Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2086 Death Factory (6)

Little Ivan, who had been hit hard by a stick around his ankle, could not survive such a blow. He was immediately knocked to the ground unsteadily, but he just let out a muffled grunt and tried not to cry out with a painful expression. Even if As a prisoner of war, I also have things I want to stick to and unyieldingness. Google search reading

"I'll show you how stupid you are to disobey me, Slavic bitch, but that's just the beginning."


Well! ! !

Another hard blow was given to little Ivan, at the same spot on his right ankle as usual.

The tattered autumn clothes were no longer covering the body and were almost reduced to strips of cloth. After eating these two times, little Ivan’s exposed ankles immediately looked like frozen vegetables in the winter. Becomes purple, swollen and sickly.

"Comfortable, right? You can make some noise because it's not over yet!"





"I told you to shout! Are you deaf, you Russian bastard?!"


Everyone present was witnessing all this happening, whether they were Red Army prisoners of war or SS soldiers guarding the scene with guns.

The difference is that the SS soldiers look at them with a look of teasing, expectation, or ridicule, without exception. After being on duty in the concentration camp for so long, all the SS soldiers stationed here knew that such things were just commonplace in this place, and could even be regarded as the slightest "punishment". For these low-level prisoners, That's considered merciful for a bastard.

No one will be disgusted or unacceptable to this. People who feel this way have long been transferred and driven away to continue doing unknown tasks elsewhere. Those who can stay without exception are like birds of a feather. The reaction of guys of the same type in a group to the scene in front of them is naturally surprisingly consistent, without exception.

Seeing little Ivan being pushed to the ground and beaten severely, it is obviously impossible to say that the other Red Army prisoners of war present had no feelings about this at all.

Strong anger filled everyone's heart unstoppably, and what was revealed between their brows and eyes was the hatred that wanted to cut Fasis's flesh and bones into pieces.

But there is no way. The reality that forms are stronger than people is so real in front of everyone that you cannot help but face it.

The SS bastards around are not holding fire sticks. The loaded bullets will mercilessly take the life of anyone who dares to act rashly.

Not to mention that these prisoners of war, who were extremely weak, were already skin and bones. Compared with these sickly and fat SS bastards who spent all day hanging out in a comfortable rear environment, even if they did not consider weapons and simply said It is impossible to defeat him in hand-to-hand combat.

Fighting with the Germans? It makes no sense and will result in the entire army being annihilated. After trying hard to survive for so long, choosing to die immediately is not an easy decision to make. Every prisoner of war who has survived until now has an extremely strong desire to survive. With such a It is not easy to end the life that you have struggled to carry on to this day by dying in vain.

Anger and hatred are the only things that can be done in this helpless situation, nothing more.

"Damn bastard! I asked you to shout out for me, you bitch, are you deaf!? Shout! Shout for me!!! I asked you, bitch, to scream out immediately!!!"

The first unexpected sneak attack could make the unprepared little Ivan scream, but no matter how hard he picked up the stick, how hard he used it, or how many times he hit the same part of the ankle, the black dog would still be unbelievable. And I was extremely shocked to find that this damn Russian prisoner never screamed again.

I personally tried so hard but didn't get any feedback. I just saw this Russian bitch huddled in a ball, hiding in the snow with his head in his hands and being beaten, but he didn't make a sound at all.

On weekdays, you can get any feedback you want at will. This undesirable situation makes the black dog who took action personally feel even more angry.

The less feedback I get, the more annoyed I become. The more annoyed I am, the harder I work. The harder I work, the more tired I become and out of breath. The more tired I become, the more out of breath it is because I have put in so much effort. He went into battle in person, but still got no feedback at all and inevitably became more furious and angry. It formed a perfect closed loop of breaking defenses.

The black leather dog felt that everything in front of him was simply humiliating himself, humiliating himself to the point where he was completely naked and disgraced.

How could he not get the feedback he wanted from a despicable and despicable Russian prisoner of war? It's still the kind that seems very simple to get.

The cruel fact before him made him unbearable and even more unacceptable. He picked up the black stick made of rubber and beat him round after round with no satisfactory results. He didn't know how capable the Russian guy was, and what was the bottom line? , How many sticks do you need to swing to make him groan in pain as much as you want, or even scream, hold your legs and kneel down to beg for mercy?

The black dog was going crazy with random thoughts in his head and beating him in his hands.

Not only did others look at him like a mad dog, but he himself felt that his madness was almost over. I have almost used up all my strength in carrying the heavy rubber black rod and swinging it hard. Even if I continue, I will only be more like a tired panting in the winter, with white breath coming out of my mouth. Really black dog”.

"Ughhhh! Damn the Russian bitch, damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!!"

In the end, the rubber black stick that had been beaten was a little distorted and at least could not reset itself. It was thrown far away. The black dog, whose defense had been broken beyond repair, roared and screamed, as if it was being peeled away by something. All dignity and dignity were lost, and the whole person was crazy and strode away without looking back, not even willing to look back for even half a second.

The SS soldiers, who were confused by the unexpected situation that had never happened before, immediately trotted in the direction where their masters left after seeing this, leaving only a few who had been assigned tasks in advance. SS soldiers and translators remained here.

"Get to work! Everyone, get to work, don't wait any longer! Get to work all at once!"

"Hurry up!"

The Germans will not show mercy to you just because you are knocked to the ground and injured. This is true for all prisoners of war. The random shouts in their mouths are orders that must be carried out.

Roskov, who knew he couldn't hide, knew what he should do. He had to help his brother. At least this would make him who had been forced to watch all this happen, but could do nothing. Feeling better would save his brother's life, if he could survive.

"Hey! Brother, get up! Grab my shoulders and I'll hold you up. We have to go! We can't let you fall into the hands of those fascist bastards!"

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