Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2055 Midnight Ambush

Naturally, Malashenko will not participate in and command the battle as an infantryman. Although the German Panther II is not very easy to use, and it always feels a bit unaccustomed and awkward, but it is still a main medium tank. no?

It would be really outrageous if Malashenko could do this without running a good tank, not doing his job, getting out of the car and running to be an infantryman.

Moreover, in the absence of any positions that can be relied upon to rebound anti-armor artillery, the only direct-aimed anti-armor artillery firepower that can be relied upon is the few Panther IIs led by Malashenko. They can be relied on to deal with the Germans' rags. With these cars.

If you really want to talk about infantry anti-tank firepower, you can't say that it really doesn't exist.

But the Iron Fist's ability to hit tanks is really impressive, mainly because the effective range is really hard to say.

A sneak attack and ambush are acceptable, or you can stick to a fixed position.

But in a battle like this where the Germans must not bombard the bridge and where the enemy's armored forces must be quickly dealt with immediately, Iron Fist is really not suitable. There is no doubt that the battle can be solved with tank-to-tank anti-armor firepower. is the most suitable choice.

"The Germans' broken-down cars are coming. How should we fight them? Should we just blow them away?"

As soon as Malashenko stepped into the car, Iushkin, who had been waiting impatiently at the gunner's position, immediately asked. Not only does he talk nonsense when fighting, but he also gets excited when fighting.

Malashenko, who sat down in his commander's position, was not in a hurry to answer Iushkin. Instead, he slightly adjusted his commander's periscope and aimed the center of his field of vision at the direction of the German. He spoke quietly.

"There is a German tank at the front, but I don't know if there are more behind it. Let's observe first and wait for my order!"

Malashenko was worried that the tanks brought by the Germans might be more than just a few tattered Panzer IVs that could be seen within sight.

Maybe it's a rat pulling a big boat - the big head is at the back, and if there are a few big guys hanging behind the butt without being discovered in advance, the accident index will suddenly increase a lot.

After all, Malashenko knew that Warsaw was an ominous place.

In the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising in history, the Germans not only dispatched traditional armored tanks, but also large self-propelled heavy artillery units that could be considered special armored units in this era.

The big Grizzly assault cannon and the even bigger Assault Tiger all participated in the battle, just in case the Germans brought this thing to the bridgehead for support in the middle of the night, and then used 380mm rockets to hit the bridge.

Not to mention knocking out the bridge with one shot, at least it won't be a problem to open a big hole in the bridge. This is a fucking giant rocket with the caliber of a battleship's main gun.

Even if the bridge does not collapse, it will inevitably affect the passage efficiency of the heavy troops. Although the possibility of the Assault Tiger appearing here is very low, Malashenko still adopts a cautious attitude and decides to observe and figure it out first. The enemy is fighting.

Besides, what if the Germans were scared away by firing too early?

Malashenko still plans to keep all these bastards here. It would be too shameful to let them go, right?

That is to say, while Malashenko kept observing and paying attention to the approaching German marching column, there suddenly was an unexpected movement in the German column on the opposite side.

"Are some Germans driving towards us? Oh, oh, oh, they are coming directly towards us! Just one car!"

Iushkin, who had a higher magnification than Malashenko's commander's mirror, exclaimed. He clearly saw a barrel truck jumping out of the German marching column, and it was speeding towards the bridgehead at a very fast speed. Come on, such an unexpected situation was not part of the pre-planned plan.

For Malashenko, it was thanks to the fact that he knew in his heart that this was World War II, not the Middle East battlefield of the 21st century.

You want to switch to the 21st century, replace Comrade Ma with the Russian army stationed in Syria, and lead a group of men to guard a vital bridgehead. Suddenly in the middle of the night, a car slams on the accelerator and rushes towards the bridgehead. You See if Malashenko can't scare you so much that you have a PTSD attack on the spot. Who knows if there is an unethical green uncle in the car who is ready to blow himself up and send you to the West.

Fortunately, the Germans are not green, only black, and doing such ungrateful things as car bombs should not be a problem these days.

So the question is, what do the Germans plan to do when they come here alone and in a car?

After calming down, Comrade Lao Ma thought for a moment and thought that he was probably here to make contact or confirm the situation?

Anyway, we shouldn't say that we have been exposed. If we really want to be exposed, why would the Germans send a fucking car over? Don’t you think you’re awesome enough to come here and persuade me to surrender? Obviously impossible.

After careful consideration, Malashenko finally decided to put the little German guy's truck over for a look first. The probability of the worst case scenario was really close to zero. Malashenko felt that he could make such a bet. Bundle.

"There are two people getting out of the car, one in the front and one in the front. The one in front looks like a high-ranking official. What should I do?"

Iushkin, who was watching all this happen eagerly, was broadcasting the latest situation in real time. Malashenko, who was not blind, did not need this kind of broadcast, so he simply thought that this kid was farting.

"Alsim should be able to solve it. He will send someone to deal with it. Let's observe it first."

Malashenko believes that Alsim’s ability and experience are enough to cope with the current emergency situation.

The facts that happened immediately afterward also confirmed Malashenko's thoughts. Alsim actually sent someone to argue with the two German guys who got off the car. He probably picked the one with the best German skills. Go up.

From such a distance, it was naturally impossible for Malashenko to hear what those people were saying.

But with the superior eyesight and the captain's periscope, which had a good field of vision, he probably saw that the two Germans who got off the car seemed to be a little impatient and dissatisfied. They kept making random gestures and gestures, but Alsim The guy who was sent to negotiate was able to deal with it with ease. You gesture with me, and I gesture with you. Let’s see who can outdo the other with blind gestures.

"What are they talking about? Why is it the same as bargaining with capitalists?"


Malashenko said nothing and did not answer Iushkin's unimportant question, for fear that he would miss some important details if he was distracted for a moment, even though Malashenko himself was muttering in his heart. Just know what those people are beeping over there.

At the same moment when Malashenko was thinking about whether to pick up the radio and ask, the man who was sent to negotiate suddenly made a move and temporarily retreated. This actually made Malashenko suspend what he was doing. action, and immediately followed by Alsim's radio call.

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