Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2075 Why did Warsaw become like this! ?

It is very different from the Warsaw Uprising in existing history. This Warsaw Uprising, which Malashenko personally experienced, is obviously another version of the story.

Because of the timely intervention of the leading division and the seizure of control of the central bridge over the Vistula River, the Red Army was trapped on the east bank of the Vistula River for a long time in history. Repeated attempts to break in could only send down at most battalion-level light infantry. After crossing the other side, it no longer existed that it was difficult to produce any qualitative change in the face of the German defense.

A large group of Red Army troops entered the city together with heavy equipment, and control of the central bridge over the Vistula River, which was strategically located, also fell into the hands of the enemy. This news was like a wildfire on the prairie. It spread to the ears of all the German siege troops in the east of the city in less than half a day, making the German troops who were originally chopping melons and vegetables from the Polish ghost suddenly became wary and worried.

Fight head-on with the Russians in the city?

What a joke! ?

Every German soldier these days knows that the Russians on the opposite side have an absolutely superior force. In their main direction of attack, they can even gather troops several times larger than their own to launch a ferocious attack. In most cases, they are also inferior in terms of technical equipment. Take an absolute advantage.

The enemy is equipped with good equipment and has many people. Now that they have captured the Central Bridge, it means that the Russian reinforcements will continue to arrive in more and more numbers and enter the city, and their equipment will most likely be better than that of the Germans. A lot of.

Under such circumstances, if we were to compete with the Russians in a close-quarters battlefield such as street fighting, who had more troops and who could survive to the end, the result could be said to be a sure defeat for the German army without even thinking about it.

What's even worse is that the disturbing situation does not stop there. The situation outside Warsaw is not much better.

The German field groups on the north and middle roads collapsed across the board. Rumors that the Grossdeutschland Division had lost contact and its life and death were unknown came out of nowhere. But it really frightened the German siege troops who were already on tenterhooks in the middle of the night. I was afraid that the Russians would come and lock me down in the city and beat the dogs, but at that time even escaping became a luxury.

It was under such a situation that the soldiers of the German siege troops, who no longer had the intention to continue fighting with the Polish ghosts, and were still worried about being imprisoned in the city and becoming unjust ghosts, finally found their way into the city at midnight in the stillness of the night. , waited for the order from their superiors to make an emergency retreat and leave the city immediately, and at the same time announced that they would give up control of Warsaw City and abandon it.

The German soldiers, who were ecstatic in their hearts, retreated overnight as if they had received an imperial decree. They succeeded in escaping before more Soviet troops surrounded Warsaw from all directions, but the consequences of this had just begun.

Although they were severely damaged by the German army, the Warsaw Uprising Army was far from defeated as miserable as it had been in history. Its current situation can basically be summarized as "the strength is greatly damaged but the vitality is still there."

Facing the empty eastern area left by the German army after their retreat, the Warsaw Uprising Army, who were psychologically shadowed by the German army and in a state of embarrassment, soon realized after the initial suspicion that the Germans had really escaped, and most likely Won't be back again.

As for why the Germans ran away at this moment when they saw that their victory was about to be completed, the Soviet troops that had already penetrated into the west of the city and seized control of the Central Bridge were obviously the only reason for the Germans to do this.

Of course, the senior leaders of the Warsaw Uprising Army were aware of this and knew that the Germans were definitely not beaten away by their own side, but frightened away by the more ferocious Soviet Red Army.

However, sometimes even if you know the truth, you can't talk nonsense. The so-called facts are not convenient to talk about at any time, especially at this special juncture, you have to talk in a different way.

After quickly sending troops to occupy the empty city area left by the Germans, the well-prepared Warsaw uprising army immediately began to spread throughout the city. "The heroic insurrectionists and heroes of the motherland drove away the evil German Fascism." Such rumors.

Due to the so-called national self-esteem and some weird IQ levels, this rumor of three people becoming a tiger is spreading more and more widely in the city, and the more it spreads, the more evil it becomes.

With deliberate exaggeration, this outrageous rumor eventually evolved into many different versions.

Some said that heroic rebel members descended from the sky, touched the roof of the German city defense commander's house in the middle of the night, penetrated into the house, wiped the neck of the Nazi general who was sleeping soundly in the house with a knife, and escaped completely. The stunned German soldiers, who were beheaded by one move, were horrified by the power of the elusive Warsaw uprising army. They immediately ran away at night without thinking, fearing that they would become the next victims to lose their lives in a deep sleep.

Do you think this version of the rumor is outrageous enough? No, there are even more outrageous versions than this, such as the one below.

The city of Warsaw, which had been unable to be conquered for a long time, was simply an indestructible super fortress in front of the German army. It was even more solidly defended and tenacious than the Russian Stalingrad.

The heroic members of the rebel army smashed the evil attacks of the Fascists again and again. The German commander was helpless, stayed up all night, and his blood pressure soared. In the end, he was defeated by the "invincible" Warsaw rebel army due to a heart attack. , was so angry that he died at his post and died suddenly. The shocked German soldiers immediately ran away and did not dare to fight anymore.

All in all, these widely circulated, outrageous and outrageous rumors about looking for your mother are not limited to the above two types. They are spread in all kinds of ways, which is simply called magic. on site.

But no matter which version of the rumor it is, none of them takes the credit of the Red Army into account. It does not mention the Red Army entering the city, but only talks about how brave the Warsaw Uprising Army was, beating them with three or two blows of German sticks. He was pissed off, retreated, and could scare the enemy away in the middle of the night without taking any action. He was actually more awesome than Zhang Fei at the end of the long board bridge.

During the interview, Comrade Political Commissar collected several different versions of the rumors, and quietly recorded them based on the interviewees' descriptions. After writing them down on a notepad, he now showed them to the car. The comrade, the division commander who was sitting next to him in the back seat, looked over.

Malashenko never expected that things would develop like this, to such an outrageous level of magical realism.

"Damn it! How did Warsaw become like this!?"

He was so angry at the actual text recorded on the notepad that his eyebrows jumped. He felt that after all the hard work he had done, he was getting the better of the Polish guy who was still unappreciated. Malashenko was so angry that he screamed "Oh!" Russian curses were blurted out in the car immediately.

"Even the leader doesn't take them seriously! These are no longer ordinary Polish ghosts. These are obviously thugs! We must hit hard!"

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