Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2069 Looting is strictly prohibited

The brothers Malashenko and Lavrinenko had just taken two steps forward when something unexpected happened quietly.

"Why!? Why can he receive so much? And I can only receive so little? This is not fair! Please, please the Red Army! Give me more, I still have a weak wife and Where is the child?"

"Back off! Back off immediately! Don't blame me for not reminding you, this is the last warning!"

"Don't be chaotic! Keep your own order and looting of supplies is strictly prohibited!"

Apparently, at another material distribution point just a few dozen meters away from Malashenko and Lavrinenko, there were a few Polish guys who didn't look so honest and were making trouble, shamelessly taking what they had already received. However, they still refused to leave and wanted to get more supplies, but they were sternly refused and yelled at by the armed Red Army soldiers.

If there weren't Red Army soldiers everywhere and everyone had guns, such a scene could easily turn into an out-of-control riot, especially when many of the people who came to receive supplies were starved. First, it is easier to do bad things when you are not clear-headed.

This is also the reason why Malashenko mobilized so many soldiers, almost half a battalion, to be on guard duty here, because once this situation deteriorates sharply, it will be really terrifying.

"Is there something wrong with the minds of these Polish ghosts? Do they not recognize the guns in our hands, or are they really tired of living and want to die? Huh?"

Lavrinenko couldn't understand Polish, and he didn't know what was going on over there in the chaos, but this didn't prevent Lavrinenko, who was still blind, from understanding what was going on over there.

Malashenko who is accompanying Lavrinenko is a little different. Although he is an old classmate of Lavrinenko in this life, but including the memories of his previous life, Malashenko is not very good in terms of academic qualifications. He is much higher than Lavrinenko, and his learning ability is naturally much higher than that of Lavrinenko.

With some basic preparation in advance and active learning in the environment these days after coming to Poland, Malashenko can now understand some basic Polish. With the sights he can see within his sight, it is easy to learn. I understood what was going on over there in the mess.

"This is what I told you before. Some ignorant people are so stupid. Not only do they not remember your kindness if you give them something to survive, but they also think you don't give enough and they will hate you because of it. This is not surprising. of."

Malashenko formulated some special material distribution strategies and anticipated the results of these special material distribution strategies early on. There are ungrateful and ill-informed bastards at any time, and it is naturally the same in 1944.

"Let's go and take a look. You've come here, aren't you interested?"

Malashenko extended an invitation to Lavrinenko who was standing aside. Lavrinenko, who was also interested in this, smiled and followed Malashenko's footsteps without saying too much nonsense. Walked over.

"Comrade Captain, Comrade Captain! Comrade Division Commander and Comrade Deputy Division Commander are coming this way, look!"


While he was busy leading people to confront the troublemaking Polish ghosts, a Red Army captain who was leading him immediately noticed Malashenko and Lavrinenko who were walking towards him after being reminded by the little soldier beside him. Two chief and deputy division commanders,

"Hey! Bring someone to take care of this place. If the Polish ghost dares to go crazy, he will shoot! We must not let the order be completely disrupted, understand?"

A captain who was entrusted by the captain nodded quickly when he heard this, and then immediately turned around and threw himself into the front line with the Polish ghost.

Comrade Captain, who had finished explaining the important matters, did not stop here for too long, and then turned around and faced Malashenko and Lavrinenko.

"Comrade Division Commander, Comrade Deputy Division Commander, welcome to inspect, Captain Andreev will report to you two!"

Malashenko first took a look at the situation behind the captain, which was still a little chaotic, but had obviously been suppressed by force, using punches, kicks and gun butts to suppress the chaos. Then he faced Captain Andreev and said .

"What's going on here? Captain."

Malashenko could guess what happened here, but he still hoped to get definite confirmation from the captain.

"Who could have imagined that something like this would happen? Comrade Commander, I really didn't expect it."

"Those Polish ghosts thought that the food we gave them was too little, not enough for the family. It's ridiculous. What else can we do if we give them two cans and a piece of bread for free? The distribution of supplies is strictly carried out according to the list. Yes, we will give these Poles whatever is written on the signed and stamped list. Those Polish ghosts are simply greedy. We must give them some color. "

It could be seen that Comrade Captain, who was in charge of this place, was very angry. He showed extreme disgust and disdain for the Polish ghost's greed and ignorance. Malashenko, who understood this very well, just nodded. He expressed his knowledge and then continued to speak.

"Where's their list? Bring it to me."

The comrade division commander gave the order, so the little captain naturally had to rush to do it, for fear of delaying the comrade division commander.

Soon, Malashenko got what he wanted: a list of material receipts from the troublemaking Polish ghosts personally delivered by Comrade Captain.

There are three lists in total, so you can tell that the Polish ghosts who made trouble belong to three different families.

These lists are distributed in advance to each household in the block in limited quantities. If they are lost and there is no place to replace them, it is only a one-time opportunity. You need to rely on the lists to collect supplies for each household, rather than counting them per person. Malashenko is doing this to prevent some Polish ghosts from taking the opportunity to get you multiple hands and hoard supplies.

The material collection list is naturally written in Russian. It doesn't matter whether the Polish guy can read it or not.

Anyway, to them, this thing is just a voucher for receiving supplies. A key card that can be used to receive items generally exists. The main thing is that the Red Army responsible for reviewing and distributing supplies can understand it. This is the most important thing.

He spread out the three lists in his hands and quickly read them one after another without using it for a while. He also moved the list to the side to let Lavrinian, who was quite curious about it, Branch can also be seen.

After understanding the detailed information on the list and the general outline of the record, Malashenko only raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then quietly spoke to Lavrinenko who was standing aside.

"How's it going? Now you understand why those Polish ghosts jumped out to make trouble, right?"

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