenly encountered a "friendly attack" without preparation, then the situation would be completely different.

The latest information that the Germans who rushed in quickly learned was that the Polish ghosts had been repulsed. Although the bridge garrison suffered heavy casualties, they received the support of a small and powerful force. Even if the Polish ghosts counterattacked again and made a comeback, they could temporarily If you resist it for a while, it won't collapse instantly.

What Malashenko planned to do was to take advantage of this, just as Xiang Alsim said, to take advantage of the asymmetric advantage of poor information, and send the German reinforcements on the road in a surprise.

Didn't you know that pretenders had made a surprise attack on the bridgehead and had seized control of the bridge?

Well, I will continue to wear your German skin and wait here like a rabbit, waiting to knock your sap and send you to your doorstep to die.

Intelligence is the most important thing in war. Of course, it does not matter whether it is ancient war or modern war. It is the same.

The beautiful work that Alsim led the people to do was so fast and furious that the remaining "real German sticks" on the bridgehead did not even have a chance to report to the outside world that "the situation has changed" before they were all overthrown by the "fake German sticks". The rookies in charge of communications were Alsim’s first targets.

They thought they were coming to support the defense, but they didn't know that they were German reinforcements coming to die. When encountering a "friendly raid", they would inevitably be in chaos and be caught off guard. Don't expect any effective response in a short period of time from marching troops to combat formations. What Malashenko seizes is the "short time" that may only last a few minutes.

This was enough for the tanks, self-propelled artillery, and infantry fighting vehicles of the division's main force, which had been prepared in advance, to carry the infantry of the brigade and press the accelerator all the way across the bridge. The advantages of pure mechanization are so cool.

Furthermore, because he did not know the specific time of the arrival of German reinforcements, Malashenko could not say whether his own large forces would arrive first or whether German reinforcements would arrive first.

In this case, it would be even more inconvenient to issue an order for the main force to cross the bridge directly.

Just imagine, our own troops are crowded on the bridge, and the first wave of disguised surprise attack commandos are still wearing the uniforms of the Germans, and they are in a complete melee with the real Germans who arrived first. It is difficult to distinguish the real ones from the fake ones. Marashin Ke really couldn't think of how he should direct such a chaotic scene.

The best solution is for the main force to stay on standby while you take care of the German reinforcements first. Separate them into two parts with direct fire based on the obvious areas where the battle is taking place. .

In this way, there will be no situation where one does not dare to fire indiscriminately "because his own people are also wearing German clothes". This situation can be completely avoided, and it will naturally be much easier to command by then.

To take a step back, even if there is an unexpected situation or the worst thing happens, the main force will not suffer huge losses. This highly mechanized small force led by Malashenko can quickly escape at any time. Although it is small and flexible, it is relatively weak, but it also has advantages, doesn't it?

All in all, in a nutshell, this is the second step of the action plan formulated by Malashenko.

This was the final decision made by Malashenko after considering all possibilities and all imaginable situations. Good or bad, that's all. This is the best plan that Comrade Lao Ma can come up with at the moment. The reality of the urgent situation and too many variables prevents Malashenko from making any more hesitations.

"Comrade division commander, there is movement! There are tanks at the street corner at twelve o'clock! They are coming!"

Malashenko, who was unwilling to stay in the command building, was currently staying in the bunker fortifications of the bridgehead. Accompanied by Alsim's personal bodyguards, he watched every change in the night and remained vigilant. Naturally, Being able to notice this unexpected situation immediately.

Looking at the old No. 4 car driving slowly on the street and at the front of the marching column, Malashenko, who couldn't help but smile, just patted Alsim on the shoulder and left the last words, and then Put away the binoculars and get up to leave.

"Act as planned and hook the Germans first. I will lead the men to deal with the tanks, and prepare to use maximum firepower to knock down the German infantry."

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