Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2077 Those who were scared away

"Get out of the way, everyone! Get out of the way immediately, quickly!"

"The Red Army has passed. Unrelated people should retreat! Get out of the way immediately and move quickly!"

Malashenko didn't have time to hang out with these Polish ghosts, so he took the time to see what made the Polish ghosts so happy, and then he had to get in the car and continue on his way.

He ordered the soldiers to disperse the crowd so that he could take a good look at what was hidden in the crowd and see the true face of Mount Lu. This will also make it easier for the convoy to pass later, and not be blocked by the noisy Polish ghost crowd. Anyway, sooner or later, we have to disperse the crowd and divert traffic, so it would be nice to do it now. Nothing bad.

"Damn, I want to see what makes these Polish ghosts so stupid and happy."

The curious Malashenko watched as his five powerful soldiers forcibly drove away the crowd. Those Polish ghosts with guns also saw that the Red Army was powerful. Not only were there many people, but there were also tanks and heavy machine guns mounted on them. To help out, he really did not dare to make any mistakes and immediately stepped aside, which was quite sensible.

Malashenko did not order the soldiers to collect the weapons in the hands of the Polish ghosts. He was mainly worried that this might cause unnecessary misunderstandings and cause trouble. Taking a step back, I am about to lead my troops out of the city and say goodbye to Warsaw. I can't afford to find trouble for myself at this juncture. Let's leave the collection of weapons to the follow-up friendly forces.

Seeing that everything was going well, the Polish ghost man also had the good sense not to confront the Red Army. Malashenko, who felt that he was in a slightly better mood, immediately stepped forward. After taking a few steps, he finally reached the dispersed crowd. From a position closer to the front, I saw with my own eyes the true face of Lushan, which made me extremely curious.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't look at it. After taking a look at Malashenko, something was wrong with him immediately.

I saw a few Polish ghosts surrounding a thing similar to a tank chassis. Oh, to be precise, it should be a simple tank chassis without a turret. The size is much smaller in proportion. Just put it aside and have fun. Not to mention, he moved his hands up and down blindly, and when he saw buttons that he didn't know what they were used for, he would go up and touch them, just like a little kid who just picked up a favorite toy.

If this was just an ordinary tank chassis without a turret, it would be fine. It would never have caused Malashenko to have such a stress reaction, which was like an electric shock all over his body.

But the problem is, the appearance of this thing is too damn evil! As a future time traveler, this is not the first time that Malashenko has seen something like this. On the Internet in the 21st century, where information exchange is developed, there are many legends about this thing.

The terrifying level of the turretless tank chassis in front of him was, to be precise, even scarier than a German Jagdtiger in combat status lying suddenly in front of Malashenko.

After all, the Hunter Tiger is clumsy and has no turret. As long as you get around its blind spot, it will never be able to kill you. Such a short distance is actually beneficial to the two-legged infantry.

But this thing, Malashenko asked himself, if he remembered correctly, it was a precious thing that could make the entire street around him disappear in an instant!

There was a roar, a white cloth was covered, and the whole village, old and young, waited for the food to be served.

Oh, no! This damn thing can’t be covered with white cloth!

Why would you use a white cloth to cover it when it exploded to nothing? You don’t even have room to build it, so if you can pick up two pieces of meat, it’s considered a blessing from the King of Heaven!

"I'm going to kill you! These stupid Polish guys are crazy!!!"

Malashenko was so horrified that his whole body trembled for an instant, as if his soul was out of his body. The roar that followed immediately startled everyone around him.

"Withdraw! Get out quickly! Everyone, get in the car and get out! Everyone back up, immediately!!!"

Malashenko, who was frightened out of his mind, issued orders in an almost crazy way. The soldiers around him who were completely confused about the situation were surprised but responded quickly. They were driven by the military duty of "obeying orders" and were trying to figure out what was going on. He had taken the first step and started to act according to orders.

"I heard you all! Get out! Get out quickly! Get in the car! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!"

At least one thing should be fortunate. The power system design of the current Stalin series heavy tanks is not the "Soviet never retreats" during the Cold War. The reverse gear means that it can reach 4 kilometers per hour, which is comparable to a kid's walk. style.

The entire series of Starlin series heavy tanks are equipped with more than one reverse gear, and the reverse speed is relatively fast. After receiving Malashenko's order, the reverse gear was fully engaged and the leading IS6 heavy tank retreated at full speed. It immediately fell backwards at a very fast speed amid the black smoke.

The other vehicles that followed the leading IS6 also moved equally quickly. Whether they were infantry fighting vehicles, wheeled trucks, or jeeps, they were all moving backwards collectively at the fastest speed under the premise of being methodical and orderly. Reverse the sequence.

This kind of emergency coordination and retreat in an unexpected situation is actually the best test of whether a force with the reputation of being elite is worthy of its name.

There are elite troops all over the world who can carry out downwind offensives with great success, but it is difficult to find troops who can coordinate and coordinate a whole convoy and retreat in an orderly manner in an emergency.

Fortunately, Malashenko's investment in his troops was not in vain.

After experiencing countless narrow escapes on various battlefields, almost all of these elite veterans of the Leadership Division have very strong ability to withstand pressure on the spot, and they know that no matter how panicked or chaotic they are in such an emergency, it will be useless. Useless or not, cooperation is the only way for everyone to survive together.

However, what is more funny is that looking at Malashenko and his soldiers as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight, they hurriedly reversed and retreated without falling. A group of Polish ghosts who were originally standing in the middle of the road to watch the capture of the German tank were still standing there stupidly and indifferently. They didn't know how to run away like this, let alone what was happening. .

"Why did those Soviets run away? Weren't they so vicious just now?"

"I don't know, what were they shouting? They seemed to be very scared."

The Poles could not understand Russian, and they had no idea what the order Malashenko had just shouted out as if he was frightened out of his wits. This ignorant person's fearless criticism spirit was fully demonstrated at this time.

"Ha, they were probably scared away by this tank! Aren't there rumors that the German tanks are very powerful? Maybe the Soviets were frightened when they saw the German tanks and ran away in panic. That must be the case. wrong."

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