Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2078 500 kg

The self-righteous idiot was right about one thing. Malashenko and his soldiers were indeed scared away by this German headless tank lying in the middle of the road.

It's just that if this tank is just lying naked in the middle of the road with no one around and is abandoned here in an unmanned state, then Malashenko and his soldiers are far more than He was so frightened that he turned around and retreated without even looking back, as if he had just seen a ghost.

Perhaps Malashenko will lead a team of soldiers to go up carefully to inspect the headless German tank and "play with it professionally".

The result is obvious. Malashenko was definitely not simply scared away by the German headless tanks.

What scared you away?

The answer is simple. I was scared away by those Polish fools who were operating blindly on tanks.

As for the specific reasons for further details, Malashenko did not have time to explain so much to the political commissar comrades now. He just kept directing the troops to retreat in the car.

"The tail car should pay attention to the direction, don't hit the obstacles, and always pay attention to the situation behind! If the owner is stuck, the entire convoy will be unable to move!"

"The lead truck doesn't need to change its formation, Sukar! IS6 is at the front for me! Get out of the Sukar if it's convenient to pick out the outside of the tank! Hurry and get the Sukar to the back of the convoy! Find a truck that's not crowded to hide in Put your head down in the carriage! If you don’t want your head to fall on the ground, do what I say!”

The concentration of "Suka" and "Bulle" soared to the critical value. Malashenko, who was full of elegance and easy-going, seemed to have entered berserk mode with a microphone in his hand. He was really looking at the confused political commissar comrades on the side. Confused.

"What's wrong with you? What happened??? You can tell me at least so that I can help you think of a solution and do something."

Comrade Political Commissar obviously has good intentions. As the "number one brain" in the entire leadership division and even above the Chief of Staff, Comrade Political Commissar who is over fifty years old can always help Malashenko solve many problems with his rich experience and coping strategies. Now he only hopes that this time he can help Malashenko as always.

Now that all the urgent orders have been given, there is nothing for me to "roar even with wheat" for the time being.

After running all the way and retreating, Malashenko had no time to take a breath until now. He put down the microphone, and after taking a few breaths of air as if he was starved of oxygen, he spoke to the political commissar with his right eyelid twitching.

"Those Polish guys are looking for death! Ahead, at that intersection, those idiots are playing with what the Germans left behind."


Boom! ! !



Before Malashenko could finish his words, an absolutely earth-shattering loud noise suddenly rose from the ground and shook the earth!

The strong tremor that came from that moment was like the end of the world. He thought to himself that he was probably not going to have to confess his one hundred or almost two hundred pounds here today. Malashenko blurted out the word "grass" in an instant and felt in his heart Suddenly all thoughts were lost.

At such a close distance, the effective killing radius has not yet been withdrawn. I am afraid I am not going to send it this time!

"Malashenko, comrade division commander! Wake up, wake up quickly!"

I don’t know how long it took, but Malashenko, who was dazed and his eyesight went black, felt someone shaking and calling him vigorously, and the voice was still very familiar.

"Mom, have I already sent it? When you open your eyes, it will be heaven???"

Malashenko, whose head was dizzy, slowly opened his eyes. Fortunately, the world in front of him was not heaven, but still in the car.

Well, it was just that there were shards of glass everywhere, and the door at hand and the hood overhead were severely deformed inside the car. Malashenko estimated that the big hole on the roof was created by his own head.

"We're, uh, are you okay? Huh?"

Malashenko, who had been looking around for a week, didn't have time to figure out the situation, so he asked the political commissar comrades around him who had been trying to wake him up just now.

Fortunately, at the moment of the explosion, Malashenko, a tall man with a height of 1.93 meters, was protectively suppressed under him. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who was only over 1.7 meters tall and was much thinner due to cancer, was Malashenko's big body was well protected and he was fine at the moment.

At least Comrade Political Commissar hit the flesh, while Malashenko hit the iron. It's that simple.

"I'm fine. Let's not talk about it for now. How are you?"

He covered his forehead with his hands and listened to Comrade Political Commissar's anxious inquiries. Malashenko, who did not feel any tenderness in his hands and there should be no wounds or blood, nodded, and quietly replied to Comrade Political Commissar as if the problem was not serious.

"I'm fine. It's just a bag that hit my head. It's a small problem. I'd better get out of the car and see my comrades first."

"Well, feel free to speak if you have any questions. Let's go."

Comrade Political Commissar also knew that the situation was urgent. Since Comrade Division Commander seemed to be fine, let's leave it at that. After all, the chaotic world outside the car is indeed important, and we must go out and see it quickly.




After several harsh metal collisions and slaps, Malashenko shook his head helplessly and turned to look at the political commissar comrades on the side.

"My car door is stuck and I can't move it! How about trying yours?"

Fortunately, only one side of the car door was severely deformed by the impact, not both sides. The door on Comrade Political Commissar's side could still be opened with a little effort. The little driver in the front seat, whose face was covered in blood after being hit, but who was still conscious and able to move on his own, climbed out of the car almost at the same time through the completely shattered front windshield that no longer existed.

The moment the soles of his feet landed and he came to the world outside the car, Malashenko felt that the world in front of him was a mess of flying sand and rocks that had not yet settled.

The streets were littered with masonry and rubble blown up by the shock wave. The thick street light poles in Haiwankou that were broken by the blast were like javelins piercing into the front houses on the street. This shows the power and kinetic energy of the explosion. The impact was huge.

Malashenko's vehicle, the command-type Gas Jeep, which was protected in the center of the convoy, was mercilessly blown away by the explosion shock wave. The situation of other vehicles further forward facing the explosion impact was naturally not much better.

The troop transport truck in front of the car had its upper hood almost completely flattened. Fortunately, Malashenko's loud roar gave advance warning. The soldiers in the truck lay down and crouched in the truck bed, barely escaping. Due to the sweeping explosion impact storm, it is hard to say whether anyone was injured by the penetration fragments or directly killed.

Some of the soldiers who were not seriously injured had already got out of the car and came to the street. They were relieved to see that both the division commander and the political commissar were safe. Now they turned around and went back to rescue the injured comrades. There was no need for Malashenko to issue any orders. Too many commands.

Under the protection of some surrounding soldiers who came over on their own initiative and guarded the left and right, Malashenko came to the front of the convoy where the dust from the explosion was rippling.

I saw that the IS6 heavy tank at the head, which Malashenko ordered to have a hard top explode and protect the cars at the rear of the convoy, was now in the same miserable state.

This is an early IS6 heavy tank that belongs to the guard tank company directly under the division headquarters. Because the intensity of the combat missions participated by the guard tank company directly under the division headquarters is not as high as that of the main battle force, Malashenko put the newly arrived second The batch-improved IS6, which comes with its own sandwich composite armor, has been given priority to the main battle units to give full play to the optimal combat effectiveness of the new equipment.

As for his battlefield personal security and the guard tank company directly under the division headquarters, they were placed at the back of the order for equipment changes.

At present, this early batch of IS6, which is equipped with modular additional composite armor on the front and bottom, as well as on both sides of the body and turret, in order to enhance defense, has become a scarred vehicle. A completely broken car.

Almost all the additional modular external composite armor has been blown away by the strong explosion impact and blast wind.

The IS6, which originally gained a full circle of weight after adding a complete set of defense kits, has now "slimmed down" back to the original state of the base version, and is also covered in scars scratched by broken bricks, rubble and debris. The camouflage paint on his body is fucking scratched.

But it is precisely because this IS6, which has gained a lot of weight, is at the front and withstands the main shock wave damage of the big explosion, that the fragile unarmored and lightly armored vehicles in the convoy protected behind it can escape from it. It survived a huge explosion with a terrifying 500 kilogram charge, equivalent to the power of a single 1-ton aerial bomb.

The car was simply blown away by the aftermath of the explosion, instead of being instantly restored to factory settings and torn into pieces. This is already the most fortunate thing among misfortunes, and the most fortunate thing.

"What on earth blew up? How could it be so powerful!? What did you see in the middle of the road just now?"

The commander of the IS6, who had just climbed out of the turret to get some air after surviving the dizziness, gave a thumbs up to express praise and encouragement. Malashenko, who was surviving the disaster, lamented his fate, and finally had time to answer the questions raised by the political commissar comrades who had just arrived and caught up with him.

"Grabben Wolf, a remote-controlled self-destruct tank created by the Germans, with a 500-kilogram charge. The wave just now was equivalent to a one-ton aerial bomb exploding in our faces, so just be thankful that you didn't die." Big."

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