Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2070 The way of the human heart

Since the beginning of distributing supplies, Malashenko never thought of making everyone equal and everyone equal. There was no such thing as everyone getting a lot of supplies.

Malashenko was not distributing supplies to the Poles to be a saint or a good person. These supplies confiscated from the Germans who were killed had a clear purpose: to reduce the riots and crimes in the Warsaw area under his rule, and to reduce the Red Army being shot by anti-Soviet Poles and attacked in the city. This is what Malashenko wanted.

It is easy to reduce the riots and crimes in the urban areas under his rule.

Give the Poles the minimum rations that can keep them from starving to death.

As long as they are not starved to death and are not forced to a dead end, Malashenko believes that those who have a little bit of brains will never dare to take risks. Knowing that the Red Army is ruthless in killing people and has really done it and shed blood, they dare to joke about their lives.

As for who should be given more supplies, Malashenko had planned it in advance. Of course, more supplies will be given to those who have taken practical actions to "support the Red Army". The level of support will be distinguished according to the degree of support and the actual actions.

For example, if you voluntarily give up your house and lend it to the Red Army troops responsible for guarding a certain block to station and deploy weapons, then this is a great achievement of supporting the Red Army with practical actions, and you will be directly given three times the supplies of ordinary people.

If you not only lend your house to the Red Army, but also are willing to light fires and cook for the Red Army soldiers stationed in the block, and take care of the food, saving the kitchen team from the tortuous journey of delivering food from a long distance. Then this is an excellent move to further support the Red Army, and you must be rewarded!

On the basis of three times, you will be given two times, five times the supplies of ordinary people, and you can take them directly. The list will be clearly written in advance in an indelible handwriting. Just come to collect the things when the time comes.

It doesn't matter if you have eaten it all or it is not enough, you can ask the Red Army to apply later. As long as we continue to support and actively cooperate, we can discuss everything.

What? You said that Malashenko's actions would make those Polish ghosts who received less supplies jealous, extremely angry, and indignant?

Sorry, this is what Malashenko wants. If he can't make these Polish ghosts have this mentality, Malashenko may not be willing to distribute supplies in this way.

The human heart is a very complicated thing. This thing has good and bad, black and white. The influence of will and emotions derived from the human heart has long been the result of many things. To master the human heart is a very complicated knowledge. Malashenko happened to have some success in this regard and knew a little about how to use the human heart.

You said you are extremely envious and indignant, and you also want to receive so many supplies?

Yes, learn from him, learn from his family to support the Red Army and do things for the Red Army.

I am not afraid that what you do is small, I am afraid that you will not do it. As long as you take action, there will be corresponding rewards, and the safety of your whole family will also be protected by the Red Army. So don't worry that because you have done a lot and received too many valuable things, jealous thugs will come to your house in the middle of the night to do evil and rob. The Red Army will definitely treat him to peanuts and then hang his body for public display.

You say you don't want to work for the Red Army, and you want to get more supplies for free?

Sorry, that's impossible. The Red Army's supplies are not given to idiots and lazy people.

If you are even more ignorant and want to steal and rob, then do you remember what happened to those who dared to disobey the will of the Red Army? Remember the gunshots and blood splashing on the small square at around 10:00 noon?

You have to know that it hasn't snowed yet and the soil hasn't frozen yet. It's not a big deal to dig the ground and bury a few, dozens, or even hundreds of bodies. After all, there are rewards for helping the Red Army dig pits to bury the dead, so there is no need to worry about no one taking the job.

As for killing, the only truth is that as long as you dare to commit a crime, the Red Army will dare to kill you.

In Malashenko's eyes, there is no difference between one person committing a crime and a hundred people committing a crime. It's nothing more than giving out more things as a reward for digging graves.

And this doesn't cost the Red Army's own "money". The "useless waste" scraped from the Germans' bodies is used to pay the reward. Rounding it off, it's almost like the Red Army doesn't have to pay anything and gets the labor for free, in exchange for peace in the city under its rule. Isn't this too beautiful?

Malashenko pointed out two ways for all the Poles in the city under his rule.

If you want to live, you can live easily and easily, and you can live much more comfortably than during the German rule. You can say that life is full of hope all of a sudden.

If you want to die, it's even easier, and you also know what to do to die the fastest.

If the Red Army doesn't allow you to do something, but you insist on doing it, and it makes a big noise, then you can be sure that you can see your great-great-great-grandfather and even your ancestors as quickly as possible. The Red Army's one-stop service for death and burial will satisfy you.

Malashenko would not impose his absolute will on these Poles, nor would he exploit and oppress them mercilessly with Nazi-style brutal rule, nor would he be so perverted as to kill people for fun like the SS bastards.

You choose your own path, and it is up to you whether you want to live or die.

As for those Polish ghosts who openly made trouble, they simply saw that people who supported the Red Army took away a mountain of supplies, so much that they had to use a wheelbarrow to barely load it all and take it away.

But when it came to me, I only received a pitiful amount of supplies that could not even be filled in a small cloth bag. The imbalance in my heart suddenly expanded in a distorted and distorted way.

The timid ones, the clever ones, and the smart ones did not say anything, or chose to wait and see, waiting for opportunities.

Idiots with weak brains and weak emotional intelligence will have to jump out and cause trouble. This is what Malashenko sees now, and the way things happen is as simple as that.

Those Polish ghosts who dared to cause trouble must have failed. The Red Army soldiers who were maintaining order were kicked out with rifle butts in the face and punches and kicks. However, they did not confiscate what these bastards had just received. supplies.

Is this a sign of mercy from Malashenko? Do you want to give these Polish ghosts a chance?

Of course not.

It's just because Malashenko knows very well that if you don't give these people even the minimum supplies to prevent them from starving to death, then the rumors that "the Red Army brutally starves people to death" will be true, and it is still true. In public with so many people witnessing it.

To take a step back, you have to consider these people who have had their supplies confiscated and have nothing to eat. Are they hungry enough to do anything, but they don’t dare to offend the Red Army and they don’t dare to rob or kill?

Neither of the two possible outcomes is what Malashenko wants, and they are obviously not conducive to the rule of this small urban area under his control.

He returned the list to the captain and asked him to continue working hard and performing tasks. Malashenko, who did not stay too much with Lavrinenko, continued to stroll away, and as he walked, he told Lavrinenko, who knew and witnessed all this. Linenko said.

"Everything is being executed as we expected, and everything is within the plan. Soon, our life in this small town will be visibly more comfortable. Those who want to live well are better than those who are tired of living and looking for death. many."

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