Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2076 Accident out of town

Seeing the comrade's eyebrows twitching in anger, the political commissar on the side expressed his understanding and immediately gave him good advice.

"Don't get excited, this situation is only temporary."

"The subsequent friendly forces entering the city will soon establish systematic control over Warsaw, and will not allow these Polish ghosts to do whatever they want after losing the battle. The job of stopping the rumors will be left to the comrades of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Let us solve it, they are professionals in doing this, and it will not take long for Warsaw to restore order, I can guarantee you.”

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar is right. The biggest reason why Warsaw City has such rumors flying all over the sky and getting more and more outrageous is because of the chaos and imbalance of order.

The Germans were driven away, but the Red Army, which scared away the German army, had not yet completely controlled Warsaw, let alone established a systematic jurisdiction system for the liberated areas.

As the saying goes, "There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys are kings."

There was no German army before and there was no Red Army after. The Warsaw uprising army, which felt that it was full of strength and self-confidence, immediately swelled, and it swelled to the point that it almost reached the sky, as if the liberation of Warsaw was really a miracle created by them on their own. That way.

Under such circumstances, you can understand why there are so many rumors in Warsaw that are so outrageous that people are speechless.

After all, no one is in charge. After losing the control and restraint of order, it is not just rumors flying everywhere, making up whatever you want. Anyway, bragging and not having to pay taxes can make people happy, and they can be intoxicated in the illusory dream that they have spun. The beauty of nothingness, this rumor may be a beautiful thing.

Malashenko, who had a black look on his face, was indeed unhappy, but it was not to the point where he had to get angry with a Polish ghost guy who had no level to speak of over such a trivial matter. What I just said could only be regarded as A few angry words, nothing more.

"We need to let these rumor-mongering Polish ghosts experience the pain of life! Send them to a Manchu banquet!"

Comrade Teacher is talking to himself again about something he doesn't understand. It seems he's still in Chinese? Anyway, the voice was too low, and Comrade Political Commissar really couldn't hear it clearly.

"After leaving the city, we have to carry out the next step of action and deployment. According to the order plan issued by our superiors, our primary goal is to capture"


Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who wanted to change the subject and talk about something more serious, just hit the key point. Before he could say the key point, the car immediately stopped as if it was stopped by a passerby crossing the road. It braked and stopped in an instant. The whole body of the teacher was shaken unexpectedly, and the commander was furious.

"What! What happened!? Why did you suddenly hit the brakes!?"

Malashenko's tone sounded very unhappy. The driver and soldier directly under the division headquarters who drove in front were so frightened that they were afraid of being treated as a typical punishment by their comrade, the division commander, so they hurriedly replied.

"Comrade division commander, it wasn't me who stopped, but the trucks and tanks in front. The entire convoy stopped."


As soon as the young driver said this, Comrade Lao Ma immediately felt that something was wrong.

What kind of thing can make an entire convoy stop instantly? You must know that this is a convoy with heavy tanks leading the way and infantry fighting vehicles behind. Large military trucks are filled with soldiers from the division's security company and the division commander is escorting the convoy. What son of a bitch would dare to eat a leopard with a bear's heart? Stop my convoy! ? Are these Polish ghosts really tired of living?

Malashenko, who was already angry because of what happened just now, was stunned. Before Comrade Political Commissar could say anything, Comrade Ma immediately pushed open the car door without saying a word. I got out of the car and vowed to find out more and see for myself what happened.

Seeing that it was too late to stop him, Comrade Political Commissar hurriedly chased the car and waved at the truck full of soldiers following behind the car.

Comrade Captain Captain, who understood the situation, immediately waved his hand and turned his head to say hello. Dozens of soldiers from the guard company, fully armed and holding various automatic and semi-automatic weapons, jumped out from the two trucks at the front and rear. Under the leadership of comrade company commander, they quickly rushed towards comrade division commander who had just walked out not far away.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar who had done this was not done yet. He did not immediately chase after Malashenko. Instead, he reached into the passenger seat with the window rolled down and took off the small short-range radio on the car. The station's microphone opened directly after pressing the call button.

"Attention ahead, this is a command vehicle! Comrade Division Commander is moving forward. Immediately organize manpower to maintain vigilance. If necessary, you can open fire without asking for instructions. Priority must be given to ensuring the safety of Comrade Division Commander!"

"The first car has been received. Let's take action. It's over."

Comrade Political Commissar's actions are by no means unnecessary. You must know that the area we are in now is not the relatively safe bridgehead area in the east of the city, but the area in the south of the city where the smoke is still there after the fierce battle, and there are bullet holes and bullet casings and traces of war everywhere.

The fighting in the south area of ​​the city was not too fierce. The German troops in this area did not deploy many heavy weapons at that time. The Warsaw Uprising Army defending this area was not very strong. Most of the exchanges of fire between you and me were small-arms gunfights. .

The hasty retreat of the German army caused the Warsaw Uprising troops in the south area of ​​​​the city to immediately herd their sheep, leaving them in a state where no one was restrained and the sky was high, and they could pretend to be awesome as they wanted.

It is precisely because of this that the political commissar comrades are extremely distrustful of these Polish ghosts who have guns in their hands, whose things have not been confiscated, and who just killed people in a fight not long ago. Who knows if there are some crazy idiots among these Polish ghosts who suddenly jumped out to give Malashenko a blow when he saw that he was already angry.

You must know that Comrade Division Commander does not have the protection of thick armor now. He is just a flesh and blood mortal walking in the area that has just ceased fire. He will still die if he is hit by a bullet with kinetic energy impact.

And the political commissar comrades who have walked side by side with Malashenko and are all sincere and sincere will never allow this situation to happen, even if there is a slight risk, even if they kill those Polish ghosts to nip it in the bud. No problem.

Even good-tempered political commissar comrades sometimes have murderous intentions, but don't think that good-natured political commissar comrades are easy to bully. They can sneak into the Ministry of Internal Affairs and become senior executives, and then return to the front-line field troops from the Ministry of Internal Affairs as political commissars. How can a big man with a disability but a strong mind be a simple person?

Don't underestimate our Comrade Political Commissar. You can trust Commissar Petrov at any time, as always.

Malashenko, who was guarded by combat engineers dismounted from infantry fighting vehicles in the front and closely guarded by soldiers from the guard company directly under the division headquarters in the back, finally reached the front of the convoy and the noisy crowd at a brisk pace on foot.

It was only then that Malashenko, who was approaching, finally noticed it with his naked eyes.

It turned out that these happy Polish ghosts were gathering on the road, dancing and cheering around the newly captured German equipment. One or two of them were even happier than the Chinese New Year. People of all ages, men, women and children came over to watch the fun, and they didn’t know what it was about. What an incredible gadget to make these Polish ghosts so happy.

The curious Malashenko immediately decided to go and have a look, and then issued an order just like the soldiers who were on alert around him.

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